Wednesday, May 31, 2017


     I'm surprised at the intensity of Shepard Smith's hatred towards president Trump and the length of time he wastes on FOX NEWS. I'm not surprised at Chris Mathews because he's been out to get Trump for quite some time due to MSNBC's plummeting in their viewership!
     Instead of telling the "Other side of the Story" compared to the FAKE News we listeners hear from the "Main Media" folks, 'Alternative Normal' Sheep Herder Smith has clearly taken sides with the FAKE News Corporations as well.
     With no apparent evidence to back up his negativity concerning Trump, he still dedicates himself to bashing our President totally, no matter what!!!
     I never thought I would find myself tuning out of Fox News, But I gotta' say, he spent nearly half of his hour-long show going after our President as though he and Chris Mathews are sleeping together! They both act as though they're going to break down and cry anytime during their shows! Just sayin'!

Monday, May 29, 2017


     After all, How many Europeans are joining us on this Memorial Day by taking the day off in mourning for the sacrificed lives of American Troops who lived and died in the five major wars in the last Century?? Can you just tell me what the estimated Ultimate price was for those troops, and the thanks we got from Europe, Asia and the 'friendly' Muslim Countries for that?
     I take my hat off to you, President Trump!!!
     But to listen to the Main Media including the daytime Fox Pundits, they seem to think we owe the rest of the World something forever when at this moment, I can't think of anything they have ever offered anything to us except immigration from their Country to us, the Immigrants they can't afford to take care of on their own!
     I'll bet you Angela Merkel, a very failed Leader of Germany in all sense of the word, has never praised America for the Freedom this Country brought to them by freeing East Germany from the Soviet Union and The Tyranny of Adolph Hitler!
     Ask yourselves these Questions; What on earth does anything those folks over there have to offer us that's of any value to us? The fact is; NOTHING!!
     If we are smart, we will sit down and evaluate just what do they offer us at this point? NOTHING!!
     To quote a World famous American General; "I wonder who dislikes us the most? The ones where we kicked their asses, or the Ones that we saved 'em?"
     You tell me; Especially with this being our Memorial Day when we thank our dead Warriors for not only saving Tyranny from our Borders but dedicating their beautiful lives to save those over there, How many are grieving for those same lives today?
     I'm disgusted with the daytime Pundits on FOX News today who worry about losing a friendship with any of those Countries who owe us EVERYTHING while I repeat; We owe them NOTHING!!

     Donald Trump was exactly right by demanding their fair Share in NATO.
     If they can't accept our Leadership while we pay the NATO bills, What the hell do we need them for anyway??
     I'm ashamed of the Turncoats on Daytime FOX News who would rather point out the faults of our President in earnest, Donald Trump who defends the honoring of our fallen troops on this, the saddest of days? It would be a good thing for this Country if you outside onlookers would just "Get the Hell out of the way!!!" Just Sayin'!


     Here he is in all his glory Folks! After 8 years of shadowed deception by the worst examples in modern history as an American President, he has suddenly showed his true, purpose of wanting to turn America into a Third World status.
     Just look at the way he is truly behaving! From the moment they had to drag him kicking and screaming from his Dictator White House, he is continuing to degrade the true purpose we got on the top in the World in the first place!
     He hasn't just looked at this Victorious Country of ours as a Failed Nation all along, but has rejoined the "Globalizing", failed Countries of the Old World in an obvious attempt to 'take us down' from the other side of the Fence! All of that, in order to redistribute our wealth to them. Eg.; Hillary as Secretary of State, was allowed to arrange the 'Giving away" of 20% of America's Uranium deposits to Vladimir Putin in exchange for millions of dollars placed into her and "Horny Bill's "Clinton Foundation".
     Does that make any sense at all to you??
     So here he is now, continuing on his intended path all along, attempting to utilize those Failed Countries as a vessel to catapult him to the Top Leadership of the World through "Globalization".
Only this time, now that he and Hillary didn't achieve it through controlling the White House, they are trying to do it from a different angle.
     The Devil certainly has his ways, doesn't he??  Just sayin'!

