Friday, January 31, 2014


     How many times have you heard Dunderhead Obama Say; "The Congress needs to work with me"? When in heck is he going to get it straight? In 5 year now, he's been saying it over and over again. "Why won't the Congress work with me  in my direction?"
     When will we realize, along with him, that "Compromise" cannot be in his direction? But he, as one human being, needs to "Compromise" most of the time with 535 other human beings. They're called "CONGRESS"!
     I ask him and his small group of insignificant "appointed" others, "Who in hell do you think you are, and when is the last time you did anything that you're supposed to do within the confines of  the U.S. Constitution??"
     That's the REAL question! Why do you think Congress is there for, Boob? For Pete's sake, get it straight! Think about it folks, Understand what he has trained himself to think; "I'm at the top no matter what, in any conversation," "Take and keep control"! "Because I'm at the top, I should always make them come to me" "Never give in to them, because it's a sign of weakness. Never let them see my weakness!" "Rule #1; I'm the Boss! The Boss is always right, and always #1.!
     Rule #2! When you disagree with the Boss, Revert back to rule #1!"
     Do you see what I mean? (They teach this in sales courses, and it works!)
     So for five solid years, he and his cronies have been operating under that formula and expecting not to lose if they stick to their guns.
     There are 330 million people in the United States and only ONE Barack Obama. Get it straight! He needs to "compromise" with us and not with him, or he needs to GO!! Just sayin!

Thursday, January 30, 2014


     At a Congressional hearing concerning facts about Afghanistan, 3 top Administration Officials were asked to appear and explain: How much money was spent by the Administration on the war in Afghanistan in the last year. Answer after some befuddlement; "We'll get back to you on that!"
     Next Question: How many Soldiers died in the past 12 months in Afghanistan? Answer after a great deal more befuddlement: "We'll get back to you on that!"

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


     Just so you know, I sometimes (More often than not!) describe the Democrats as Communists, Atheists, Homosexuals and Bi-sexuals. ("Alternative Normals") as they decided to name themselves.) I do it because I sense that's what they truly are!
     First, I was raised ( I feel correctly) in a normal environment, in a normal small town and first in a Catholic school, then on to the Public school.
     But having been raised by a very strong, intelligent mother who raised 11 children by herself and who was our principle defender, we all learned how to grow up very poor, but very strong in our habits and Godly beliefs. Every week, she saw that we followed her up the street to the church and the Mass spoken in Latin. (I will always feel the way my mother felt; that our strength was in God! I doubt that she would have made it through 99 years if it wasn't for that.) No doubt I strayed, I asked forgiveness for it, and believe I got it,.
     In a world of continued poverty during the Great Depression and immediately thereafter, it was tough, not just for us, but for almost everybody we grew up around.
     Through all of that, there was one thing we learned to accept regardless of anything else; "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, IT'S A DUCK!!!" We were all too busy trying to survive to think of the disguised alternatives. 
     Because of that situation, we never had the idle time to call it anything else other than "A Spade is a Spade". Period.
     I simply lived in that kind of World and my family and friends were the same.
     Now I am seeing a totally different world of Leaders in this Country, along with their International rich backers trying to tear down our Constitutional way of life for a different lifestyle such as I've never seen before, so dastardly different, that within my mind I refuse to accept it.
     I see for us at the present, being "herded" by a totally immoral group of people who previously, wouldn't even have gotten half way to first base back in those days. But lo' and behold, here they are!!
     Having read the U.S. Constitution I recognized the difference between my Country, and the true freedom that existed down here in the United States. ( Not to denounce the People up there by any means, I love them all. I just knew the Constitution was written for true freedom of the common man without interference by Gov't. Canada has the same morals, but no Written Constitution that guarantees them their personal simple rights the way our Constitution does.) It was for me, and I left a good career behind to follow my instincts.
     So, I very strongly reject any idea that it needs to be changed by a combination of Godless Atheists, a Radical Muslim, an Anti-Constitutionalist who claims to have taught it for 10 years, (But only to criticize it and teach his twisted ideas of how it should be abolished.) a group of homosexuals and Bi-sexuals, who have polluted strategic places in our Gov't up to and including the Supreme Court, and who seem to be hell-bent on changing this Country onto a course that is, without a doubt, going to take us directly into Communism by way of Socialism if they have their way.
     There once was a time the average 'Joe', when offended, could file suit against anyone who violated his personal Constitutional Rights, and actually win! In fact you could predict what the outcome would be from the Superior or Supreme Court, if it got that far. (You could simply read the Constitution and predict it).
     Now, it seems to have been overcome by politics rather than the truth.
     The offending Party sidesteps it all by accusing anybody else of being exactly everything they themselves really are.
     They do it with an unforgivable vengeance and refer to us as inferior to their 'higher' ( but perverted) way of thinking. They seem to have placed themselves a cut-above the Judeo-Christian based Constitution and a step above the common man.
     To me, this is a battle to the finish because I don't want them taking away the freedom I so passionately came here for.
     The information I provide comes not originally from me, but from the News sources I feel I can honestly believe and depend on.
     They're reliable sources, and as incredible and unbelievable as the information may seem, it's the other, true side of the story.
     EG; Last week I reported from my sources that Obama hired the "Navigators" who answer the Obamacare phones to take your very personal information, were the same people who were fired from the Shameful "Acorn group" that was founded by Barack Obama himself, prior to his first election.
     Fox News reported this morning that an investigation into these hired Navigators revealed they had never been screened, and some have had as many as 3 prior convictions for such things as fraud, burglary and other serious offenses for which they served time.
      Kathleen Sebelius admitted in a Congressional investigation that information  taken by the Navigators could be passed on or sold to anyone since the information is not firmly secured. Check it out!
     My feelings are, to fight the dirty fight they're waging against us, and not just sit back and enjoy the perverted rape they would like to perform. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


