Tuesday, September 30, 2014
My suggestion of doing this, was not in the interest of amalgamating one true Church or Religion, but to stress getting together in voting for the Representatives in Gov't that would yank us back from the clutches of Atheism and Radical Islamic Tyranny that we're being assailed with now.
Surely by now, most of us who don't have special interests in mind for our own Godless sakes, can see the direction our President and his Regime is failing in leading us to. (Thanks to God he's failing at present, anyway!)
By no means was I attempting to lure anyone from their present beliefs, but simply trying to create an unwritten Coalition to repulse the Co-ordinated attack that we're being faced with now. That is, if we all want to continue to be able honor God in our own preferred ways.
What happens if we don't??
In watching the total unravelling of the Obama Administration as they flail away with their blunders , one after the other, It's an endless situation.
Right now, because of the fact the direction the Modern World goes, as in the past, is led by the successes or failures of the United States of America, it's apparent there are International Interests beyond our borders who would like to change that from continuing to happen.
The way I see it, they have been winning through the age-old presumption that confusing the ignorant masses until manifestation takes place to a point that at our weakest moment, they can step in and re-organize to suit their own tastes.
The problem they're having at this juncture though, is although they have succeeded in doing this, it has gotten out of their intended control so bad, they aren't able to manage it, anyway. So here we are, with Obama having in mind to use the Islamic International fighting force called ISIS or ISIL, Corason, (Elite Al Qaida), and Al Qaida trained Terrorists around the world that he conveniently armed to the teeth, he has also lost control over them as they fight for superiority within their own ranks.
Now it's a matter of who brings themselves back together in proper order first; Us Christians, Protestants and Jews, or them, the Perpetrators who started it all.
With us being the largest voting bloc by far when it comes to our own Gov't, wouldn't you think the wisest thing to do is, "Throw the first knock-out punch??" Just sayin'.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Let's start with the seemingly immovable differences of the interpretations people get from the several Bibles being used in those different religions. One thing they all lead us to, is the same Spiritual Being we commonly call God.
As a child, I grew up in a Catholic environment and was served well in learning normal things such as the ABC's, writing and Arithmetic. There was only a short session each day on Catholicism.
Except for my own misgivings in "testing the waters" regarding the power of prayer and the strength of God. I must admit I was interested in other things more appealing to me when I was a child. I was of the understanding if we prayed for something hard enough, it would eventually come. My let-downs were more often than not. Now that I look back at it all through the eyes of an elderly man, the reason has become clearer than ever as I get older.; I wasn't concentrating hard enough on the fact that God really did exist.
Bingo!! The eye opener came to me; If I didn't do that, why should I expect God to acknowledge I seriously needed his guidance? After all, he had already gifted every normal human being with the ability to reason. All we are required to do is, use it and not abuse it.
Finally, I've come to the conclusion that, everyone who believes strongly enough he actually is real, the more we give him reason to help us Spiritually. It's as simple as that!
So I guess what I'm trying to say is; It doesn't matter so much what Religion we follow, as long as we truly accept the fact he is there, and we do our best to follow his rules through the guidance of the Ten Commandments he gave us, we'll find out all God-related religious roads we follow will lead us to him.
It's only through our own human hands, that through the various Bibles written by humans, and not him, we come up with different explanations of how he wants us to live our lives in the respect of God himself.
In other words, It's our own failures in understanding his wishes that lead us to the compiling of so many different Religions through varying interpretations of different Holy Books written by human hands in the first place. To think that God would discriminate in his choosings of different Religions and Beliefs seems ridiculous to me. (One size fits all would make more sense.)
The purpose of pointing all this out, is because the Atheists, Agnostics, Devil Worshippers and Alternative Normals (Homosexuals) of the World who don't have the will to resist following the "Line of Least Resistance", have very deceptively found their way into power over our very freedoms as I write!
So quietly as they 'wedged' their way in, we naively didn't really notice over the years as they deviously placed themselves in varying ranges of power all the way up to and including the Presidency and Supreme Court.
Being in positions of power, and with the assistance of misguided greedy International Billionaires and "Community Organizers" with monetary, selfish aspirations of their own, they wish to destroy the very strength that holds us God loving people together by weakening our belief in him.
