Sunday, March 30, 2014


     And when this "Nightmare" is over, I hope the Congress and the American People will make amendment changes to our Sacred Constitution restricting the over-stepping powers and movements of anymore U.S. Presidents in the future. Or for that matter, any Public Schools or Colleges receiving funds from a "Gov't Of the People, By the People and For the People" from doing the same.
     Doing so would automatically place them and their positions in "Criminal" peril. (to put it gently).
     Another change would be to create a hands off approach to any one individual or small group of non-Military people such as the Atheists and the President, as Obama ( currently posing as our Commander-in-Chief") has done to our critically important Military and is continuing to do so.
     As the Constitution implies at one point, one single person should never be allowed to ignore the checks and balances laid forth to prevent bypassing Congress. Particularly when it comes to misuse of our Military that places our Country in imminent danger of attack at any time.
     E.G.: It has recently been exposed that, without consulting Congress, our President has once again taken it on his own to order all Nuclear powered Aircraft carriers standing by in the Mediterranean, home from their strategically placed positions, to their base Port of Norfolk Virginia. This leaves our Troops on the ground without their protection, exposed and in peril.
     The Heads of the Navy were flabbergasted by this order, that includes the ones standing by to support our troops in the Mid-East.
     The last time it happened was under another Progressive President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt when, even though the warnings were there, had his staff ignore the orders for help during the invasion of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7th, 1941.
     The protocol ever since, was to never let that mistake happen again.
     But here we are, Folks!
     Those Carriers, all docked together are: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower , USS George H. W. Bush, USS Enterprise, USS Harry S. Truman, and USS Abraham Lincoln. All clustered together. Isn't it convenient.??
     I'm not finished yet. I believe, for fear of resistance to his future plans where he may have to use the Military for his own purposes, he has been firing and forcing retirement on the top Military leaders since 2012. Such as :
     General John Allen, Major General Ralph Baker, Major General Michael Carey, Colonel James Christmas, Major General Peyter Fuller, Major General Charles M.M. Gurganus, General Carter F. Ham, Lieutenant General David H. Huntoon, Command Sergeant Major Don B. Jordan, General James Mattis, Colonel Dare Margolia, General Stanley McChrystal, General David McKiernan, General David Petreus, Brigadier General Bryan Roberts, Major General Greg Sturdevant, Colonel Eric Tilley, Brigadier General Bryan Wampler,
     Commanding Admirals Fired
Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette., Vice Admiral Tim Giardina.
     Naval Officers fired

     Captain David Geisler, Commander Laredo Bell, Lieutenant Commander Kurt Boenisch, Commander Nathan Borchers, Commander Robert Brown, Commander Andrew Crowe, Captain Robert Gamberg, Captain Rex Guinn, Commander Kevin Harms, Lieutenant Commander Martin Holguin, Captain Owen Honors, Captain Donald Hornbeck, RearAdmiral Ron Horton, Commander Etta Jones, Commander Ralph Jones, Commander Jonatha Jackson, Captain Eric Merrill, Captain William Mosk, Commander Timothy Murphy, Commander Joseph Nosse, Commander Mark Olson, Commander John Pethel, Commander Karl Pugh, Commander Jason Strenth, Captain Greg Thomas, Commander Mike Varney, Commander Jay Wylie, Commander C. Aber, Commander Derick Armstrong, Commander Martin Arriola, Captain Antonio Cardoso, Captain James CoBell, Captain Joseph E Darlak, Captain Daniel Dusek, Commander David faught, Captain Franlin Fernandez, Commander Ray Hatman, Commander Shelly Hakspiel, Commander john Haydel, Commander Diego Hernandez, Commander Lee Hoey, Ca;ptain Ivan Jimenez, Commander Dennis Klein, Commander Chuck Litchfield, Captaein Marcia Kim Lyons, Captain Robert Marins, Captain Sean McDonnell, Commander Corrine Parker, Captain Liza Raimondo, Captain Jeffrey Riedel, Commander Sara Santoski, Commander Kyle G. Strudthoff, Commander Sheryl Tannahill, Commander Michael Ward, Captain Michael Wiegand. Captain Ted Williams, Reserve Captain Jay Bowman. Captain William Cogar, Commander Steve Fuller, Captain Shawn Hendricks, Captain David Hunter, Captain Eric Johnson, Captain Devon Jones, Captain Kevin KnoopLieutenant CommanderJack Oneill, Commander Allen Maestas, Commander Luis Molina, Commander James Pickens, Lieutenant Commander Mark Rice, Commander Micharl Runkle, Commander Jason Stapleton, Commander Natha Sukols, Lieutenant Daniel Tyler, Commander Edward White. Captain Jeffrey Winter.Commander Thomas Winter, Commander Corey Wofford.
It totals 100 top Navy Officers alone since 2012. Good Grief!!
     It isn't even "short" of a criminal act for the Obama Regime to pull off such a stunt. It is one!!
I'm writing this story on behalf of Patriotic Americans all over the World.
      Religious people believing in a Christian God had better wake up and realize how close this is to ringing the death knell for our American way. In your selfish hopes there's something in it for you, You're ignoring the danger of what's taking place in the Ukraine by the Russians. If you can't find it in your stubborn mind to vote for a Constitutional abiding Party, Then stay home and don't vote at all.
     You're cutting the heart out of this beautiful Country if you do vote continually for an Un-Constitutional Imposter such as we now have.
     All of what he's doing is considered "purging" of the Military according to some top Military Officials to replace them with his own chosen ones who agree with his nonsense policies.
     So what do you think Obama has in mind??  Just sayin'.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