     Yes, I'm tired of hearing the various hosts criticizing the whole Gov't body as doing nothing including the Republicans.
     I heard it on the Michael Medved Show as some "know it all" blabbed his mouth off about it, saying "The Republicans are just as much to blame because they haven't done anything to improve the situation with the U.S. economy in the last five years, either!"
     Do they all have memories that short, that they can't remember the Progressives (Communists) had complete control of the entire Congress and Presidency for the first 2 of those 5 years to begin with? And have they not seen how they turned this Country into the mess it's in as a result?
     Every time that remark is made where they say "including the Republicans" I want to get sick! The Republicans couldn't possibly have done anything about it, because they had no control over the House of Representatives.
     Don't they remember how the "Progressives" behaved once they had total control of the House and the Senate? They wrote Barack Obama a "Get out of Jail Free" ticket for everything his warped mind wanted to do! Including a "No holds barred" freedom for spending.
     They were able to do it because they lied, cheated and stole enough votes to get the Super majority in both parts of Congress, and locked out the elected Republican members of Congress to proceed with their devious planning behind closed doors.
     They did it illegally right off the bat, and have been ignoring the Rules of our Constitution ever since. Together with Barack Obama lying about everything from A to Z, and continuing to do it as I write this blog with him delivering the "The State of the Union" address for the fifth devious time since he "seized" office.
     It was only with the grace of God and the American people, the Republicans gained control of the House,  and because the House has control solely of the money approved to be spent, stopped the bleeding of the taxpayers dollars unless they approved it.
     Constitutionally, they can refuse to pass a Bill for spending that the "Progressive" (Communist) controlled Senate was taking for granted before they were stopped by the House.
     I know you'll find a lot of doubt in what I'm about to say, but it's a fact. Obama and his Regime have spent Hundreds of billions of dollars and refuse to account for where it went.
     They're capable of doing anything they think they need to do to keep control, including throwing the total Constitution aside, if it gets in their way.
     Please realize the House of Representatives can only control the flow of money when the Constitution is abided by. They are helpless when the Federal Reserve goes ahead and prints out billions, with no gold or work production to back it up. They'll soon run out of the Taxpayer's money and there will be riots in the streets similar to the European Union has going today.
     The Obama Administration and the "Progressive" Party are doing everything they can to avoid the truth coming out before they complete their purpose, and that's to have this Country succumb to Worldly control with a Central body running it. "The New World Order" with Obama at the Helm.
     Since the "Progressives" have come up with absolutely no solution to our Country's real problems, and they had 5 years to accomplish it, they spent the money on their friends in the "Global Warming" and "Green" projects instead of coming up with ideas to get the economy going. Now, they're having to defend themselves along with their phony Allies who received all that money in return for their generous financial support.
      It's a joke when they say the Republicans didn't come up with any ideas, either. Are you kidding me?? Now that the Obama bunch has made a dire mess of everything, including Obamacare, they have the nerve to say, "The Republicans haven't any ideas either!"
     The fact is, the "Progressives" had their eyes and ears closed to anyone who could have helped.  They're saying now that the Republicans "wouldn't compromise".
     The Republicans only control 1/3 of the Gov't, and the "Progressives" still have 2/3's control.
     Who are they kidding?? 
     Please, Republicans, when one of your "supposed" allies makes that nasty remark, drop them from your presence real fast. You couldn't do anything about the current situation as hard as you tried to!  Just sayin'.


