Wednesday, February 29, 2012


       If a Bishop of the Pope was found to have ordered Catholic terrorists to create the 9/11 slaughter in N.Y., don't you think police in New York City would be closely monitoring the Vatican and the Catholics in New York after that? And don't you think the Catholics in the rest of the world would be angry at the Vatican and the Catholic terrorists who would do such a thing? Of course they would!!!!!
      Would there have been Catholic communities out dancing and celebrating in the streets of this country because 9/11 happened? Of course they wouldn't, nor would any other Christian!!! But some Muslims living in America did!
      Oh, yes, some Islamic voices softly spoke out concerning what the terrorists did on 9/11, but there was no true outrage and no condemnation of  the act the way it would have been the other way around.
      And then of course, we have the Marxist/Socialist Front who have done their darndest to claim it was an inside job by the Bush Administration. Enough so our neighbors to the North have a tendency to believe it. In their respect it's because of the twisted information they get from the only News they're allowed to hear and that's the Main Media including the CBC. (CBC is owned by the Queen of England personally.) Most Canadians don't know that nor do a lot of them want to believe it. Did they not see Osama Bin Laden laughing about it and referring to the terrorists as heroes? They must not have been watching Fox News. I saw it.
      I'm not against anybody having their own religious or political beliefs. that's what our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights is all about. But the Muslim communities complaining about the NYPD monitoring some of their movements and radical statements is wrong and should continue to fall on deaf ears. The Police Dept's around the country are expected to do just that in case Terrorists or Anti-american plots damage this nation and it's citizens in it. In fact it's fine with me if someone is monitoring my blogs on behalf of the safety of this United States.
      This was, and is a nation built on Judeo-Christian beliefs right from the get-go, and having lived in a Socialist based country where it's principles are controlled by mandates on freedom of speech, such as laws against speaking out against homosexuality, makes me glad I now live here in America.
     For 235 years we have existed very successfully with Constitutional rules of law and separation of  Church and State. People have always had to, for the most part, work for a living according to the best of their abilities. With the exception of Handicapped people for any reason, we all have the capability to live a free and normal life. If we work, we get paid, if we spend our money wisely, we can keep up with the Jone'se's. If you refuse to work, you shouldn't expect to be paid or be taken care of on someone else's dime. If illness or a bad economy occurs not of your own making, that's another story. There are provisions for that and I agree we need to take care of our own citizens.
     In any civilized society, there are levels of steps according to the abilities and intelligence of each person. The smartest ones with common sense receive higher pay. Not everyone has the same level of intelligence, so when everybody fits into a position that's suitable to their cleverness and physical needs , it's an ideal situation and the country succeeds. Free rides are not in the budget and shouldn't be. But for the classes who can work and can but don't, they don't deserve a free ride. Such is the way of a Free Republic that's been at the top of their game for all these years, second to none.
     There's no way any political Society such as Marxism/Socialism can match the efforts of a free society like ours.
But to have someone enter this country from another and once here, refuse to honor the American values as they stand, including saluting the flag, and still complain about the way it's run, shouldn't be acceptable. Radical Islamists, born here or not, are clearly in resentment of our laws as they exist. They obviously stand behind the actions of the Anti-amercans in other parts of the world. If they're unhappy with our way of life, Supply them with a free,Afghanistan passport and a free kick in the whatevers on their way out.
     I know this is a "radical" statement that won't happen, but we can dream, can't we?
     Barack Hussein Obama is creating a culture dependency!    Just sayin

