Wednesday, December 30, 2015


     Prior to the final vote on Congress' approval of the suspected, devious Iran deal, Obama's White House via the NSA, tapped into conversations between members of the Republican Congress and also between them and PM of Israel, Netanyahu!
     As reported on FOX NEWS, they reportedly used those illegal Tappings to attempt to offer concessions and money to various Congress Members by asking them what it would take to approve the passage of the proposed Agreement.
     Does this tell you what I've been suggesting in previous blogs about the lying deceit of the entire Socialist/Communist leaning "Progressive" Party?
     Take my word for it, Folks! Tune in to hear the latest of this scandal where you will hear and see ALL of the facts they are reporting as I write. 
     Does it also tell you that the "Progressive" Party operates on the premise that, "Money is Power" when you place it in the wrong hands? Just sayin'.

Friday, December 25, 2015


     I awoke this morning to a cold and crispy house, knowing it was going to be that way. Yesterday, my wife called me while I was doing my last minute Christmas shopping, to announce our furnace was putting out a 'hot' smell and the blower had quit working. Great news for Christmas Eve, Right?
     So, not being able to reach anyone to fix the problem now at this time of day, and supposedly me being a 'Handyman", I'm compelled to attempt to fix it myself. But without available parts, that could present a problem for the time being.
     Anyway, by looking at the situation that it's only a problem for the time being that can be corrected by getting off my butt when daylight comes, our glass is still half full instead of empty.
     I only have to think about the people in this Country that are more than a lot worse off than us, and can only wish them the best on this cold winter morning.
     May God bless everyone who truly needs it, and Merry Christmas to the Christian World I grew up to appreciate!    Just sayin'.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


     Has the U.S. Constitution been thrown under the bus? Or are we all just taking for granted along with our Supreme Court that it's not worth bothering with anymore?
     Are we taking the 'Line of Least Resistance' and not fighting for it just to have peace with the Brethren who think we don't need it to guide and protect the common man from Tyranny? The Brethren, who Atheistically resent it's use by us, the Sheeple?
     I'm amazed to note the very few concerns brought to it in all the debates on both sides of the ledger. It's like they are avoiding it as they would the Bubonic Plague! Can someone explain why?
     Am I to assume because the Supreme Court itself has abused it in recent years, it's in order to further the Atheistic nature of ignoring it altogether by Barack Hussein Obama?
     After all, it's apparent to most now, that Barack has studied the Documents long enough to have previously boasted being a scholar, but then revealed through his actions as a Rogue President that he abhors it? Hasn't he really studied the Constitution for the purpose of tearing it down? I think he has and does think so from before his 2nd election to Office.
     Has any one of the Candidates placed the emphasis on the Ten Commandments and the Power of God and Prayer?
     Do they intend to bring Prayer back into the education system where our children will again be taught right from wrong and the consequences of offending God's Principles?
    Aren't they missing something, (With the exception of Mike Huckabee) in not bringing up the ignoring of God being promoted in our Public schools? Just askin'!


ISIS must be tickled to death about this accomplishment! It's exactly what they've been trying to accomplish for 7 years since Obama took office! One threatening stomp of the murderous foot, and 100% of Public schools in America tremble in fear. Well,....., It looks like they've accomplished their task!
      It all starts with gun control advocates lead by Barack Obama promoting no visible armed protection of Public Schools in order to not scare the children. No real increase in Guards or Intel to speak of because they feel that if there are no guns allowed in gun free zones, there will be no threats of violence. Know what I mean, Vern??
     I wonder when they're going to increase that effort of protection by declaring "This is a bomb-free zone" in the same areas?? Has anyone seen these notices lately or at all?
     All it takes is another "Executive Order"!!
     You see, if the Lefties promote these notions for, and with Barack Obama, then it will be so! RIGHT???. Well back to reality!
     Now I know that under ANY circumstances, we must be constantly on the alert for Terrorism any time. Assuming the Terrorists are deadly but not stupid, they aren't going to announce a bomb explosion any more than they're going to announce a planned gun-slaughter if they want to succeed in the task, are they??
     Don't you think they know what an inconvenience and tremendous cost to the American people it is when they announce these warnings, just to be tickled by the outrageous, terrifying response?
     When is the last time they announced a gun slaughter that it actually happened?? Anybody??
     Be ready for a lot more of this "Alternative Normal", "Atheistic based", "Islamic inspired" crap to happen until those same irresponsible people are removed from such responsible positions where they don't belong! Brace for at least one more year of it until Obama is finally out of power.
     Wouldn't it be more reasonable to be on total observant, gun-toting alert all the time this will be going on until we put THEM on the run?  Just sayin'.