Thursday, January 23, 2014


     He's been doing offensive things to our Country and Military all along, and all we do is stand back and watch him do it. He's been ignoring anything that restricts him from doing what he does through our Constitutional process. He does it by executive order, not caring whether it's illegal or not.
     Much worse, He's backed by a group of people who, for their own selfish reasons to advance themselves, are either turning a blind eye  because they think he wouldn't dare do it, or because they're unpatriotic and don't care a hoot if he does seize control by Martial law. When they finally do realize his true intentions, it'll be too late.
     He's been quietly arming "Al Qaida" by subversive means, under the pretense he's helping the rebels defeat tyrannical leaders.
     "Al Qaida" as I mentioned previously, is an International force established by Bin Laden decades ago with their training facility in Beshawar Province, Pakistan with the approval of the Pakistani Gov't. That has not changed. They're a blood-thirty fighting force distributed to all parts of the world and ready to act on a moments notice.
     They are all Muslims, they all hate America and that's never going to change.
     Barack Obama was raised a Muslim in Indonesia. We all know how Radical they are or can be. He presently has three "Muslim Brotherhood" members under his employ in the White House. "Al Qaida" are members of the "Muslim Brotherhood".
     So by now, we know how murderous they have been in the past, now, and in the future. There's no getting away from those facts and we would be stupid to ignore them. Yet, A large portion of our population is doing just that. I know it's not saying much, but Justin Bieber would make better sense than they do.
     I've been accurately predicting his moves and intentions for some time now simply by "connecting the dots".
     As he continues to carry on with a blind eye to anyone who objects, except to accuse them of falsehoods to cover his tracks, the GOP haters on the Left haven't gathered enough sense and probably won't, in their stupid determination to think they're answering to a higher authority than God, by following the wishes of the great Barack Obama and his Regime.
     It's not a rumor that he has revised our education system of Public schools to exclude the moral learnings that kept us so strong over the centuries. Now they're actually eliminating and changing history to suit themselves in the required history books.
     They are so bound and determined to overtake our Christian system, they won't stop short of violence to make it happen, And I fear the worst is yet to come.
     It's very disheartening to me, because I came to this Country dreaming of having a chance to live under a Constitution that I knew was fair to the average American.
     I feel insulted by his demeanor in which he and his Regime, along with  the "Progressive" (Communist)  Party are treating us. It's depressing to know this man for what he really is, yet to have some people think I'm way off base.
     When on earth are the naïve people who still support him and still have an ounce of decency in their body, going to see it.
     Until they do, they are a part of "The enemy Within" just as much as the perpetrators themselves.
     I guess, when and if it comes down to Martial Law in this Country, they would be the ones to point the finger at people they mingled with prior to the coup. Similar to the infamous Gyorgy Schwartz and his father when they helped the Nazi's imprison the Jews in their neighborhood, by serving Nazi eviction notices on them for money. Later when he was asked why he did it, since he and his family were themselves Jewish, he replied, "For money! Because money is power!! They later changed their name to Soros. Specifically George Soros. I wonder why?
     You surely know who he is, don't you?? He's has been one of Barack Obama's largest financial backers and lives right here in the good old U.S. of A. Just sayin'.

Monday, January 20, 2014


     In a report today, It was reported that the Black Caucus is upset with Barack Obama because they feel he isn't doing enough to advance the Blacks up to the level of the Whites.
     I agree with them wholeheartedly. I join them with that criticism in stating my own. The difference is glaringly apparent though, in the fact that instead of trying to accomplish their wish, he thought it would be easier to bring all of the Whites down to the level of the Blacks by not making the effort to encourage jobs for anybody.
     It's called "The line of least Resistance". He knows that the less he does, the more we'll all be equal. It's less expensive that way, less bother and it gives him a chance to spend more time visiting the rest of the World and playing golf. ( He's only played 165 games since he's been in office.)
     In other words, he feels that if things don't change, they'll remain the same.
     As Margaret thatcher once said; "Socialism works great until it runs out of other people's money." So he feels if he spends enough on other things, he'll spend China into bankruptcy and he'll have a legitimate excuse to raise everybody's taxes some more. Or something like that!!
      But Jay Carney, the White House's chief Spokesman says, "We're expecting a bumper crop of road apples out there this year."
     Anyway, I wonder if the rain's gonna' hurt the rhubarb! Just sayin'.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


     They're the first ones to take it for their own use when they feel offended by someone else. But it always seems to be for kinky reasons.
     A man who was convicted for a heinous, brutal murder and sentenced to life, has now taken the Gov't to court and won! What for? A total sex change to a woman.
     A panel of Leftist, "Alternative Normal" Federal Judges have determined it to be his Constitutional right, so they've ordered it done!
     So I guess it's another "break-through first" for the Marxist Left Judicial system we have running our affairs right now.
     Just one of the many "Break-throughs" they have waiting for us in the course of this Obama era.
     I guess it's wrong to assume that anyone sent to prison for a criminal offense had forfeited their rights.
     Does this mean in the future then, that prisoners will soon be afforded their Constitutional rights to vote? 
     Look for more kinky decisions in the near future as the Obama and Judicial System are nearing their time to walk the last mile? Or are they getting us Constitutionalists ready to walk it?
     Just sayin'.