Monday, February 27, 2012


     Why is it we don't rebound to the nasty, over the top remarks throughout the years of  Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright? Better than that, why do they do it?
     Well, I'm going to venture a reason that probably won't surprise a lot of people. They're in it for the money!!! It's my contention they really don't give a damn about the concerns of the black population or they would have paid more attention to helping them improve their lives and conditions from what they presently are. But, they haven't done that nor do they want to for the sake of their own personal greed. It works for them to let them remain downtrodden as long as they have a listening audience that supports their greed.
     I believe there is physical and mental equality among all of us humans on earth. But first they must be taught how to use it. That's not what's happened, unfortunately.
     Slavery was without a doubt, the worst mistake this New Country ever made, and I disrespect the people responsible for it.
     Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright, Preachers all, are guilty of the same thing. Exploiting the ignorance of their own kind. They do it by spitting out hatred for the Whites in this country through their incessant, vile speeches time after time after time, and in this election year it's getting worse. I see no letup to it soon, either.
     They are the enemy within, in regards to inspiring hatred towards their own white countrymen, or the rest of their saviors of freedom for that matter. I refer to the civil war in which 365,000 union troops died in combat to free the slaves. But to what avail? Only to have their supposed representatives preach hatred toward the white population, not unlike the Europeans whom we freed from Hitler and Japan. In another article, I pointed out the recent question asked by a retired Army General. "I wonder who dislikes us the most,The ones where we kicked their asses, or the ones where we saved them."
     I believe the Black Leaders I have mentioned in this article fit into the same category. I say this with no discrimination in mind toward the Black population as a whole at all. I only resent what they're being told to further the cause of those greedy leaders and to fuel the fires of revolution that needn't be.      Just sayin'.