Friday, May 26, 2017


     I hope every one of the readers of my posts have noticed how the Devil and his Sheeple followers on the 'Left' who are championed by the dehorned, smiling Charles Shumer have gone back to referring to themselves as 'Democrats'.
     Having seen them insistently calling themselves "PROGRESSIVES" for the past 8 years and failing all the while under the  totalitarian belief of "Globalizing" us with the rest of the failed World, I find it stunning that 8 years of trying to change the name of their Party to the latter was only incidental to "Globalization". When in fact, the term 'Progressive' as related to general Politics of the past in America, was, as I previously pointed out in past blogs, the name the 'Communist Party of the United States of America'. They officially changed their name  because of dismal failure in their political system circa 1921 to;! YUP!! "THE PROGRESSIVE PARTY". (It's right there in history! That is, if the changing of past History to suit the desire of  Obama and George Soros'  needs, since I read it!)
     Yes! In 8 years of dethroning the very fabric of our Nation, "Democratic" and our Sacred Constitution we have been so successful under for two and a half Centuries, the misled Sheeple and their Representatives on the "Progressive" side of the ledger did their utmost to escape from our true idea of  Democracy by using the name "Progressive" instead. ( They cannot deny doing it!)
     So if you faithful Readers and others who read my 'stuff' will just stop and reminisce a while, you'll realize what I'm writing is the "TRUTH" and not just hear-say!
     The "PROGRESSIVES" Leaders, (Communists who have misled the unaware Sheeple) are now attempting to save their sorry asses by again reverting back temporarily to the use of the name "Democrats"!! Know what I mean, Vern??? Please take notice of that!!
     They're depending on the 'short memories' of the Twittering Middle Class in hopes of thwarting President Trump from communicating with us on TWITTER which they mistakenly assume is 'DUMB"!!  
     All I can say further to this is; Watch out for that "GLOBALIZATION stuff!! Just sayin'.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


     Here is what this Blogger (Amateur) thinks of it; The Corruption of the past 8 years is unparalleled in the history of the U.S. Gov't. Never before has the very core of our way of life as a Constitutionally driven, most powerful Country in the World been assaulted to the brink of Extinction.
     The matter concerns me in particular, because of my own personal story of why I came here in 1976 to be a part of  a Nation that truly believed deeply in the strength and courage of that Sacred, Constitutional Document!
     I always appreciated the way the two Main Parties positively conflicted with each other about the ideas they had for the future of our admirable Country, but actively did it within the confines of our very important guides, The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution!
     So now, at the Midnight of my years, I never thought I would ever be blind-sided by the aspect we would be attacked from within our own Borders! But that appears to be EXACTLY what's happening to us as I write this blog.
     I truly believe through several transitions in the ideology of the "Left" over the last 2 decades, there's no longer 2 major parties of 'Old' and the American, Constitutionally inspired, American Way! I'm compelled to think the separation has become too widely gapped in future intentions for our Nation for us to naively think we are a Republic of  shared, but still believers in Constitutional ways. (We on the "Right" are the sole, Constitutional believers, now!)
    The separation of different directions has grown so wide, with the believers on the "Left" side with "Globular" wishes that they themselves will maintain Worldly, Godless Control of the Civilized World, and those of us Constitutional, Religious believers on the 'Right' who wish to remain within the framework of  an Independent, Republic of the United States of America.
    They are 2 different Ideologies so far apart, it's a 'conundrum' ( problem that cannot be resolved) to think otherwise!
     Bloodless? NO!.... Bloody YES!! Why do I think this??....... Because in order to achieve their "Leftist" goal, the 'Progressives' (Used-to-be Liberal Democrats who virtually don't exist anymore) are never going to cease pushing their sense-less agenda of God-less-ness "Globally" until they do 'Whatever it takes' to achieve it! Eg: Barack Obama never, ever compromised on a single item in his push to demoralize, weaken and surrender this Country to the rest of his other 'World', unless he gained something and we forfeited something. That's how he got as far away from God as he has done.
     Hillary was simply his 'Understudy' and would have continued that same pathway to 'Globalization'. You see......, Without the belief in God, they carry no guilt for what they do to get what they want. They have no boundaries! (The 'Line of Least Resistance' prevails and as I've mentioned in other blogs, it's seldom the way to go!) But it works for them!
     On the other hand, we still have the Representatives on the "Right" who still resemble and represent the "American way" and still wish to keep our beliefs in our Forefathers, our shoeless Rebels who fought the war of Independence, our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the will to keep us on Top of the World as it presently is!
     I believe that our President Trump is the only pathway left for us to achieve and protect our Independence!
     The 'Left' has run out of all their devious options that so far have failed to rid themselves of serving time in jail when the dominoes start to fall. Eventually, they WILL!!
     The fatal mistake they made was to assume there was no way we were going to stop their goal of 'Globalization' with them being the intended, already chosen Leaders at the end of 'the taking down' of America and the stubborn 'American Way'!
     Help yourself to proving me wrong!!
     With enough resources financially, an 'Independent Prosecutor' is their only way out of this mess. We can only hope they can't 'Jury-Rig" this guy!! Then it's "GUNTANAMO HERE THEY COME!"
     Know what I mean, Vern???   Please read "The Rules of Revolution" that Barack Hussein Obama to this day, governs himself by!!   Just sayin'.