Friday, January 17, 2014


     The "Progressives" who are so willing to suggest that research information on the "Trilateral Commission", "New world Order", "Benghazi" slaughter, "Fast and Furious" arms and ammunition scandal and the "NSA" illegal privacy spying are doing it for one of two reasons;
      They're either, in on the Conspiracies 'hook, line and sinker' or they just don't like the thought of the Rats involved in it being caught up to that might spoil their beliefs in the "Ideal". Rather than to face the illegalities and the consequences of the truth.
      They are coached to go on the defense of them by attempting to turn the cold hard facts into "Propaganda", even though the facts are staring them in the face!
      They also 'fight fire with fire' so to speak, by accusing past Gov'ts of having done the same thing! Beware of the response they give about some of antics that are being currently pulled by saying, "Aw, they all do it!!"
      The difference between them and other Gov'ts is, although other Gov'ts have done some of this stuff a few times in the past, they're feeling they can do it at will as many times as they please.
      My answer to that, folks is, Whoever said that one wrong makes it okay to do it twice?
      It makes me ill to hear Obama speak now about what's right or what's wrong after he has blatantly overseen it all being done wrong for 5 years.
     Does he finally realize the "Jigs up" and believe it can suddenly be forgiven and forgotten so easily? Especially with the loss of life that has been incurred during that time? Does he really think the American people are going to let him go without consequence when and if he loses?
     I'm getting a kick out of his promise yesterday that he is going to correct the NSA privacy spying debacle  and restrict the ability of them being able to continue doing it. Is that because he thinks by doing so, it's going to stop the investigation into why it was done in the first place, and there won't be any penance for already having done it?
     Remember, he's doing it now, only after he already has all the information he'll ever need anyway.
For us to rely on him erasing the current spying  information would be as believable as someone's word that, "The Check's in the mail", HA, Ha, Ha!!
     Watch this guy folks! And don't take your eye off the people you know who refer to research on them as "Conspiracy propaganda".
     They call it that, without having to come up with any speculations of their own. It's easy to do!
     Please continue to read my blogs at; http/ All it takes is your time! Just sayin'.


Thursday, January 16, 2014


     You can begin with Barack Obama and then it doesn't matter who else in the Administration. Because they're all the same.
     Not until it was too late, did we begin to put the dots together.
     I saw it, with the help of a few of my friends who taught me how to operate my computer at the age of 74. (3 years ago) Boy, was I a Country Bumpkin when it came to the advance in computer technology.    
     Having been in the Engineering field in Canada for the first half of my life, and starting before the era of electric adding machines and then calculators, it was a shock to me that I had to set a good deal of my knowledge from the past aside. One thing that did come in handy, was my letter writing ability.
     I have to say now, The learning of the new technical applications was beginning all over again. But I have learned, and I learned to research history and politics with all my support in recent years coming from the patience of friendly helpers. Now at my later years, when I first started learning the computer, and because of a completely new terminology, words such as the term "cursor" came into play.
     I confess to you now, when my daughter called me from Canada after 3 months, to ask how I was doing, I told her I became quickly aware of two cursers, me and the arrow on the screen! (The spellings different, but what the hay.)
     Anyway, I've learned several things that I previously wasn't aware of.
     Believing in the Constitution was taken for granted, and I did believe in it, and still do. But I was also naïve enough to think that all Americans did too. I don't think now, I was alone in my naivity.
     When Barack Obama came on the scene, I was at first impressed to hear he was a scholar of, and lecturer of the Constitution. It didn't take me long to discover he had studied the Constitution, not to honor it, but to tear it down and bypass it's sacred laws.
 As I started to research his past I learned it was very mysterious as well.
     As I inquired into varying portions of his life, different stories came from conflicting history sources on the internet. there were pro-Obama writings glorifying his background and there were Anti-Obama stories from the other side. I discovered, though more troubling, there was no reason to doubt the articles on the Anti-Obama side since a lot of research by others was more detailed through info follow-up. On the glorifying side, it was just his version and what he told everyone along the way.
     After deciphering his history on both sides, and having since learned what a whopper of a liar he had always been about everything else once I caught up to speed with him, I managed to thread my way through his mysterious past, on up to, and including the Presidency.
     I've come to the conclusion that, depending on where you look in his history, you could come up with evidence he lived the life of a very mysterious person and had operated at one time under two different names. In fact I challenge anyone to find a living soul that personally knows him from the time he was born until now.      Depending on whether he was for a short time in Hawaii visiting his divorced mother, who had been in College there where she had first met his father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., or whether he was back in his birthplace of Kenya, South Africa where his white Grandparents raised him.
     While on this Continent, his name was Barack Hussein Obama Jr., and in South Africa, at the age of 18, he possessed up to three passports under the name of Barry Soetoro and giving his birthplace as Kenya.(The same date as his 'supposedly' authentic birthplace in Hawaii.) By the way, recently, a certified handwriting expert examining his birth certificate on display on the internet has found it to be false according to some news reports.
     In order to obtain Passports to Pakistan, Indonesia and Britain, he had to produce Certificate of Birth. That proof was of him being born in Kenya.
     Even in his book, "Dreams by my Father" there are contradictions throughout it.
     In his public speeches, he claims to have taught Constitutional Law for ten years. Turns out he only lectured there, but when he did, he spoke against it, not on behalf of it.
     Anyway, by this time I knew in my mind he was a devious, treacherous man who didn't want anyone researching or questioning his past. He has always avoided it. Enough about him , for now!
     Now, on to the rest of them ;
     Hillary Rodham, prior to marrying Bill Clinton, attended the same academies prior to the times Barack Obama did ; The Saul Alinsky Atheist based "Midwest Academy" in Chicago. First, Hillary wrote an award winning thesis on the principles of Marxism, and later, when Barack attended, he actually sat on the board and lectured there.
     Later, after Hillary had already graduated from the very Liberal 'Left' Harvard University, Barack went there as well and lectured.
     So, if you were to check on the rest of the Administration and appointments by Barack Obama, you will find similarities amongst them all, that date back to their original places of education, they are all from the Chicago Area or places of the same Communist, Marxist inspired temperament. Atheism.
     So don't let this "Going to Sunday Church" thing fool you. It's simply to mask their real, dark side motivations of Marxism, plain and simple.
     A couple examples of his appointments include Van Jones, an openly declared Communist and friend of the original "Black Panthers of America" and Bill Ayers, Leader of the infamous "Weather Underground" responsible for terrorizing the nation until spending a good number of years in a Federal prison.
     That's why I sometimes refer to the Obama Administration; "Obama and his 40,000 thieves".
     Guess what? It's even gotten worse over the past five years of his reign.
     Do you think birds of a feather stick together??       Just sayin'.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