Friday, February 24, 2012


      When  people and Gov'ts talk about mineral rights in reference to oil, natural gas and coal, they are wrong.
      There are many minerals in the world such as iron,copper,gold,platinum,titanium,mercury,uranium , silver, etc. So when precedents were made in mining terms, the laws concerning "mineral rights" seem to have been applied to anything that comes from under the ground. That shouldn't be so.
      Now I haven't gone into the research too deeply, unless I take a further course in the matter, which I don't intend to do. But I can say this much, no precious metals are volatile. Coal, natural gas and oil are, and they actually fall into the class of macerals. ( Coming from anything that rots under different circumstances, becomes trapped and creates gases under pressure that stay contained in the principle material,under the pressure of the solid earth or the tremendous pressure of the water over a period of millions or billions of years.) Fish oil is a maceral which mainly came from "Mackerel". Just a point of interest, I guess. Back when coal was discovered centuries ago, it was principally used for burning as an alternative to wood for keeping warm.
     As the World became more advanced, it was realized that coal could also be processed as a bi-product for coal oil and became widely popular in place of  Whale oil required for lamps.
      Then it was soon used for many different purposes. ( 150 bi-products other than burning.) 
      But the biggest misconception is what it's largely used for now, and for the past approximate 120 years. The production of Steel and the controlled tempering of it.
     Let me explain the varieties of coal most popular today; Anthracite coal, along with Bituminous,  because of their highly volatile maceral properties and coke (Carbon) content are processed for the smelting  and production of Steel, such as Carbide Steel used in many kinds of metal products. An estimated 90% of it's production is shipped around the world for that purpose. 10 %, having been closest to the surface and Nature's weather elements over the millions of years, loses it's coking ( Carbon) qualities, burns at a lower heat and can not be used for Steel production. It's more suitable for use in power plant production and other bi-product purposes.
      Lignite coal also has a lower coking quality and therefore is not suitable for the production of metal products. ( China has large coal deposits but being of a lower quality, produces Carbide Steel of a lower quality.
     Hence the poor quality in saw blades for example. I, being a carpenter and handyman in my retired years, can get 3 times more use of a blade produced in the U.S.A. I've used both.)
     Lignite coal is the most ideal of the coal varieties for burning in domestic furnaces and coal and wood stoves, because of the lower volatility it possesses. The higher volatile coals tend to
actually burn out the support grates.
      last, there is the lowest form of coal in it's dry form, Graphite which is very commonly used in different grades of pencils. It is not lead at all and people who become alarmed that their kids put the tips in their mouth to darken it's affect on paper need not be upset, It's only low-carbon coal!
      Having been born and raised in Coal mining country such as Fernie, B.C., Canada, and fortunate enough to work for one of the largest producers of Steel in the World and Kaiser Coal Company, I was able to learn and understand the value of coal.
      Due to this though, I also was disappointed to find how little the general populace of the modern world was educated concerning the coal Industry.
      I believe the past and current Governments, through the prompting of other Industries lobbying for cleaner fuels, are largely ignorant of the true uses of coal and see it as a primitive source of value. They tend to leave the impression with most of us that it could be replaced by other maceral sources such as oil.
     But until they can replace the carbon needed in many bi-products and particularly steel, they're only making it difficult for the coal Industry.
     With China's attitude toward the United States and Canada, we're foolish to supply them with our valuable resources, particularly since they're the main cause of our Tea Party middle class workers chomping at the bit to get back to work.
      From here I'm only suggesting it in the respect of the way I think it should be, concerning ownership of a country's natural resources.
     Who do you think should own the rights to oil, particularly when a body of it can spread for thousands of miles laterally under the earth? Yes, I agree that when you buy a piece of property and you find metals of any kind existing under your feet, it should belong to you. Precious or otherwise. That's because when you own private property, you own the "mineral rights", unless you have agreed to otherwise conditions with the previous owner.
     But coal, natural gas and oil are not minerals, and so essential to everyone in the country, that they should only belong to a nation that's under the control of a duly elected Gov't of the people. Even though oil, natural gas or coal is below private property, it should never belong to the owner of the property. Oil company or not. In our case it should be considered the property of all the people of the countries in which it exists. When the oil companies decide to take it out of the ground, it shouldn't be their's to do with as they please in terms of shipping it out of the country in which it belongs. It shouldn't even be up to the politicians to decide. It has become such a crucial necessity to us, the owners, that it should be up for a vote of approval by the citizens at large to decide at election time where it should go.
      For example, selling it presently to the Chinese to create products that normally used to be manufactured in this country is basically wrong, because it has become the main reason we have a severe shortage of both jobs and oil in what used to be the most powerful, freedom loving nation on earth.
     There wouldn't be such a high price on oil here if we were allowed easier, less expensive access to it right here before any of it was shipped out of the U.S. We wouldn't need OPEC at all.
     We aren't even getting the direct benefit of the Alaska North Slope oil in fact.
     You only have to be waiting for the Guemes Island ferry enough to see how many foreign ships, including the huge, orange colored Chinese ones, go back and forth from the oil refineries in Anacortes, to realize how much the oil companies are selling out of the United States to other parts of the world. And it seems to be at their leisure simply because we allowed them to pump it out of the ground! It shouldn't really be their's to do with as they wish outside the U.S.
     It's my contention that we should get our own ample share first, rather than depend on imported oil from OPEC at a price not controlled by us. Don't you see the hypocrisy in all of this??
     My point is this, Politicians alone should never be solely trusted to make all the decisions on crucial affairs such as this without putting it to a public vote, not just a Congressional one.
     There's a money factor involved here that just can't be ignored. I'm sure most of us know what that's all about!
     This is one thing that one man, one special interest group or Congress should not be allowed to make decisions on. Not even the "Great one".
     It should only be decided by the American Voters, directly on a November or special election  ballot. In his 2008 election speech, He promised one thing for sure. I have it on video tape. "If  I am elected, I will make us independent on Foreign oil from Opec and Venezuela."
     Today he is promising Venezuela's President, Hugo Chavez, ongoing purchases of Venezuelan Oil and has offered to give financial aid in them developing their oil fields.
     Does this make sense to you??? This guy is going to be the richest man to ever leave the White House. That's the real reason he is there!    Just sayin'.


      I was watching John Stossel on "Fox News" interview a legislator from the city of New York. This particular man is pushing a law to limit Taxi cabs in New York City. When Stossel asked him why he wanted to do such a thing, his reply was,"They's jest too many cabs in New Yoke City!!" Or something like that. He then went on to say, " We jest don't have enough regalation".
     Now I ask you, what would the traffic be like if everybody took their own car??? Well, judge for yourself as to who's telling us what to do these days!!...
 Ho hum...ZZZZZZZZZZ.               Jest sayin'.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


