Sunday, November 30, 2014
A vision of the disappointing future that the Progressive/Communists really had in store for this Country. Of course I've been predicting their intentions all along now, but the reality of it hit me a little harder than usual.
I'm sure a lot of my readers wonder why I'm so passionate about my feelings toward the future the present Obama Administration had in store for us, and those who don't delve into the intricacies of our Politics have really never had the time to try to understand it. But the reason I did and do, is something more dear to my heart and mind than the most of you normally think about.
I'm sure it's because the last 250 years have been a way of life the bulk of Americans have taken for granted.
In the past, and generation after generation, our Bill of Rights and Constitution were assumed to be indestructible, abided by and no one ever dreamed that anyone with a foreign Islamic name would pop up from the shadows out of the darkness of corrupt Countries such as Indonesia and Kenya, South Africa with a bizarre plan of taking this Country down, once and for all for the sake of distributing our wealth and Natural Resources to the rest of the World.
In fact, when I saw what was coming from the likes of him and his group of worldly thugs, including the present Democratic Politicians in control of our Gov't, it scared me to death.
How did I see it??....... Well I haven't lived here all of my life, and having lived in Canada, a Country of beautiful folks mind you, people who have participated in the protection of Freedom for other countries desiring that same freedom, along with the United States and other Allies, I came here for several reasons, but mainly because of our system of Gov't. that is unique and successful within itself.
But all I had to know was, our strength and advancements were principally due to the War of Independence that resulted in a Constitution that served the common man in every regard of it's being. True freedom and protection from tyranny for this Country of Immigrants.
Australia also has one similar to ours and they too, have thrived through the Freedom they have established there.
They're one of America's closest Allies through thick and thin. God bless their hearts for that.
But me having been born, raised and educated outside of the U.S., but born of American parent, and having other, older siblings living here, moved here at the age of 39 on May 24th, 1976. I'll never regret the adventure of doing so.
There was no dominance or presence of a greater Country here with an umbrella over-head such as Canada still does.
So when I heard and saw Barack Hussein Obama making his debut into politics here, I became wary of his suspected intentions because of the way he behaved. Call it a sixth sense if you will.
Anyway, a close friend who had studied a book written in 1973 about the forming of a "Trilateral Commission" being formed in Europe, said as he handed it to me, " They've been tutoring this guy for years!" in reference to Barack Obama.
I began researching all I could find out about this man and the statement became more clear. I attribute my knowledge and facts largely due to the previous research of Andrew Breitbart and other information on the Internet.
I was right about my feelings, and having sacrificed a pretty good job to start a new life here under the protection of our Constitution, I became involved in writing my blogs.
I'm sure most of you are familiar with how disastrous Communism has failed under the grip of Dictators around the rest of the World. Well if we allow Barack Obama to get his way, you're going to see it happen here sooner than you think.
All I can say is, thank your lucky stars the Republicans have been voted back into control of Congress.
Barack Obama's kindness toward Immigrants may appear to be an act of heartfelt passion, but it's not the same passion you think it is. It's his passion for power that he really garnishes, otherwise he could care less about the poverty of minorities anywhere in the world. It's for votes that will possibly win another "Progressive" election where they can further their push for eventual Communism and a single Worldly power he dreams of leading; The "Trilateral Commission" and a "New World Order".
Otherwise, if he had any heart at all, he would have stayed in Indonesia as the Muslim that he is, and championed freedom for the poor people there! You tell me; Is he an Atheist or a Muslim?? After all, he wears both Garb. Just sayin'.
How is it that Barack Obama, being the super champion of Community Organizing, always manages to evade association with unruly actions such as the Ferguson riots?
There he stands, the master of creating manifestation and turmoil, getting away with it again!
Can they not see it for what it is, yet? Surely they must. Everything this man does, is in direct opposite of what most sensible Americans expect or want.
The Wall Street protests for example. He first lobbied Wall Street for mass amounts of donations toward both of his campaigns, and got them. Then, in contradiction to that, turned around and by means of using Community Organizers in his gang of Chicago trained thugs, inspired and defended the use of violence and riots by way of the Wall Street Protestors. And guess what's among his main arsenal of psychic tools? Well, as Jonathan Gruber (Architect for Obamacare) put it, "The American people are too "stupid" to realize what the failures will be in the program until it's too late anyway"
Yup!! "STUPIDITY" of the American populace!......., Isn't that a compliment to the American Electorate who were naïve enough to vote for this guy not just once, but twice!