You can actually say it's the work of the Devil himself !
For all of this, you can thank the works of Atheist based Institutions consisting of these same folks, such as the Saul Alinsky "Midwest Academy" in the heart of the infamous City of Chicago, Illinois and educational institutions including Harvard Law School situated in Massachusetts.
Why else the continuing, vicious attacks on the very fabrics of our strengths in God-related statues and religious Christian and Protestant symbols together with prayers, that kept this the strongest, most productive Country together for over 200 years?
As they've done this, We have allowed ourselves to be blinded by our differences and discriminations in our various churches of God by trying to convince ourselves we're God's chosen few. In so doing, we squabble amongst us in determining who's the true Church.
The fact is, we "all" are right if we follow our separate roads to his Kingdom. Because like the spokes in a strong, well built wagon wheel, they all join at the hub in the center who IS God!
The enemies to us here, are the non-believers I've already described. They Have deviously recognized the weakness in the wheel, and are exploiting it if they can disrupt the continuity and togetherness that, altogether we roll strong, and divided and dissembled we can't remain that way.
Our strength is right there, by guarding our churches along with our Declaration of Independence, the Bill of rights and the US Constitution.
We are fools to allow the purchasing and destruction of our churches by the Muslims and their supporters. By so doing, they are deterring the people who, once they wish to return to church services, have no church to go to. In with this process, they are turning the Christian and Protestant buildings into Mosques to advance their Devilish cause.
Together we stand, divided we fall! The Ten Commandments are also imbedded in the spokes of our own Individual wheels of Faith.
We simply cannot let the Devil's disciples dismantle those strengths. Just sayin'.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Haven't you noticed? He doesn't care about any of the affairs within the borders of the United States or about his disloyalty to the actual job as President of the United States.
In fact, the first thing he did of any significance when he was elected to that position, was to fly over to another Continent and apologize for the United States' past behavior to the World in the last Century. Remember that?
Now as he speaks, even on the Campaign trail, he refers to the affairs and economy of the Poorer Nations of the World.
He seldom mentions the pitiful condition he led us into here. Instead, he only expresses his intentions of making the World a better place for everyone else BUT America.
The recent resignation of his Chicago thug and friend, Eric Holder, is a good indication his Administration is coming apart at the seams and he really doesn't care. WHY?? Because, in his mind, he already has too!! Take note of all his speeches anymore.
The best advice I can give the American people at this juncture, is to take in mind the billions of dollars that mysteriously have disappeared and see to it that the passports are seized from him and his Administration, so that they cannot leave this Country, until a full investigation is completed by a new Gov't entirely.
After all, as chummy as he has been to the Radical Muslim Terrorists and World since he's came on the scene, It might be the Muslims who have a lot of that money.
Think about it: Do we know the financial affairs of the Arab Nations enough to be assured the money didn't arrive there at one time or another to be kept in safe-keeping until it's needed by the Assumed-to-be President of the "New World Order"?
Why don't they have to explain for it? Just sayin'.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Throughout my life, after being raised in a Christian atmosphere, I generally based my belief in God for a lot of different reasons. The main one being raised by my mother in a family of eleven children, in an absence-of-husband setting.
Although, being originally bitter for the way my Father ignored my Mother's family raising needs, that feeling has dissipated over the years with the reasoning finally sinking in that he had an affliction he couldn't over-come. Alcoholism, plain and simple.
Being a non-drinker and non-smoker, my mother only had two crutches to rely on in her nearly impossible task of raising us before, during and after the Great Depression.
Her father and our Grandfather, saw to it we had a two-story house with five bedrooms to grow up in. Along with that, she had a steadfast belief in God through her Christian upbringing.
With all of us growing up in a manner which made each day a hand to mouth situation, she always made sure she hustled us up to the church every Sunday, come Hell or high water.
That beautiful Lady believed until her last breath in God, and believe me, she encouraged us every day to believe in him too.
I'm sure, that no matter how solidly people believe in a Supreme Being, and stand by that belief, there are days, even times, they have their doubts.
I for sure, was one of them who, during my trying times in my life, (Mostly brought on by myself,) I wondered about his existence too. But every time I did or do, I thought about my Mother, and how God helped her through it all with one little miracle after another.
