Tuesday, May 2, 2017


 Before you continue reading the following blog, I'd like to advise the Readers that I have come to realize that the Democratic Party of (Old) doesn't exist anymore!
     A party that was once totally imbedded in abiding by the Constitution just as the G.O.P. was, no longer can brag emphatically that it still is!
     In a Christian sense, Anyone who still believes in God and goes to a church of their choosing can't possibly attach themselves to the evolved intentions in which the Leaders of that Party are now exposing their SHEEPLE to!
      It's a conundrum to say the least!
     The more I do my blogging on the recent Politics that I started doing in February of 2001, the more I learn about the behavior of the different Parties of now and yesteryear!
     I guess I'm not alone in discovering that, once you do Political blogs on the affairs of the Country's Government and how they handle themselves, you begin to realize that we haven't put the finishing touches on, or come to agree on, what was intended in it over the 250 years it first came into being.
     What I have come to recognize, is what we learn about it isn't necessarily the way the Party of the "Left" has Construed it's intentions!
     I came to this Country on May 24th, 1976 to follow the footsteps of my older Siblings and to be near them.
     Prior to that time, I had never really read the U.S. Constitution but knew for sure it had to be good because of the success this Most Powerful Country in the World had, in running it's Civil and Military affairs.
     I came to realize very quickly, it was written in plain language that everybody from 10 years old to the age 100 and beyond, could read it and satisfactorily abide by it!
     I knew then, why the Founding Fathers drafted up and took careful editing time to finally present it to the common PEOPLE;   It was established not just for the purposeful use of a Government, but mainly for every man, woman and child to know it for the protection of the people!
     You only need to read it, to realize it's for the equal rights of every legal citizen in America!
     Not to be used for a Gov't alone!   
     Why do I write this you ask?? Well, if you think about it as you read it, it comes clear to the Reader that what has taken place over the last three Decades was everything BUT the Constitution for everyone!
     Not only then to protect just a 'Chosen Few' (The "LEFT") in Gov't Office who ironically hid and still hide behind the Rules to protect their Evil motives of having an eventual, "ONE WORLD ORDER", Godless Gov't from which THEY would be part of the ruling force, and in charge of the globalized what I refer to now as; "SHEEPLE".
     Their motives now clear, were meant to lead us all the way away from our 'SACRED' People's CONSTITUTION for their own selfish "GLOBAL" wishes! Then they'll destroy it!
     In other words, COMMUNISM!!
     Then; After them completing the job wanting to be done by the "PRGRESSIVE LEFT" and Hillary Clinton that would quickly finish the job left behind by the Devil himself; Barack Obama! Who "stepped on his own dick" by being in such a hurry to accomplish it himself! 
     You see,.....they  both along with the "LEFT", have and always will think that the World of "SHEEPLE" including me, are too stupid to comprehend what their true intentions are!! (Read both their histories of having attended Atheist based "Midwest Academy" still existing in infamous Chicago!)
     Our only defense against this being the case, could be what's happening right at this very moment by the sitting President, Donald Trump!!  There's very little doubt of this happening sometime in the Future. Be it now, or further down the road if we, the "People" allow it.
     There's still a light for us at the end of the tunnel!
     With Donald Trump as our President, and him being the avowed Christian I happen to believe he is, instead of our #1, #2 and #3 Enemies  along with the Entertainment world, not allowing them to gather us into their web of Communism to rule us as the SHEEPLE they look on us as.
     Why wouldn't we just stay on top where we presently are, let our President establish a GLOBAL Gov't where we the PEOPLE of the World can still be the Boss under the guidance of our Christian God, retain all our Countries of wealth and Natural Resources to ourselves for re-distribution as we please, (After processing of course!) and have a "CHRISTIAN GLOBAL"
 Gov't instead?
     With having nothing other than those two choices,; Which would us "PEOPLE" of Faith rather have??
     I choose the Latter of the two! With little choice of anything else for our future, it would end with more of a DREAM that could come true, rather than the NIGHTMARE we've just come through for 8 years, and from a world of "Fake News" and deceptive, selfish Politicians!  
     Know what I mean, Vern??,  Just dreamin'!

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