       Well, will he?? So they say some Amercan soldiers burned a Koran! So what?? Should we kill some Muslims for burning the American flag? I don't know about some of you readers, but that flag is Sacred to me! But in a sensible Society we don't kill someone for it!
      But our President has apologized to the Afghan President, instead of requesting Karzai to punish his soldier for murdering our patriotic volunteer soldiers. Just being in that Godforsaken, worthless Muslim country in the first place is asking way too much. For God's sake and theirs, get them out of there!!!
      I don't agree with burning the Koran or any other Sacred document, but to me the punishment far exceeds the crime. These Nuts are so extreme and just plain crazy that there's absolutely no common sense in attempting to deal with them. We don't have to deal them and protecting their so called "phony, thieving Democracy" is wrong! Especially at the cost of our precious warriors who Barack Hussein Obama has no respect for in the first place.
      I'm totally aghast at him calling Karzai to apologize for the burning of the Koran without mention of our two dead soldiers as a result of an insane Afghan soldier.
     If Karzai had any brains at all,which he doesn't, he wouldn't have condoned the killing of the two Americans by one of his own. Instead, he has labelled him a hero, and so does the Islamic Press!  
     The soldiers certainly deserved to be dealt with through our own Military Court and I'm sure they would have. Even maybe an Islamic Court, but not wantonly slaughtered in the way that they were.
     Obama should demand that the muslim soldier be turned over to our Military authorities immediately or Afghanistan suffer the consequences for their barbaric actions. Of course they wouldn't, but neither would Obama order it either.
     You're now looking at the real character of the man and it ain't pretty.
     The war on Christianity has begun, Folks! If you're smart, you'll watch "Fox News" and not the Obama media. You'll get all the truth there at Fox! Not just the part Obama wants you to hear.
     Just Sayin'.

Monday, February 20, 2012


       In case you haven't looked lately, this is not the time to put a deadly stranglehold on the weary tax payers and the enormously unemployed working class for the sake of the wishes of the special interest groups including the EPA.
       I watch the animal planet a lot anymore and it's like watching the hungry alligators going for the throats of the starving wildebeasts crossing the river to reach the badly needed grass on the other side of the river.
      In this case though, it's the Socialists going after the general population of the United States. Unfortunately they're trying to put a stranglehold on us at a time when we're at our poorest ,weakest and most vulnerable time period. They see the economy as their most valuable tool to change the system in such a way we can never go back to the way it was prior to the economic downturn. this is their only chance and they know it! If it doesn't occur while we're at our weakest, they won't be able to do it again for many years ahead. They're absolutely desperate to gain total control.
      All the major changes they're wanting to make are scheduled not to come into effect until after the November 2012 election. Why do you think they timed it that way? Tax raises of monstrous proportions are lying ahead for everyone who works for a living. Bar none. Even some of the Democratic Congressmen are starting to realize how bad this new system is going to be. That's because They voted for it without reading it, and now it's coming to light.
      I suggest You tune into Rush Limbaugh if you think I'm stretching this. He's on in the mornings on 770 AM, Monday through Friday.
      Please don't get me wrong! I love this earth as much as any Radical Environmentalist and would like to see it respected. But respected with a little common sense. We all know how expensive alternative energy is right now. It's just not within any reasonable financial reach.
     With the downturn in our economy and so many folks out of work, it's not the time to impose mandates that cripple us even more than necessary. Instead of loosening up the the EPA restrictions, they have tightened them even more. Why? Because if they can corral us tight enough now, they can have their way even more in the future.
      Right now Obama is trying to restrict our access to religion, at the same time claiming to be a Christian. If it doesn't look like a duck, walk like a duck and can't fly without Air Force One, it's not a duck!.    Just sayin'.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