Friday, May 5, 2017


(Excuse me Dad, I loved you and know what you did so selflessly for our Country! But during your never-ending absence, this is about Mom!)
      I'd like to describe a photo I just saw on FB, of an elderly woman sitting by her favorite window, gazing out in the distance with an abandoned look. A look that portrayed her exactly like my Mother! Clothes and all!
     It was a gaze that for the moment, took her away from the overwhelming, everyday realities she faced with no reasonable end for her in sight! The look on that Lady's face described several things eerily familiar to me in a family of 8 boys and 3 girls. It was a very special place in her mind where she would suddenly force herself from the never-ending toil of the day to sit and ponder, to forever wonder where my Dad (she never quit loving) was, but never knowing, and where the next meal would come from, also not knowing! She never quit wondering what she could do about it as well!
      It was usually while the rest of us would eat the often-times meager meal she managed to scrape up at the close of each never-ending hungry day!
     I'm sure she thanked God often for all the children available to tend to the Guernsey, milk supplying cow, chickens for meat and eggs, along with the strength he gave her to accomplish an otherwise seemingly impossible task she was confronted with every waking morning.
     Every morning, would find her up preparing our breakfast while one of us was also up, starting the fires in the Coal and wood stove in the kitchen during Summer and the furnace in the basement as well in the Winters where we would have durations of Below-zero Fahrenheit, quite excessively!
     Thank you Mom!  Thank you for our only dependable strength in guiding this family through the Great Depression, then the 2nd World War and the "Forgotten" Korean War.
     I personally remember your added chores of the wars, the baking of endless cookies and such to send them to my older brothers in the Canadian and the American Military Posts in which they dutifully served, Both Canadian and American!
     I remember you leading and giving us a lending hand in digging and planting the large garden that was our sole source of vegetables until the following year. At which time we were back at it again.
     I reflect back to the times I was little and Jeannie was a baby, as busy as you were, how you always took the time to love us when we hurt and when you could still find the time to show us soothing sympathy.
     Readers of these stories might wonder in amazement, how you came through your episodes in your busy times and still on Sunday, herd all of us still at home, to Church every Sunday without fail?? To tell us to pray that we would by some Act of God, receive answers and a means to carry on??
     Well,......., The question might be in someone else's mind when reading this; Why didn't she "Break" and give up on this "GOD" thing and all the endless chores that came along with it?? Just as I thought of myself a couple of times in my life???.........The answer in her Religious-taught beliefs was simple; "Ask and you shall receive!" We DID both!! It worked for us, didn't it Mom!?
     You never drank alcohol or smoked, but never do I remember you scolding us severely when the rest of this family did, and believe me, we did!
     I must say also, one of your many attributes was the ability to turn a mistake into a laughing matter, turning the situation into a 'positive' from what would have surely been a prolonging 'Negative'!
     Many times, you entertained yourself and us   that way, by attending our family gatherings, while you took the deserved position of Matriarch as we partied on!
     Memories of the past were 'aplenty; We saw you blacken a female neighbor's eye when she entered our yard to do harm to our sister June in a dispute the neighbor had started to begin with, by deliberately lighting a yard-trash fire next door after you had just hung out a wash on the 75 ft. Clothes-line! (Sister June had just put it out with the hose to save the clothes!)
     That incident rubbed off on the rest of us throughout our lives, in protecting each other! We DID indeed, do that!!
     After that, circa 1958, the last one of us left you to that quiet home alone, You  sold the house in Fernie, B.C. and fullfilled an unbelievable desire to follow through on a professional path you were called by God and your conscience to do; You took up a position in a retarded Children's home in Boulder, Montana! (You just weren't ready to GIVE UP!!)
     You decided after 5 years of that, to return to Eureka Mont. to live by your younger Sister Alice and Tommy Price. (My favorite Aunt and Uncle)
     Were you done yet?? NOPE!!
     You lived in your own little cottage there that you had built by your Nephew, Tom Price JR. and took in our Grandmother Voem until she passed away at 86 years of age. You sold your home and moved here to Seattle, where you entered a Senior Citizen's assisted living facility and died peacefully in your sleep, (As you always expressed your desire to do) at the approaching age of 99  years!
     God bless and keep you until the rest of us can be there with you too!!    Just sayin'!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


     What?? WHAT???. First of all, I must ask; When your voting block put you in your position, I dare to remind you, "You're there to serve your Country and not the Constituents!" (Comments similar to this were made by sitting G.O.P. Representatives.
     First of all I must also remind the G.O.P. Representatives  who say this ; I say; "Those 40% are likely the same Left wing Voters who didn't vote for you in the first place! Dummy!!"
     Remember this; Refusing to abide by the wishes of 60% of the ones who did, will probably give you only 40% approval when you run for re-election! Or......., maybe the G.O.P Challenger to your seat may give all of your approval to the Challenger! so he can make more sense!
     After all, money under the table, (just supposing here!) wasn't what you were put there for either!
     If so far, I haven't made any sense to you, it wouldn't make any sense to me either, to think your replacement couldn't do better! Just guessin'.