There are different ways to persuade people to follow you and they both work; #1 is "Divide and Conquer" through using a means of confusion and manifestation. Once you have a person totally disoriented and confused, you take them in hand and lead them to what they think is their salvation. Even though, not one word that you've told them is a fact or true. By the time they discover they've been duped, they have no resources left, monetarily or psychologically, to change it. It's used successfully in sales all the time.
The 2nd and most sincere way is through Honesty and Meaningfulness. It works too, and is more everlasting and fruitful.
You don't have to be a genius to understand which is better.
But Barack was not alone in his methods when choosing the first one! Not by a long shot! Nancy Pelosi said when asking the voters to pass Obamacare; "You have to pass it first in order to learn what's in it". Once again She relied on "Stupidity" of the American Electorate to pass it, and once again, it worked. The Whole "Progressive" Party is in on it.
So here we are today, in the midst of another paid "Community Organized" violent protest in Ferguson, Missouri. Like the Wall Street protests, it goes on and has been cleverly organized to many major cities just the same as the "Wall Street" protests did.
Yet again, there stands the Devil's Advocate himself, spurring on the protestors with his grinning, defending pundits on T.V. saying the very same sick rhetoric as before and pleased as all get-out at the expense of the American Taxpayer. Just sayin'.
Friday, November 21, 2014
I have earlier predicted in my blogs what his future intentions were for steps toward Martial Law in his own Devilish cunning way, and he's doing it.
This blog is to tell all of you honest, used to be hard working, Patriotic people of the Sacred American Way who are wondering why Barry Soetoro (Barack Obama) is totally ignoring the Congress and circumventing the U.S. Constitution; Already in his twisted mind, he has elevated himself to a higher "World Power" authority.
In case you didn't notice in the recent past, his speeches have all been towards the people of the World, as though he has moved his White House to Kenya, South Africa!
Being just the President of the United States, really doesn't matter any more. He simply doesn't need that position to spin his web of deception and defiance. In fact, if you think he was ignoring the need for creating more jobs and our wishes for tighter security at the Southern border, it's not because of empathy towards the Mexican people. He is opening the doors of America to the whole World instead.
By so doing, he has been playing out his dream of being the President of "The New World Order". In fact, his behavior right now indicates he doesn't give a damn about what the people of this nation think or want him to do,
This is not the genius of one man, it's the wishes and prompting of the narcissistic organizations of the world; The Atheists, Muslim Brotherhood, Anarchists, Homosexuals and International Billionaires who will, all in their own way, benefit by the taking down, and seizing control of the United States of America for their own selfish purposes by the use of "The Trilateral Commission".
The Trilateral Commission is situated outside the United States and is promoting a central system of World Gov't that will promote pure Communism.
Have you noticed the unprovoked attacks on Christian and Protestant Religions and the belief in God lately??? Just sayin'!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
For people who believe in kindness and decency, it's a time for everyone to seize the opportunity of being able to assist others whenever you're confronted with it.
Despite the temptation to look the other way, which I always consider the "Line of least Resistance", wouldn't it be nice to have the fortitude and help someone you know is in need? And if you pay attention to it, you'll find yourself almost every day to give people assistance, even if it's just a few kind, re-assuring words. It costs you nothing!
I stress that if you pay attention to that thought, you'll be paid back ten-fold by simply feeling better about yourself, and sleeping better at night.
I have come to realize, you can make the other person take on a better attitude just by behaving friendly and smiling even though you have to dig it up from your own crappy mood to do it.
I believe, even if you're in the gloomiest of moods, the fortitude to do it will end up in a pleasurable peace of mind to you, and the folks around you.
The mannerisms in which you behave will rub off on someone else.
I'm far from wanting to be nice sometimes, and often I fail, ending up hurting other people's feelings who, although sincere in their own beliefs, are clearly wrong in politics they know are hurting the good, honorable Constitutional rights being taken away in front of our very eyes.
I ask to be excused from those instances and the times as a Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather when I try to insert an offering of decency and self respect, just to be rebuked in an obscene fashion. The man in charge of the Ten Commandments will have to deal with that!
Aside from that, I ask that you give yourself in kind acts to each other, even folks you don't know. You may lose a battle or two, but I guarantee you'll win the War. With the attempt by our existing Gov't to de-moralize the Good populace of this Nation and make it something else 'we the people,' don't want it to be, is unacceptable.