     I used to watch the news on all the channels in the "Main Media", particularly in an election year. I took for granted that "Dedicated" news announcers were always attempting to tell not just the news of the world, but all of it, including the truth about all of it as well, to the best of their God given talents.
     If you are one of those who still feel that way, then God bless your naivety!!! Because I don't, anymore. God forgive mine back then, as well!
     There's very little happiness in politics once you realize the whole truth of it all. That's because your interest in it hits a wall of partial truth, deceptions, double talk and hidden political agendas that suit a certain group of self-serving people with only their financial interests in mind.
     It's mass confusion at it's best. So you set out to find the truth because, if you're a patriotic citizen that I consider myself to be, you will want the truth and the whole truth so you know who you want to speak for you in Gov't. Am I right so far? To assume is dangerous but I'm going to assume  I am!
     In my estimation it's very important to understand what the representative you're voting for really has in mind for you when he or she gets in office. So important in fact, that sometimes when I don't know the candidates' real purpose for running, I won't mark for any of them in that box because there's a 50% chance I'm voting for the wrong agenda. That's only after I research the Candidates first and still don't know.We all know there's lots of mistruths and fallicies in some of their campaign ads.
     I don't get so discouraged that I don't send in my ballot. Always do that!
     One thing I've come to determine in my political research on the internet is, there is more than one opinion on any subject, pro and con. I read them all and once satisfied I've read them all, make my decision on who's telling the most truth and take it from there.
     I have finally come to the decision not to watch the "Main Media" anywhere past the local news. Why? Because even though they may be telling the truth, they are not telling you all the truth if it doesn't serve their hidden political agenda. Larger Gov't and Socialist mandates have now become apparent to me.
     As long as the owners of these channels withhold some of the truth from the viewers to suit their own political purposes, I'll refuse to watch them, because I get ALL of the news and truth from "Fox News". There's no "Anti-Jewish, Anti-Christian or Anti-God" sentiment there.
     I guarantee you one thing. If you would take the time away from the Main Media for just one week to watch "Fox News", you'll be outraged over the garbage that's been fed to you in the past and the lack of facts you've missed. You will see a marked difference between the hosts on Fox News compared to the quality of the people on the other channels. They are holders of more degrees than a thermometer including law and journalism. You'll see familiar faces of people who got fed up with the work they did on the previous "Main Media" channels and decided to pursue the truth of journalistic reporting.
     It's best you get "all" the truth in politics. It's channel #48 in the Puget Sound area.  Just sayin'.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


     In a previous blog I pointed out the debating habits of the "Seminar Socialists". Lets make it clear right now. I say Socialists rather than Liberals from now on because the true Liberal doesn't apply anymore. The true Liberals have departed from the scene and what's left is a far cry from the Liberals of old. There's hardly a similarity left.
     I use the term "Seminar" because after a little research, I discovered there are seminars in which Socialists are taught how to behave exactly the same way when debating the opposition or when discussing politics with anyone who doesn't agree with their point of view. The "Midwest Academy" in Chicago is one of those, established by Barack Obama. They specialize in teaching "Community Organizing"
     They laugh when caught in a lie, They filibuster the opposition when it's not their turn to speak and they continue overtalking until you can't be heard. They also start laughing at you like you're a fool, particularly when you're right about what you say. They'll flat out lie if they have to, and they get away with it if you don't call them on it.
     The best way in my estimation is to silence them by pointing it out to the listening audience. It alerts the viewers as to what the phony, corny strategy is they're using.
     Just a year or so ago, if you called a Liberal a Socialist, it was vehemently denied, even though to anybody else who had already lived under the "Mandate" atmosphere, it was glaringly apparent. Most mandates are a violation of your Constitutional rights!
     You may not have recognized it, but The laws established by the individual States are often times "mandated". In other words, the rules they establish are in contradiction of your freedom of movement, your freedom of speech and freedom of expression. But they have done it and will do it because they know that individuals could never sustain the cost of carrying it to the upper courts. To add to that, if you really could afford to take it to higher levels, it would never get past the 9th Circuit Court of appeals, because the Socialists already established Judges there who would automatically refuse to hear it or would rule on behalf of the State simply because they believe in Socialist "Mandates". Most mandates are unconstitutional because they are established without the consent of the voter.  If you had unlimited money and you could get it to the Supreme Court, they would rule in your favor and justice would finally be served because they are violating your Constitutional rights. Hence the reason the Socialists would love to be able to ignore the Constitution and get away with it. It's why it is so vitally important that the U.S. Supreme Court never comes under the control of Socialist minded Judges such as Ruth Bader Ginsberg. It's dangerously close as it is! Barack Obama has taken the bold step of establishing Mandates by bypassing the Constitution and the Congress and misusing the privilege of Executive order. He has no respect for the U.S. Constitution.
      They despise it when the rules they want to pass are deemed unconstitutional. They preach against it, teacher's union leaders encourage teachers not to include it in the curriculum because it obstructs the philosophy of Socialist learning The Socialists have only taken control because of the misuse of voter privileges. A recent investigation is just now revealing the voter fraud committed by the Socialist Regime in getting Obama elected to the Presidency. 24 million illegally counted votes in the 2008 Presidential election, either dead or incorrect ballots with multiple people voting in as many as 3 different electorates.
     That's a result of left leaning "Acorn" for you. A company established by Barack Obama, used to encourage people to vote his way.
     The recent news of this was printed in a Liberal "left" newspaper today. The Skagit Valley Herald.
 However they tried to point out that they were the result of innocent mistakes. What???
     Question: What do you think of "Media Matters" assahole?        Just sayin'.