      The problem for them here is, everybody is mostly beyond the labels they use on us Constitutionalists. The fact is, our writings are backed by the real facts that have been thoroughly researched, and are the TRUTH!!
      May I suggest "FOX NEWS"?
      For circa 17 years now, I have been watching them principally because I found that, if I wanted to make my own determinations of who to vote for, the facts pro and con, were always there to chose from.
     I began to notice a peculiar similarity between the rest of the Main-Media News channels owned by the Far-left, Atheist based Titans; They, like the Hollywood Celebrity crowd, were all in line together in speaking dislike towards the Sacred, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the whole of the Constitution itself.
     So when it came to separate the facts from fiction, it became more and more apparent that the Left Wing Media including NPR, were excluding anything in the news that might be contrary to their political Agenda.
     It became glaringly apparent the 'Left' as a whole, were deliberately leaving it out.
     The more shocking thing was, Our Public Education system was in on the ploy as well. They had quit putting the emphasis on the Sanctity of  the Constitution and what it was based on.
     By placing a roadblock on learning the importance of the Constitution, Students who were soon going to be our important 'Working, tax paying' Generation, were deliberately left out of the mix in learning that the emphasis in those documents, was in protection of the common man to be free of the Tyranny the International Elites whom the Founding Fathers who devised it, had amazingly envisioned in the future.
     They had already suffered that same tyranny prior to the Declaration of Independence from the British Monarchy.
     Their behavior gradually gave indications of a conspired plot against the Constitutional Establishment, but so bizarre and surreal, that the common voters didn't really detect it if they were encouraged to not watch Fox News, whom they knew was attempting to "Get the cat out of the bag", so to speak.
     For anyone who was in the habit of watching Fox though, It was becoming more and more obvious. And with that, they gathered more viewers than all of the "Left" stations combined, and it remains that way to this day.
     Having taken for granted that everyone was too solidly behind the Constitution to think we had as organized a group of Anti-Constitutionalists right here in this Country as we did, the common people ignored it as being unreal.
     All this time, it took a while to realize that the controlling Left were purposefully omitting the Sacred 3 documents from being taught, and in fact, were speaking against it in all the Federally funded learning institutions. Hence the volume of students coming out of the Public School learning facilities don't have a clue about how much the Constitution is there for their protection.
     They'd rather take the line of least resistance and break windows, burn police cars and in the black Community, use 'knock-out tactics' at random on any white human they see as vulnerable. Including the aged, the poor, and the impaired.
     Now, they have the unadulterated nerve to refer to us as something they have been for years; "Propagandists"!
     No folks, we truly have "The Enemy Within our borders" and it's not the Illegal Aliens who are so often taking the heat.
     After all. who, in their right mind would not come to this country when they know the benefits the Obama Regime has encouraged them to come and get. If you lived in another dirt poor Country, Wouldn't you? The real threat there is, in their policy, not requiring them to take the Oath of Allegiance and read and understand the sacred Rights afforded them in the Constitution. Just sayin.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


     It appears the "Progressives" (Communists) have finally reached their truly exposed level of incompetency.
     I say this in earnest, after listening and viewing the remarks they're making on radio, the "View", the White House and Progressive members of the Senate. They're so silly in their remarks about the opposition, (The GOP and the Tea Party People.)
     So silly and irresponsible, that it's actually difficult to address their remarks in a way that won't lower me or my GOP and Tea Party friends down to their caliber of mentality.
     I have always, in the last forty years, looked on someone in Gov't, the Press and Heads of School Boards along with the Educators as someone with what it takes to be exceptional and rational.
     I still believe that in the past, up until 5 years ago, they were!
     I can't believe 80% of our population, (of all races) regardless of how they feel about Gov't and how it should be run, (Within the guidelines of our Constitution of course) would be dumb enough to swallow the garbage the "Progressives" and their Financial backers are screeching out about the GOP and the Tea Party. In this case, and in the cases of many perverted past cases, they are now down to the kinky level of referring to the "Tea Party" as "Rapists".
     How weird and ridiculous can they get??
     The only positive thing I can get out of this is, I feel proud to be a part of the Starbucks "Over The Hill" All-stars (in most respects) because none of them ever say anything as childish and stupid as that. (Although I have to admit I do have a hankerin' to revert back to my childhood lately). Just sayin'.