Friday, December 11, 2015


     If things don't politically change on the 'Home Front', Christmas will no longer be a Religious freedom we as Christians, have enjoyed since we were born to, or migrated to, from the time the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock on November 23rd, 1916.
     Expect this Christian event to be named anything but, or to be cancelled by the non-Christians in the United States, Canada and the rest of the World.
     It's a sad thing we have to wait for all this present Worldly, deliberately 'organized' confusion to manifest itself before it's too late to avoid it happening.
     Because there's always deadly, unwanted riots, revolts and wars that will have to take place to force normal people to the point of fighting back. (No doubt as history proves, it repeats itself time and time again.) But it's also repeated in history that we always do, and win.
     In my thinking, we need to stop attributing all that is happening to the idea that they, the non-believers under Obama's thumb, don't know what they're doing under the devious façade that they don't. They know 'exactly' what they're doing!
     They believe that their collective intelligence among the "Alternative Normal" thinkers and promoters, along with their denial of God and the encouragement by the International Billionaires, is a cut above the stupidity of the Supreme being who created us in his image.
     They operate on that premise, a premise that will be dealt with by the grace of God when we, like the barefooted warriors who took down the British crown in 1776, take these Worldly thinking bastards down too!   Just sayin'.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


     As President of the most powerful Nation in the World, (Which amazes me!) this President was a Muslim, is a Muslim with a Muslim name. In his childhood years, he was confirmed into the Muslim faith in a Muslim school, in the Muslim Country of Indonesia.
     His mother was married to his father who was a Muslim with 3, maybe 4, wives at the time. Although being white, his mother obviously enjoyed the United States by remaining in Muslim Countries in preference to living the American way in the United States. (Her White parents also preferred living outside the United States for extended times in Muslim Countries.)
     His father's name was also Barack Hussein Obama Sr. His mother divorced his Dad due to finding he was married to, and fathered other children, to several other wives as some dedicated Islamists do.
     His mother remarried to a Man with the last name, Soetoro, and for approximately 8 years, Barack's name was changed to a less Muslim sounding name, "Barry Soetoro". It's said that his Dad was a heavy drinker and died after slamming his car into a tree in Kenya.
     His mother got divorced again and his name was then changed back to Barack Hussein Obama Jr.
     (At this time in his young adult life, he used both names to accommodate his ventures that suited his taste and convenience.) While living in his supposed Birthplace of Kenya, he obtained several passports of which 3 were to Britain, Indonesia and Pakistan. He journeyed to all three countries with his birth place shown on a Birth certificate as Kenya.
     It appears Barack has lived a deceptive, secretive lie and under mysterious means all of his life.
     So really, what's changed? I say; Not much!!
     He's a Muslim for life and he can't avoid it! Death ensues for him if he attempts to leave it, but I don't think he wants to anyway. On the other hand, being a confirmed Atheist in our modern life, allows him to be both, depending on whom he's addressing; In his pursuit of dominance, both Islam and Atheism have joined forces hand in hand in ridding the World of Christianity, which I believe is his dedicated quest, even though he also claims to the naïve, church-going followers that he is Christian.
     Don't try to convince me he's not aiming to succeed in World dominance! When you stand back and take a good second look, every deceptive move he makes is toward and for, the benefit of either Muslim/Atheists and the rest of the World except us. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


      The Communist/Socialist "left" is right on cue with their deceptive Agenda when it comes to completing the final chapter on transitioning the United States to just another insignificant part of the "NEW WORLD ORDER"! (A title set up to the desired making for "THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION".)
      It's intention is to have one world, pure Communist Gov't that will dominate the entire Globe.
      It's only their deceptive way of finishing us off for good, if Hillary gets in as the next President. That, I'm convinced of.
      Don't let her fool you by her deceptive actions in pretending to be a Christian. It's only a ploy!
      From the very beginning, along with "Horny Bill" and the rest of the 'still existing' supposed "Democratic" Congressmen, they have known about this long intended plan of selling out America to the rest of the Socialist and Communist World.
      Hillary Rodham (Now Clinton) was schooled in the heart of Chicago's Atheist Saul Alinsky founded "Midwest Academy" a decade before Barry Soetoro, (Barack Hussein Obama) did the same. While there, she received an award of Merit for writing her Thesis on the advancement of Atheism.
      Her theory has been directly in lock-step with that of Barack Obama, who also graduated from the "Midwest Academy" and sat on it's Board for 2 years after.
      How could you be more "Atheistic" than that?
      Keep in mind and your eye on the ball, when you wonder about the reason he keeps insisting on Global warming (Now "Climate change" since the top scientists of the world have proven him and his bunch as Global liars about the "warming" bit.) in order to take our eyes off the ball and the grim reality of what he really has in mind.
      Right from the start of his Presidency and before, Barack Obama has had a Muslim indoctrinated mind. He talks fluent Muslim. On the first day of his taking over the Presidency, he assigned the job of Chief of White House Affairs and Communications to a very close personal friend of his wife, Valerie Bowman Jarrett, who is also Muslim and born to African American parents in Iran. Half of her growing years were in Iran and speaks fluent Muslim as well. She lives, breathes and has full command over the people wanting to visit with the 1st family. Everyone without exception is screened by her before they ever meet with the President.
      How convenient it must be, to talk to the Ayatolah any time, day or night by way of Valerie. You see, Atheism and Islam have a common dislike for Christians anywhere in the World. (Do you still go for the lies that Obama has converted to being a Christian as well?)
      Just as Atheism does without conscience, Islam allows murder, rape and lying, as long as the end result suits their means of achievement. There's no fear of spiritual or physical punishment on either side.   Just sayin'.