Monday, February 13, 2012


       Been there, done that!! It's a case of the tail wagging the dog and eventually it hits a brick wall!
In Europe, it already has. Are you not watching the news? It might work if everybody is honest and sincere to everybody else, but they're not.
      If you think the Democratic system we use in the Republic of the United States is flawed, you are absolutely correct. But you must understand that 20% of our population is NOT honest and sincere to everybody else. They don't care about God's rules because the rules are written in opposition to the "Line of least resistance". Follow it and you'll seldom be right. Because the line of least resistance is also the line of temptation. God's first example of that was his instruction to Adam and Eve not to eat the apple off that tree. But they ignored his instruction and did eat it. Why? Because at the time, they saw no earthly harm in it. And there wasn't, except that his purpose was to teach them to obey the rules, period.
      I doubt they never ate an apple again, but I'll bet they did it with his blessing.
      There will always be a rebuttal of God by 20% of humans because that bunch finds it easier to follow temptation if they deny he exists. It makes it easier for them to believe he doesn't.
      Marxist/Socialists have a path they want us to follow because it suits their taste. But I ask you this question? Have you ever seen a non-believer die smiling with the satisfaction they took the right path?
      They fight to stay alive by any means possible. Ask anyone who works in a rest home. Only religious people die with the thought there is something to look forward to. Peace of mind.
      The Marxist Socialists have proven nothing when it comes to success, anywhere in the world, including China and Russia.
      They took their people down the path of least resistance, and slaughtered millions of people over the years doing it because they resisted the Communist philosophy. All these years and they're still fighting the thought of a Here-after. Why? Because it's easier not to follow God's rules.
      The 80% of this country have done the right thing by keeping our country strong over 250 years without straying from the path of true democracy and without Barack Obama. It's too bad he didn't remain in Kenya under his birth name of Barry Soetoro. Born in Kenya Aug. 4th, 1961. Further information has surfaced since he produced a birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii.
      Yes, the Devil's in the details. Just sayin'.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


     They are all going to be governed by Shariah Law. Barack Obama already has been. He's a Muslim. Don't even think he might be "Christian", as he claims.
He was born one, raised one and has never quit being one. He backed the rebels in Lybia for only one reason. It was not on behalf of Democracy. He knew from behind the scenes that the rebel leaders had no use for the U.S. and would invoke Shariah Law. In his farsighted ambitions, He knew that someone like Moammar Gadaffi would not be a friend of his no matter what happens in the future. The same with Syria's Asad. They would both resist him and his policies.
      As I pointed out in other blogs, Barack Hussein Obama is positioning himself to be the future leader of "The New World Order". He'll need those Arab countries to support his intentions when that happens. He has promised big things to his supporters in the future.
      He doesn't fool me at all. He only wants to hang in there as President of the United States until he has reduced us to another of his third world Socialist countries. He's positioning himself for total control! He has already stirred up the American Muslims into believing in Shariah Law.
      Where else would all those trillions of dollars disappear to? All of the billionaires that support him will be, or have been, issued waivers by executive orders with the intention of receiving a piece of the pie later on. They will be exempt from the Socialist mandates, or so they think.
      He has to convert this Country to Socialism in order to advance his idea of total control.
His behavior of recent days especially indicates he has no intention of leaving the White House until he has accomplished that task. In fact, he is so sure of himself he is already imposing mandates by executive order that defy Congress, Christianity and Judaism. His only hope now is to speed up the process before he leaves office. His failure is in the making and he's starting to panic.
      Imagine what he could do in the two months he will still have to serve if he gets voted out in November.
      The smartest thing Congress and the Supreme Court could do is escort him out of office the minute the votes get counted. Or before then, if his greed appears to get any more radical.  Just sayin'.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