     That's one of the first changes the Opposition can put on their agenda, and that's to eliminate the huge tax breaks and loop holes that those industries have been receiving in return for their significant political donations.
     It's not just the Entertainment field of course, but because of their influence in being continually on the front pages in so many ways that has the most influential impact.
     It's recently been revealed on Fox News; A major International "Green" business CEO donated $100,000.00 to the Obama Campaign. It has now been discovered his Co. received "$100,000,000.00 for operating his business considered in the "Green" category.
     Entertainment related people get rewarded by tax break "Loop holes" exempting them from the IRS, so why wouldn't they be willing to back someone who can extend those breaks back to their pocketbook?
     These kinds of people are living in an environment that, because of the nature of the Industry's provocative business, and money is no longer a problem, they live in an idealistic world to begin with. Lets' just say, it's a celebratory, "Everything goes" style of living and parties.
     I remember the now 'infamous' Robert Blake from the T.V. series "Baretta", (Filmed from 1975 to 1978) when being interviewed about the Celebrity parties in Hollywood back then said; "Half the Celebrities in Hollywood are on drugs!" He later wouldn't retract that statement!
     There's no doubt in my mind, and the antics by Madonna, Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus hold me firm in my thinking, that it's worse now by far more than before. 
     I understand that the "Sodom and Gomorrah" type parties are more and more common in the world of Celebrities than ever before. Something that I often refer to as the "Absence of God". Just sayin'.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


     I've come to the conclusion that Leftist (Communist) College and University professors do not have the Constitutional dedication or the mental capacity required to be in a responsible position, particularly that of President of the United States of America.
     I don't have to prove it, because they have proved it in their irresponsible teachings of their students who have been brainwashed by their Communistic rhetoric and Marxist philosophy.
     As a result of their mindset, they are misleading our young population down a path of twisted and false history.
     After that failure, and common sense is once again put into place, they will shrink back into their shadowy past for another 60 or 70 years. But not without us doing "Whatever it takes" to place them there by force. I'm convinced of that, because this time, we have failed to recognize their true purpose of achieving power over the populace until only just now, when the damage is already well on it's way.
     E.G.; It's the tip of the iceberg concerning the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the abominable procedure of the Barack Obama Regime in abandoning interest in them, that has led to the loss of thousands of American warriors lives, since Obama first came into power.
     Here's why; With Barack Obama being partial to the Radical Muslims to begin with, and with his Anti-American learnings already implanted from attending Harvard University, he resented America and it's Constitutional system anyway.
     He always spoke against our Military having anything to do with Afghanistan and Iraq. That is common knowledge!. So part of his overzealous ambition was to withdraw the troops from both places when he arrived at the White House.
     The problem was though, The American Populace and the Pentagon, previously under Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, knew in order to win the war and then through occupation, allow the people of both countries to go on under a similar Constitutional, Democratic system similar to ours.
     Obama disagreed heavily, but realizing he was overwhelmed by the commitment already in place and in fear of losing the popularity of his first term in office, agreed to send 32,000 additional troops to go in and achieve the victory in short order, which they did.
     But out of stubborn objection to the American Military winning their point and going on with the occupational end of their promise of freedom to the people, he announced his intentions to the world and the enemy, ("Al Qaida" and their cousins, the "Taliban") that when the American victory was complete, he would instead be withdrawing the troops by an abruptly set date.
     This allowed for no chance of Democratizing the people afterwards. At the same time of his notification, even though he knew it would happen, the enemy backed off and began to strategize their future moves to take both Countries by force when the time was ripe and the American troops were gone. Having no use for our Democratic system anyway, he has since thrown those two countries to the wolves, Al Qaida and the Taliban.
      In Robert Gates' recently published book on his resigned position of "Secretary of Defense" under Obama, he explains why; In a conversation between Robert Gates, Hillary Clinton and Barack, it was announced to him that George W Bush started both wars, and as far as they were concerned, he had better things to do than to finish something he, and Hillary in full agreement, didn't vote for as Democratic Senators to begin with. This might give you an idea as to why Hillary and Barack told the Military to "stand down" during the Benghazi" attack.
     While Al Qaida and the Taliban's counter-offensive was in the planning, they knew they would be in need of additional arms and ammunition. Obama solved that problem by using the Libyan and Syrian revolts as an excuse to aid the rebels in their quest for victory. The problem with that was 1/3 of the rebel troops had been infiltrated and joined in the revolutions by guess who? "Al Qaida".
      Hundreds of thousands of weapons were allowed into the hands of the Al Qaida to be distributed anywhere they wanted to after that.
     Was it a coincidence that all across America, there became a sudden shortage of Arms and ammunition in the stores?
     Right now, the American troops have been withdrawn from those countries. Hence around the rest of the modern world we have train de-railings, Oil related explosions, bombings, full-scale wars, beheadings of innocent Christians and intelligence reports that Al Qaida is recruiting and amassing radical members to join in their uprisings.
     All of this, with the Obama Regime not lifting a finger to say or do anything that would "Upset" the Radical Muslims, both in and outside the United States.
     Have we been missing something here?   Just sayin'.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