It probably won't in itself, totally defeat their Devilish intentions, but togetherness in other ways will. Try it, you may like it.
In the meantime, I don't see anybody else in a position where they have better ideas. Just sayin'.
I believe that "Progressives" are wrong in their contention that President Bush was "reckless" just as Barack Obama was, is, and intends to be in his spending.
The fact is, he needed to campaign on all the promises that the Progressives intended to make, had he not made them first. It's as simple as that, and in so doing, beat them at their own game by winning re-election for a second term.
In his own way, he was saving the American people from future, earlier Progressive economic destruction that would have happened four years earlier than it actually did.
Now that we're beginning to realize what happened, and is still happening with the Devilish bunch, can you imagine what the "Progressives" would have accomplished through their devious means, if they had been elected 4 years earlier, giving them 12 years of Tyranny instead of 8??
President Bush and members of his Administration foresaw the intentions of the Pro-Communists, and took the only route possible that stemmed the tide of Tyranny happening sooner.
The big difference is; he did what he did in accordance with the "Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution"! The Progressives did not!
As you can see; The "Progressives" along with the deceitful Leadership of the 'secret' Muslim/Atheist ( An oxymoron, I'm aware of) Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, made President Bush's moves seem child's play. They paid no attention to the documents that have kept us safe for two and a half Centuries, and totally abused the saying; "A Gov't of The People", "By The People" and "For The People"
Remember; When referring to the common people of this Country whose warriors fought and died for the Stars and Stripes, it started with brave men in their bare feet who couldn't read or write and were only considered 'dumb and ignorant' in the sense they never had the means to be taught. Not because they were considered lesser than good faithful men.
Barack Obama's spokesman for the design of Obamacare said recently in so many words; " Even though the common people would be confused and "Obamacare" would ultimately fail, they were too stupid to realize it anyway"
Lrt's not confuse the word "stupid" with the 'meant in a clean sense', dumb and ignorant! Just sayin'.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
When you stand back and have a good look back at the turmoil he, and everyone who knowingly supported his agenda of intended destruction of our Sacred American way, there is only one permanent solution to the problem they caused.
The Public Education system and the Federal Gov't needs to be purged of every person who deviously intended to take the U.S. Constitution down, and change it to the devilish inspired Communistic Dominance they so selfishly wanted, to suit their own narcissistic tastes.
Until we do that, whatever it takes by revising laws and regulations, they will remain where they are, hidden in the comfort of their closets until the opportunity presents itself to try it again.
It must be done with so much clarity on behalf of the language of the common man, that no one ever again will have the self imposed freedom such as the "Progressive" (Communist) Party led by the self appointed Dictator Barack Obama, to misinterpret it again.
Before this is over, it may take another bloody revolution should they choose to impose Martial Law against this Country to get their way. This is a time when the cornered animals become the most dangerous.
I say this because, we only have to look back at their surreal history of how absurd they have behaved, to realize just how dangerous they can become.
Remember; The U.S. Court system is every bit as much infiltrated and involved throughout this nightmare they have created.
I believe when the Investigative Committees, now that they have both the House and the Senate on their side, will effectively reveal to us just how devious their intentions were and are, and the rats will scurry for cover and Barack will run or make his move! Just sayin'.
Friday, November 7, 2014
It has been a nightmarish experience and a surreal dream they have subjected us to in their intended path to Communism. Yes! You can refer to it as Democratic, Socialist, Progressive or what have you, but when you look at how they all tried to push the carriage carrying the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution over the cliff in 100% agreement with Barack Hussein Obama, it couldn't be more clearer than what it was; A suicide charge for all or nothing; Ultimate Communism!
It has fortunately turned out to be nothing! But it's the outright reckless chance they took that scared the bejeebers out of 80 % of this nation, including yours' truly.
Now that they failed in that attempt, I hope we won't be foolish enough to ever let anyone of them off the hook now, or in the future.
They were traitors all, and to the very core. This includes of course; the devious Main Media and the Leftist Pundits.
They, in the course of doing it, threw caution to the wind, not caring or considering the fact they could lose.
I particularly point out the pseudo religious ones who on one hand, passed the collection box around in the name of Jesus, but at the same time, fully backed the Atheist, obvious agendas of Communism and Islam both.
I believe that forgiveness will only be for God to decide, and for the Devil to make more room in Hell.
But in the meantime, I guess we'll just have to "Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition".