      Barack Hussein Obama achieved his power exactly that way. Of course with the help of a lot of misguided friends as well. Just look at what he has done in one destructive term!
      He has brought the most powerful nation in the world, bar none, to it's knees. He has succeeded in dividing friends, families and religious beliefs to the point of disaster and he will continue doing so until he has what he wants. Total control! Setting financial problems totally aside. His last consideration is the financial welfare of this Country.
     He has plotted a course to destroy every religious person's basic right to their belief  in God, and most directly, Christian sanctity.
     He has now elevated himself to a level that no President has ever been to before. Self designed mandates without the blessing of the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights or permission of Congress.
     What really amazes me is how programmed and well oiled his chosen subjects are in defending his actions. It makes you wonder, has he programmed them or, have they programmed him? It's food for thought, don't you think?
     What ever it is, it's had limited success. I say "limited" because I'm hoping and believing that the American people won't accept what he's doing and he'll soon be unseated in the upcoming election.
     The latest, most disheartening thing has been the remarks of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg during her official or unofficial visit to Egypt. Instead of promoting the U.S. Constitution to the new Egyptian Gov't., she recommended they create a more Socialist one, using other countries examples, but not ours.
     What's terribly wrong with that picture? Why would she be trusted as a Supreme Court Justice who doesn't believe in the sacred intentions of our own Constitution she has sworn to uphold? What???
     Is this a sign of what we can come to expect from our Supreme Court? I sure hope not.
     Only we as a whole, can step up to the plate and denounce this character. I use the term loosely.
     I woke up this morning, not believing what I heard. And then I drove home!    Just sayin'.

Monday, February 6, 2012


     Quit defending the gay issue! They're what they are because they want to be! To include them as "minorities" and grant them the same special rights, is wrong for two reasons. one is, other racial minorities have no choice in being what they are. They are what they are! They have to live with what they were born to.
     Gays do have a choice! The use of the word "Minority" in the gay sense is an insult to people who live by the Christian and moral beliefs and successfully resist something that is an immoral act. Their conscience rewards them for doing it, and so does God. It should be considered an insult to the true minorities as well. So why do the real minorities allow them under their political umbrella? Well it's easy!! It adds to their political strength as minorities. In that sense they're willing to turn their heads  the other way in order to bolster their political strength.
     Particularly with male homosexuals. If you would take the time to picture what they're doing, it's despicable, dirty and spreading the Aids disease not only to other men, but for those who are bisexual, to other women.
     Bill O'Reilly prefers to turn his head the other way as well in order to retain viewers. Being a religious man, he expells decency from his mind in exchange for popularity. Bernie Goldberg referred to anyone who discriminates against Homosexuals as Bigots. I don't believe that someone who speaks out against people who commit immoral acts, legal or illegal, is wrong in doing so. Resisting temptation is not bigotry, nor is speaking out against it.
     It's the right thing to do and I believe it's high time time we stopped bending over to accommodate them. It's one thing for them doing what they do, It's a freedom of movement right. But for them to demand that we accept it, even to the point that they flaunt it, is not. They display it in public and Gay parades. They ask for special protection to do it, yet the most of them want Religion out of schools that in itself would protect our children from the predators who are so prominent among them.
     Right now our children are not properly protected from them. We've been turning our heads on immoral issues to the point they are overwhelming the good ones we should be paying real attention to. It's "Wake up America" time and the Devil's at the wheel all too often now. If it's wrong, it's WRONG.
     Just sayin'.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