     To the tune of  $1,500, 000. 000.00. ( 1 billion, 500 million) dollars.
     Question; Were they already advanced the money or a portion thereof? Because, I don't see anyone wanting to move to Iraq right at this point. Certainly not with the turbulence that the Obama Regime has caused by pulling all of the protective military out.
     I also don't see any justification in placing any there to protect a private firm where they really aren't wanted by the Pakistani's who allowed the basic training of "Al Qaida" by Osama Bin Laden in Peshawar Province. Looks like a conundrum to me, don't you think?
     My interest is in wondering what will happen to that money if they can't go there to complete the job they were awarded to do!
     Wasn't it a conflict of Interest within our Gov't to begin with? I mean awarding a contract to the sitting Vice President and his brother.
     Watch it closely, Folks!! Is that now famous or infamous question, "Where did all the money go" going to come into play again?
     Was I dreaming when the Obama bunch successfully escaped so far, with not explaining where prior billions of dollars disappeared on "Green" contracts in the past?
     Contracts awarded to his financial backers, such as a firm who donated 100,000 dollars to his election campaign and received 100 million in return? C'mon Barack, where's mine? Just sayin'.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


     Time and again, the Obama gang commits acts that are either borderline to, or directly in defiance of our great Constitution. Time and time again there isn't any Liberal backing scholar ,or would-be one, that has satisfactorily explained to me why! Of course they know why, but they don't have the guts to come out and tell me!
     Why is that so? Well..... it's easy! It's because at the end of it all, they have there own personal gains in mind. Now, those gains may be immoral or legitimate in their mind, but in the minds of the Founding Fathers who drafted and wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, their personal gain would probably not be good for someone or anything else.
     Those documents were carefully considered and written with the protection of every legal citizen in mind. No exceptions to the rule!
     There isn't anything more to explain.
     It's written in a manner that the common man can understand, and they intentionally went through a lot of aches and pains to do it. They wanted everyone to thorough understand what there rights were. After all, the United States had just fought a very nasty war to free themselves from a British Monarchy that had suppressed the common man from the time of the first King and Queen.
     The people of the Mayflower had sailed away into the stormy North Atlantic for the New World, just to escape the tyranny and unbearable bonds of the British, French and Spanish Monarchies.
     We must not forget the Founding Fathers ancestry that, having witnessed the bonds of a Godless Reign of Taxation without representation, constructed those documents in a manner that would guarantee it would never occur under the protection of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
     Now we have a Regime of God defying people who, if we let them get their way, will take us back even further than the Monarchies, and into the hands of a man who would be our Dictator, Barack Hussein Obama!
     What is it about this that would justify anybody wanting to step out from under the umbrella of the sacred Constitution. It can only be strictly for their own selfish gain, and to hell with the consequences to anybody else.
     With the United States having been the most successful Large Country in the world through following the Constitution's guidance for more than two Centuries, why on earth would we want to change that??   Just sayin'.


     In the latest case of abusive power, The Obama Regime in realizing they're on their way down, are taking advantage of their positions by taunting the "Normal" population with the most bizarre, stupid stunts just for the sake of meanness.
     What it really does, is show us the true nature of these twisted minded "whacko's" and gives us a glimpse of the hidden behavior they display when placed in a position of power.
     In this case of requiring the Catholic Nuns to adhere to sex-related requirements, it's not even remotely concerned with their positions within the Catholic Religion.
     It's a disgusting example of domineering over-reach. This is just one of the samples why "Alternative normal" (Homosexuals and Bisexuals) people should never be placed in responsible places of making judgments for somebody else. Simply because of their abnormal situation, they are bound to make 'kinky" decisions that suit their own way of "Alternative normal", perverted thinking.
     Allowing them to enter politics at all, particularly in commanding positions, is stupid in itself.
     Radical Muslims tied into their religion do the same thing but in a different sense and purpose. Their punishment is far more severe including the beheadings of Christians and other "Christian God" related religions.
     Something the Obama Regime's Eric Holder is not beyond doing as well, along with the Atheists so abundant within the Regime.
     As Radical Muslims, it permits them to do it without penance. As Atheists, they have no God to answer to. In that sense, they work in harmony with each other.
     As time goes on and they become more exposed to what they're really up to, they will become even more bizarre.
     I haven't been wrong so far, in my previous blogs concerning their intentions. Just sayin'.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