What amazes me is; How in hell did Obama mange to take two totally different classes of People such as Mohammed's "Shariah Law"' with it's murderous Islamic following, and The Atheists with their "Sodom and Ghamora" followers who don't believe Allah or God exists in the first place.
How, and why would we, ever consider any of them as friends in the future.
It can't be because they didn't fully know what was happening. They surely did! Just sayin'.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
It of course is! But I also think that although it is, the Construction Employment is only a source of employment until it's built. All we can hope then, is there are other pipelines making the oil available to our own distributors, for use and consumption here in America, too.
I say this because I believe the bulk of the oil that will flow through the XL pipeline will be for shipment out of the country from the Ports at the Gulf of Mexico, by oil companies not paying taxes on profits to this country they make from it. I see only royalties being received here and from oil coming from here. Not Canada's oil which will also flow through it.
I'm not familiar with any other arrangements the Obama Administration has with the International Oil Companies, but in light of how the Administration has behaved until now by delaying the XL pipeline, Who knows what money has changed hands, and for what?
My main point being though, the New Gov't would also need to concentrate on permanent job activities that would be an ongoing manufacturing process type of work. Like bringing back and creating jobs that would mean the use of raw materials processed here and used here for the manufacturing and sales either inside this nation or shipped out as finished goods. Whatever it takes, those are the real jobs needed to bring this Country back to what it once was.
surely it must be realized by now that although the problem of out-sourcing was started prior to Barack Obama's appearance on the political scene, it was intentionally exacerbated by his agenda designed to take us over the edge into oblivion on behalf of the rest of the World.
Bringing those much needed jobs back to us, can only be done by proper regulation by our Gov't on behalf of the Consumer and the common workforce that once fueled the economy of the Country.
As it is, the regulations in place right now are more on behalf of the real money men such as the allowing of Corporations who then swallow up the legitimate, home-grown Companies that once existed here. They then entered the International scene and greed overcame common sense in that they looked to other 3rd World Countries for cheaper labor and larger profits. Microsoft is a perfect example of that scenario.
I believe Wall Street and the International Banks played a large roll in it as well.
Barack Obama and the "Progressive" Party joined in the fray to help them after being promised there was something in it for them at the end of it all too!
The end result of them all joining together was to take this Country down to a third world status, such as it almost is. Just sayin'.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
It's absolutely unbearable to accept the assault on Christianity. Not only unbearable, but obscene and straight from Hell.
He can deny his affiliation with ISIS if he wants, but the truth about his devious, Devilish support of Mohammed's Hellish Islamic Terrorists is right there in plain view for all the World to see.
For too long, the Sheeple of this Country have been making up excuses for this worst President the United States of America has ever allowed to walk freely on our blessed, Sacred American soil.
Not only has he torn apart our unity in believing and trusting in a Christian God, but he continues to have the support of the untouchable, International Billionaires, Atheists, 'out of control' Homosexuals and Communistic Countries of the Globe.
Don't you feel sickened by the outright boldness with which they're displaying their hatred and blatant 'Killer' behavior, while their private Army of Islamic Terrorists advance on every front on the un-Islamists and Christians who are defenseless and without weapons to defend themselves. They mercilessly behead them!
And don't deny it anymore; The "Progressive"/Democratic Party is in full support of them too. (Some say they aren't, but they've already showed you how those bastards can lie!)
How can the Party on the Left deny it anymore, when it's right there for our very eyes to see, every day?
As I pointed out in previous blogs, Barack Obama didn't study the Bill of Rights and our U.S. Constitution in order to believe and follow it, but to find a way to tear it apart and destroy it once and for all, on behalf of the supporters I've previously named.
He's doing it now in leaps and bounds, and in the very real fear of losing his support in the U.S. Senate, the confused Democrats are abandoning his efforts to throw all of America under the bus, and instead, they have turned to throwing him under the bus to save their own asses.
So although his private army, ISIS is still advancing on all fronts, he's facing disaster here. Even so, he is continuing to promote Islam here in a forceful way by pushing Christianity and our practices into non-existence.
But watch and see our military Commanders turn on his efforts to eliminate our God from being the strength behind our gallant Warriors who die to keep our Country holy and free.
I predict; he's finally bitten off more than he can chew.
Please! If you have lost your will to vote for this man's policies and don't intend to vote at all, go a step further and vote the Progressives out of office on Tuesday. Just sayin'.
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