     In the past 4 years, I decided to begin paying a lot more attention to Politics and how Democracy works. Having lived in a Socialist system in Canada, I wasn't satisfied with the lack of freedom that was instilled there in the latter years and chose to exercise my right as a natural born citizen of the U.S. to move down here. I was born in Canada but of American parent, so when I received my papers stating I was american from the day I was born, I was told by the Immigrations Judge that being born out of the country, I wasn't eligible to run for President. I left a lot behind by moving down here, but I'm still happy that I did.
     What I didn't expect to see happen, was the way the Socialist movement slowly and deceptively began to take over in this great Country in the same familiar way it did in Canada. It's here, and more than that, it's well on it's way. Watching it happen has caused me to fight it with the only way I can, and that's by battling it with a freedom that's still afforded to me by a Constitution. Freedom of speech. In Canada, there was no constitution to protect your rights and freedom of speech. e.g. there is a law that can land you in jail for speaking against homosexuality.
     I began blogging and putting my opinions and observations in writing. As I go, I'm learning more and more. It's not pretty, but it's reality.
I've taken a path that I know is distasteful to 15 or 20 % of this Country. That would also be 15 or 20 % of the people I know personally. The pain, most of all, is in knowing that even though I don't want them to dislike me because of my political direction and exercise my right to do so, they would chose to do it anyway. In their eyes, the friendship wasn't worth it. After the separation of relationship takes place in it's subtle way, I've come to the sad realization that their friendship wasn't worth it either.
      Slowly, our current President is dividing what was a solid nation of people who, by sticking together through thick and thin, became the greatest free nation in the world by far over a period of 250 years.
      Barack Obama, along with his chosen Communist "Lieutenants", is attempting to tear this country apart, piece by piece. He is surgically cutting his way through everything this country stands for and laughing at us while he does it.
     Today, he joined a church group to lead them in prayer, in hopes of the Sheeple believing he trusts in God. He doesn't! At least not a Christian or Judeo one.
     I believe he wants to ravage this country to the ground and then rebuild it to his own liking. An Atheist, Marxist one.
     He has begun to ignore the proper process set forth by our Constitution and Bill of Rights as the President. Congress means nothing to him in his quest for power. Researchers are catching up to his lies of the past and his mysterious background. There's research surfacing that he was born in Kenya on August fourth, 1961. This is according to information on an application he filled out in Indonesia for a passport to visit Pakistan under his "phony" birth name "Barry Soetoro" and later changed back to Barack Obama. In his application, he claimed his name as Barry Soetoro, born in Kenya 08/04/61. Of course he wasn't, because his mother married into that name  well after he was born. His mother became "Ann Dunham Soetoro". He did in fact, visit Pakistan at a time when he could not have used an American passport due to the fact there was a "No travel" order issued for American Citizens. Proof of birthplace was necessary to enter Pakistan. Also to obtain British or Indonesian passports. It's strongly suspected he held all three! So who is this man, the son of an Islamist who later died an Atheist, not an Islamist? How is this mysterious man, the most powerful man in the world, an Islamist/Atheist /Christian allowed to remain clouded in mystery without having to answer to it?
      Justice Antonin Scalia announced to Gary Kreep of the "United States Justice Foundation", that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case brought in a lawsuit by 11 law firms representing 12 States, questioning Obama's claim he was born in Hawaii on that date.
      On top of that, He entered Occidental College on a foreign student scholarship grant after convincing them he qualified as a foreign student from Indonesia. If he was born in Hawaii, he wouldn't have been eligible for the grant. He received the Grant.
      If he was raised in Indonesia by his white, paternal Grandparents, both U.S. citizens and both missionaries, how is it there is evidence that he was adopted by an Indonesian Step-father at the age of 7, and raised in Indonesia? He was raised by his Maternal Grandparents who were missionaries in Indonesia. He wasn't raised by his mother! Wonder how that came about?
      There is also an investigation underway that he has illegally spent $950,000.00 out of his campaign money for personal use in legal attempts to thwart the revealing of his personal records. That's just a small sample! What you really want to worry about, is where all that Stimulus money went to that no one can account for! You don't hear him asking do you? Wouldn't you think, as long as he's President, he'd want to know?? It stinks with implicity and the first sign of implication. Get the drift??
       Just sayin'.