     There was a "Communist Party of America" circa 1920 who, due to their huge drop in popularity, changed their name to "Progressive" to change the tide of unpopularity. It didn't work anyway. They still faded into non-existence due to lack of other peoples' money.
     However, there were no International Billionaires back then, except for J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller who were not looking for World dominance, but dominance within the USA. They were content with the Capitalist system back then.
     Today, The International Billionaires are no longer in need of money, They had their coffers loaded anyway through exploitation of other means. They are now in pursuit of Worldly Power. By way of true Marxist Communism, they could help themselves to all the power they want and spreading that power to the other Marxist powers by paying them well to maintain the control of the Masses. (The New World Order.) I strongly suggest to readers to read the book written in 1973 called, "Trilaterals over Washington" It will really open your eyes to the intentions of the 'powers to be' of today.
     The Socialist philosophy of the European and  Soviet Union has never had the success and wealth of the Capitalistic beliefs of the United States of America. Particularly through the use of the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the sacred Constitution based on Judeo/Christian beliefs.
     So, not being able to match the success of our system has caused them to envy and despise us, rather than bother to follow our lead by trying harder, they would rather see us take the dive into their realm of failed monarchy from operating until they ran out of other people's money.
     That's the common anti-american's view while the International Billionaires greed for absolute power by bringing us down.
     It's as simple as that.
     Goodbye to our freedom as we see it, if they succeed!
     With the anti-American attitude towards us today by the European Union including Russia, I agree with the retired U.S. four star General who recently said; "I wonder who hates us the most? Those where we kicked their asses, or the ones that we saved them?"
     Which leads me to wish; We should never have had so many noble and brave warriors die or survive, just to be maimed for the remainder of their shattered lives for the sake of those ungrateful, envious ingrates. Just sayin'.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014


     They do it, and it works ...., until now.
     Now that we realize their tact, we can stop it, if we really try. We can do it by informing the people adversely affected by their strategy.
     Of course the people involved in the "rewards" they are getting, by cheering on the present antics of the Leftist Gov't in one way or another, don't want to know and really don't care. In fact, they will fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo. (A "short-sighted" thought process.)
     The most common practice is to blame any and all stalemates on the "Congress". E.G.; When the Congressmen on the Left stand by their President's desires by not agreeing to any propositions whatsoever the opposition proposes, the way it comes out in the Press is; "The whole Congress can't get it done"! The Media on the "Left" therefore doesn't go on to explain why.
     So, because of the 'combined' Press on the Left deliberately not properly explaining why, the opposition who really wants to get things done are forced to share part of the blame!
     In situations like this, we have a dedicated, significantly large voter block who are in the habit of 'status quo' voting unless there's something they have heard and know to change their habit of who they're voting for; Republican, Independent or Democrat.
     In other words, if they never hear it to analyze it, they keep voting for the same party.
     As a consequence, the 'shared' blame includes the whole of Congress, instead of a specific party such as the Communist-minded Democrats in this case.
     "Aw. they're all the same!", is the safest way they use to cover their butts. Such as it is in Congress today. The fact is, with the Senate in full support of the Constitution ignoring, Dictatorial President, all the Republican House could do is road-block any further intentions away from our 'true' Democratically abiding Republic of the United States of America.
     You must remember the behavior of the "Un-Constitutional" method of the  suddenly 'Communistic Left' when they took control of the whole Congress and the Presidency for the next two years following the 2008 General Election.
     It was breathtaking and alarming at best until 2010 and the Republicans regained control of the 'House of Representatives' portion of Congress. Thank God they did!!
     Can you imagine how far they would have taken us away from the Constitution if the 'Left' had kept control of both houses of Congress?
     It was such a tremendous re-direction of the "American way" for the first two years they had the power, that they left no room for "compromising" anything. They saw their Communistic chance to rule without following our sacred Constitutional process as required, and took it 'whole hog'!
     Simply because, to "compromise" anything that took us further away from our Freedom-loving way of life our gallant warriors fought and died to maintain in the past, was to give them a 'little more' leeway and us a 'little bit' less. (They gain, we lose.)
     All the while, the Obama Regime gives in to nothing. Absolutely nothing!
     Don't let them get away with those 'cover-up' phrases they use when caught red-handed; "They all do it!", or, "It's the Congress' fault because they can't compromise!" or "George Bush did it!". or "They're trying to mix Religion with politics!" or "The whole Gov't's corrupt!"
     By the Obama Regime using this tactic successfully, they have enticed anyone who doesn't know better, to keep on blaming the 'Whole' Congress.
     When in fact, the new Republican Representatives are truly trying to get us back on track, but are still in the minority and are limited in what they can accomplish except to stop the "Progressives" from doing any further damage. Until we can get them out of their Dictatorial direction, we have to regain control of the Gov't to undo their damage to this Country. Hence, the forced stalemate in which the "Progressives" and the Main (Left) Media blame the Republicans. Tricky, Huh?
     By the way, the new name, "Progressives" the Democrats are calling themselves is really not new at all. In fact, it derives from the name of the "Communist Party of the United States of America". The American Communists of the 1920's made the change themselves in desperation to save themselves from extinction because of their unpopular existing name, back then.
     There beliefs faded into non-existence due to a lack of support anyway.
     By the way, the notorious International Billionaire George Soros, who backs the "Progressive" Party and owns 'The Huffington Post' along with many other 'Left' Companies and Organizations in the United States and around the World, also owns and controls the relatively new, "Progressive" Insurance Company in America. Because of this fact, I urge all Motorcycle Clubs who want to maintain the "American Way", to look elsewhere for insurance coverage.
     See the connection to Obamacare now? Connect the dots, folks!! Just sayin'.