Now, maybe because I've been preceded in death by two Sons and five older brothers, I feel the need to believe out of obligation, that God is real in Spirit.
What I saw in a photograph I purchased from a friend has helped me to be re-assured, there is a God above us after all.
If you would be curious enough to try this photography as he did, I believe you will at least think about the possibility.
On a clear, star studded, moonless night. set a delayed-action camera on a tripod, and locate the North Star. (you can easily find it by spotting the two outside stars of the Big Dipper and judging the distance between them, go up about 5 distances in line with them and there will be the brighter, North Star.)
Then by centering your camera on the North Star, set your time delay for 2 to 3 hours. Natural rocks and trees in the bottom foreground will give you a better, proper perspective.
Develop that picture and enlarge it to a frame of 16" x 20" inches and I guarantee you will at least start to believe, there's a Spiritual Creator. I challenge you all who read this to try it!!
Just sayin'.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
In a speech he made this morning, Vice President Joe Biden said, "In the past, The Corporations profits went up eight times. The worker's wages did not go up in comparison and it was up to Gov't to see that shouldn't happen.
Joe Biden has been in Gov't for nigh on 40 years and he didn't do it! So what the heck is he talking about?
In another statement, he said he went to a Catholic School and the Nuns said "Pray for this and you'll get it!" Pray for that and you'll get this!' Then he said "I worked like the Devil for Obamacare, and we got it through"
I guess you must to be careful what you ask for, or you'll get it, huh?? Just sayin'.
Yes, and I'm convinced he's being led by a "stacked deck" of Draft dodgers, Homosexuals and Atheists who have been guiding him from the shadows, for the same length of time.
On top of it all, throw in the leaders of the Anarchists, the Community Organizers from Chicago and the International Unions, Bill Ayers of the infamous "Weather Underground", in which he led the murderous group along with Bernadine Dhorn in the 60's. Atheist and professed Communist Van Jones, and Atheist Anti- Constitutionalist Professor Ward Churchill.
In fact, after watching interviews recently with all of these cowardly thugs, turned personal friends and confidants of Obama, I'm convinced, a lot of the President's paths to failure after failure, are also led from 'behind the curtain' Advisers to the Rogue President.
I know it appears surreal, but after watching the interviews with these characters and their weird points of view, they fit in perfectly with the behavior of the Obama Regime.
Barack's behavior right up front and center, is generated by words that originated from these Un-Americans who, through the Devil's evil miracles, have all gathered together in hopes of taking this great Country down. Not the fore-mentioned particularly, but their Woodstock era compatriots all seem to have managed to get themselves into important levels of Gov't such as the EPA and the Supreme Court. Once there, they're nigh on impossible to unseat.
All for the sake of their own personal gain in one selfish way or the other, they usurp their authority commandingly but always to the detriment of our beloved, God-loving American way.
It makes for a very dangerous time in our freedom they would like to restrict us from having, and that's due to the protection afforded us 'Normals' by the U.S. Constitution.
It's apparent they want to tear away the rights of anyone else who disagrees with them including our very important last line of defense, the 2nd Amendment that gives us the right to bear arms.
The background checks and registration of weapons for the sake of safety is an excuse for the first step in restricting the freedom we cherish.
The only time they ever abide by the Constitution, is to cover their own tracks by use of the 5th Amendment to avoid telling the truth through self incrimination.
Time after time, they are stuck on the excuse for doing things irrational and illegal by saying, "It was done by George W. Bush, and he got away with it!!"
Who cares what happened in the past that was possibly wrong? Doing it again and 10 times as often doesn't make it right now. (It's a feeble excuse, but they think it works for them.)
It's kind of like homosexuality among males; If they continue doing what God deems to be wrong by sexually forcing their filthy habits on children to convert them into liking it, it eventually won't be wrong anymore. But legalizing the perverted habit, suddenly makes it okay.
Well, sorry folks, It's NOT!!
Realize how bizarre the rest of this obvious deduction is; the promotion of ISLAM in the Arab World, as well as an Atheist, Communistic "New World Order" in the modern one.
All with the hopes in mind, of both being led by two groups combined as "The Trilateral Commission" and a "New World Order" led by President Barack Hussein Obama.