 Before you continue reading the following blog, I'd like to advise the Readers that I have come to realize that the Democratic Party of (Old) doesn't exist anymore!
     A party that was once totally imbedded in abiding by the Constitution just as the G.O.P. was, no longer can brag emphatically that it still is!
     In a Christian sense, Anyone who still believes in God and goes to a church of their choosing can't possibly attach themselves to the evolved intentions in which the Leaders of that Party are now exposing their SHEEPLE to!
      It's a conundrum to say the least!
     The more I do my blogging on the recent Politics that I started doing in February of 2001, the more I learn about the behavior of the different Parties of now and yesteryear!
     I guess I'm not alone in discovering that, once you do Political blogs on the affairs of the Country's Government and how they handle themselves, you begin to realize that we haven't put the finishing touches on, or come to agree on, what was intended in it over the 250 years it first came into being.
     What I have come to recognize, is what we learn about it isn't necessarily the way the Party of the "Left" has Construed it's intentions!
     I came to this Country on May 24th, 1976 to follow the footsteps of my older Siblings and to be near them.
     Prior to that time, I had never really read the U.S. Constitution but knew for sure it had to be good because of the success this Most Powerful Country in the World had, in running it's Civil and Military affairs.
     I came to realize very quickly, it was written in plain language that everybody from 10 years old to the age 100 and beyond, could read it and satisfactorily abide by it!
     I knew then, why the Founding Fathers drafted up and took careful editing time to finally present it to the common PEOPLE;   It was established not just for the purposeful use of a Government, but mainly for every man, woman and child to know it for the protection of the people!
     You only need to read it, to realize it's for the equal rights of every legal citizen in America!
     Not to be used for a Gov't alone!   
     Why do I write this you ask?? Well, if you think about it as you read it, it comes clear to the Reader that what has taken place over the last three Decades was everything BUT the Constitution for everyone!
     Not only then to protect just a 'Chosen Few' (The "LEFT") in Gov't Office who ironically hid and still hide behind the Rules to protect their Evil motives of having an eventual, "ONE WORLD ORDER", Godless Gov't from which THEY would be part of the ruling force, and in charge of the globalized what I refer to now as; "SHEEPLE".
     Their motives now clear, were meant to lead us all the way away from our 'SACRED' People's CONSTITUTION for their own selfish "GLOBAL" wishes! Then they'll destroy it!
     In other words, COMMUNISM!!
     Then; After them completing the job wanting to be done by the "PRGRESSIVE LEFT" and Hillary Clinton that would quickly finish the job left behind by the Devil himself; Barack Obama! Who "stepped on his own dick" by being in such a hurry to accomplish it himself! 
     You see,.....they  both along with the "LEFT", have and always will think that the World of "SHEEPLE" including me, are too stupid to comprehend what their true intentions are!! (Read both their histories of having attended Atheist based "Midwest Academy" still existing in infamous Chicago!)
     Our only defense against this being the case, could be what's happening right at this very moment by the sitting President, Donald Trump!!  There's very little doubt of this happening sometime in the Future. Be it now, or further down the road if we, the "People" allow it.
     There's still a light for us at the end of the tunnel!
     With Donald Trump as our President, and him being the avowed Christian I happen to believe he is, instead of our #1, #2 and #3 Enemies  along with the Entertainment world, not allowing them to gather us into their web of Communism to rule us as the SHEEPLE they look on us as.
     Why wouldn't we just stay on top where we presently are, let our President establish a GLOBAL Gov't where we the PEOPLE of the World can still be the Boss under the guidance of our Christian God, retain all our Countries of wealth and Natural Resources to ourselves for re-distribution as we please, (After processing of course!) and have a "CHRISTIAN GLOBAL"
 Gov't instead?
     With having nothing other than those two choices,; Which would us "PEOPLE" of Faith rather have??
     I choose the Latter of the two! With little choice of anything else for our future, it would end with more of a DREAM that could come true, rather than the NIGHTMARE we've just come through for 8 years, and from a world of "Fake News" and deceptive, selfish Politicians!  
     Know what I mean, Vern??,  Just dreamin'!