Although some of the original drafters are dead, Henry Kissinger is stillalive and well to promote it.
Bear in mind the Muslim Groups fighting each other for superiority in Syria, all are members of the Supreme, all inclusive, "Muslim Brotherhood" who have placed their 'Generals' all over the World, including the North American Continent.
The wars taking place between them is strictly a struggle between factions for Superiority after achieving the same end they all agree on, SHARIA LAW among all Islamists.( I remind you, the five Guantanamo Prisoners traded in exchange for the traitor, Bowe Bergdahl, were, and again are, back at work as Leaders of the Radical, murderous, Muslim groups.)
It's totally stupid for us to take up or supply arms to any of the above.
Yet Obama wants to do it with the use of the American Taxpayer's dollars. Mark my words!
Just sayin'.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
They've done it with total disregard and recklessness in a manner unprecedented in our modern times, turning back the clock at least a hundred years or more by starting a Race-war among us.. They have done it in desperation for fear of losing their ideological grip on superiority by using Race as a tool to achieve their devious means.
So much so, that knowing what they do intentionally, makes me hesitant to tolerate Obama supporters that I'm familiar with when I meet them.
You can assume that the tactics used by the Obama and Inslee Regimes respectively, are intended and known by their supporters, yet the same supporters can look you straight in the eye, and deny that using Race is a ploy not to help the poor in this nation, but to simply get their votes in the next election. They're doing it with the use of our 'collective" Taxpayer dollars, along with the underhanded money they raise from special interest groups who know there's something in it for them personally.
For other Americans, they have the advantage of the Main Media such as; The Sierra Club, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC.
It's almost unbelievable for the sake of winning an election, they would be so bold as to think they couldn't be caught up with their often times, illegal actions.
There is no reasonable explanation for their behavior except to realize this President is actually one of the ISIS supporters. If you go back and read my previous blogs, you'll be able to connect the dots.
There is no common ground in this nightmare, only the strength of what loyal Americans still have to solve this problem. Talking doesn't do it, because the Radical Muslims see it as a sign of weakness, and they slaughter even more people who wish to have a religion such as Budhism, Christianity and Protestants that resist the Radical change to "The Muslim Brotherhood" and the killers from ISIS who are members of it.
I mentioned in other blogs, Obama has 3 members in high decisive positions currently in his own Administration, who are avid members of "The Muslim Brotherhood".
There's absolutely no chance of us compromising with the Radical Muslims in any case, because a compromise would be allowing them to gain, and us to lose every time.
You already know beyond a doubt, Barack Hussein Obama has solidly divided this Nation with every move he makes since he arrived in office.
You bystanders are grossly naive to not think it is 'deadly' to allow Obama or any of his Camp Followers, such as Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton or anyone else who's comfortable with the inevitable imposition of Communism for our American Way, to win.
If we are expecting the so-called 'peaceful' Muslims and African Americans in the poor neighborhoods to ask the Radical Muslims to stop imposing their will, forget it!
They're too comfortable disliking us whites, living off the Taxpayer money without having to work, beating up on whites in their cowardly fashion while thumbing their noses at the laws.
The reason they're doing this, is inspired by Obama and his parasite African Americans who are still wanting to 'get even' with the revived slavery issue I thought we were finally getting over. This Devil Worshipper, for his own sake, rekindled that almost forgotten flame.
How obscene is that?? Just sayin'.
The Shoe bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The Underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The USS Cole Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow theater Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Twin Towers Airline Bombers were Muslims
The Pentagon Airline Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy take-over was by Muslims
The Beirut Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy attack was by Muslims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Olympic Iraeli Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S. Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Marine barracks bombers were Muslims
The Beslan Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center (1993) bombers were Muslims
The Bombay and Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The be-headings of Christians around the World and placing their heads on sticks is being done by Muslims as we read this.
The President of the U.S. is a Muslim, and you still don't get the picture??? Just sayin'.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
At last! I have been wondering for a long overdue time; When will our Intelligence Community finally get fed up with the in-action and B.S. coming out of the mouths of Barack Obama and his Administration.
Well....., it appears they finally have! It's being reported on Fox News this morning, that Barack Obama was alerted to the movement, build-up and aggressive intentions by the murderous Radical Group, ISIS or ISIL. All of this coming to us after knowing he has been supplying them with weapons and military technology to supposedly be used by the "Rebels" fighting the new Democratic Countries of Egypt, Libya and Iraq. The new, Democratic Countries are "corrupt", they say.
I'm sure you know by now, all of the "Rebels" consist of Radical, murderous Muslims (Regardless of their own differing beliefs) and are all hell-bent on establishing Sharia Law, not only in the Arab States, but throughout the whole World. (Do yourself a favor, and take a good look at Sharia Law and their habit of chopping off heads of anyone who disagrees with it. Mainly Christians, including children and placing their heads on sticks for the families to see as they pass through the villages.
All of this 'Arms supplying to the Rebels' taking place after he knew for a year, the arms were also going to the very Radicals who consist of Al Qaida, and all of whom belong to the "Muslim Brotherhood".Obama has 3 members of "The Muslim Brotherhood" working in very sensitive, elevated positions in the Administration. Just how bizarre is THAT???
Now, Combine that with the fact he has all along been personal, almost 'amorous' friends with enemies of the American Way, Atheist Bill Ayers, the past Leader of the murderous Vietnam protester group, "The Weather Underground", Atheist turned Communist Van Jones, and the crappy mouthed 'Drug pusher' given a break by the FBI in exchange for becoming an FBI Informant, Al Sharpton.
Finally, the World is waking up to the behavior of Barack Obama. Just sayin'.
Monday, September 1, 2014
I've come to the conclusion he gets up each morning, looks at himself in the mirror and says, "I wonder what character I should be today??"
"One thing I do know I'm sure of, I am still President of the most powerful Country in the World, and no matter what I do or decide to be for the day, be it a Christian gone golfing, a Muslim gone golfing, or an Atheist gone golfing, I still have a phone, and I still have a pen and I still have a Presidential golf cart."
"I've convinced some followers I'm Black (but ashamed of the other half,) and that got me the naive, innocent vote"!
"I've assured other followers I'm Muslim, (and aside from their murderous misgivings all over the World,) I've got their vote"!! (He was raised in a Muslim school for 8 years and confirmed a Muslim in Indonesia.)
I've got the Atheists knowing I'm an Atheist and I've got their vote"!! (He graduated from the Saul Alinsky Atheist based "Midwest Academy" in Chicago, and sat on the Board for 2 years there-after.)
I've got the Homosexuals thinking I'm a homosexual, (Prominent Celebrities say he is!) and I've got their vote"!! (Note that Joan Rivers announced something to that affect, is now stricken with a near deadly heart attack as I write.)
"I've met with the Pope (and baffled him with footwork) So now I have the Catholic vote." (He did receive 51% of the Catholic vote in his 2nd term!)
"I've persuaded the Agnostics I'm an Agnostic too, (and until they make up their mind,) I've got their vote."
"I've catered to the Sierra Club, The local and International Billionaires, received illegal donations in mass amounts from out of the Country, and got their votes too"!! (In return for enormous tax breaks and subsidies you wouldn't believe!)
"I've even co-erced the Mormon, non-Christians, (particularly in Nevada, where member Harry Reid is from.) and got their vote".
"I've got the Liberal and Socialist Main Media, The Teacher's Union, the International AFL-CIO, and every official Librarian in the Country (Re-writing history as I speak!) convinced I have their votes"
"I have given bonuses galore to all the Top Gov't people working for me, including the Members of my Administration belonging to the "Muslim Brotherhood." They voted for me!"
"So I just don't understand why my popularity among the common people who aren't a part of these powerful groups, is down to 30% approval!
"After all, being a Supposed Constitutional Scholar, I don't understand why they don't want me trashing it when I don't follow the darn thing."
"I mean, what's with the rest of these Dummies."??
"No worries, every time we have a crisis in the U.S., I've always got Air force One fueled up and ready to go to see Putin and lay the law down to him, and besides, if he crosses the "Red Line", I'll just draw another one and dare him to cross that, too!"
Guess what? I've got everyone thinking I'm indispensable, and if everything does go wrong, (Like it is temporarily,) I've got the best bullshit compromiser John Kerry to keep the organized confusion going!"
By Allah, I've got it made!!!!! Just sayin'
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