      Obama is now wanting to bypass Congress and by executive order, place the Internet in their control.
      As he sees his numbers tanking and his Agenda headed for failure in 2014, he still intends to shove all of America's resources and authority in the hands of the UN, EU and the NEW WORLD ORDER. So when he is finished, he's making sure it will a very weak America who will not be able to defend itself against the rest of the World. Or so he thinks.
      Let's hope we're tougher than that. But it's obvious, whether he will have his legacy continued by another Communist President or not, he's hell bent on destroying everything we stand for.
      He doesn't give a darn about the affairs of our Country, never has and never will. He talks Loyalty to us and the Constitution right now but he has none. It's only lip service to delay the inevitable; his impeachment after November of 2014.
      He is presently paying all his attention to Worldly affairs, in preparation for abandoning everything here, and is counting on being the President of "THE NEW WORLD ORDER" when they seize total control.
      He knows how tough we are as a Nation of Immigrants, and will fight him furiously for our freedom. He wants us to have no resources and guns to fight him with and he will kill as mercilessly, as the Al Qaida fighting force he is backing by openly supplying them with war fighting materials as he has in the recent past.
      There is no 'In between' here. If you fence sitting Liberals who vote for him for the sake of your own personal gain are going to find he will deny that to you too!
      You're making the deadly mistake of underestimating this total Narcissist who cries for no one but himself and what belongs to him.
      His dispute with Putin is not about us or our Allies in the modern World.
      Before you condemn Aaron Snowden too much, I'm beginning to see he knew what Obama has in mind.
      There's no doubt in my mind that all the military top secrets we had were being leaked by the Obama Regime to the highest bidder in our 'Enemy' World. Snowden being aware of it, decided to spoil their operation by revealing it to the whole World including the Americans. That's why they will kill him when they catch him.
     Once Putin got the information he wasn't supposed to know about, he protected Snowden, along with making his move on the Ukraine to protect his own Country's interest in Europe. You can guess now, Russia has no intention of answering to Obama and the NEW WORLD ORDER once it happens. But I think he knows.
     I know it sounds absolutely surreal, but if we read the signal that all points in that direction, can any sane patriotic American trust Obama and his deceiving Atheist Regime? really?
     Not for a moment will I take the side of Putin because of his devious past. But this isn't a power struggle beteen Russia and the U.S., but between Obama and his intentions and Russia. Remember, Communism is in the minds of both men and if Putin can place his Country out of the reach of Obama, he would still have control of his own Country and Satellite Nations.
     Obama is trying to speed up his plan in fear of facing Treason and Jail if the Conservatives win the Senate and the House in Nov. 2014. Just sayin'.

Friday, March 28, 2014


     In my discussions with Catholics who have remained church-goers all their lives, and myself having been raised a Catholic in my earlier years, I, and they agreed that the Tone of Pope Francis is to be placed in question.
     With the Vatican actually being the smallest 'Country' in the World, it has enough independence and money to stay out of politics in the modern World! Considering it's ability to be so independent has a lot to do with where that wealth came from to maintain their stability. It came from poor people and well off people everywhere on the Globe.
     But although Popes of the past have always had a definite tone that was compatible with Freedom for the common people, such as is outlined in the 'Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the whole of  'The U.S. Constitution', it stops right there.
     Up until this Pope, they did not agree with Communism being imposed upon all the Religious, God loving people of the World, let alone the Patriotic Citizens of the United States.
     I object to this Pope taking it on himself to lead Catholicism "In a Different direction", so to speak. I.E.; He made me feel very uncomfortable of the fact that he agreed with a flat-out Communist and Atheist that they could work together in having a common worldly theme. At least that's what I got from it. It was as though he himself was in lockstep with Obama's infamous campaign slogan of, "A Different Direction" that had completely fooled the Catholic and Religious Electorate into mis-understanding his true intention of Communism. 
     I'm sure they voted for him with the thought of great expectations of improving on what we already had, that although the best idea in the world had it's chinks in it's armor, it was still the best but could use a little work. (That's what I first thought, anyway!)
     I guess this Pope has not heard about hatred from the Atheists for anyone who believes in God, (Whom the Pope represents) and the Radical Muslims (Of Which Barack Obama came from) who are slaughtering and cutting out the hearts of Christians around the Islamic World, simply because they believe in the same God the Pope does, and not Mohammed!
     Maybe the Pope has been in such seclusion that he hasn't been told of Obama's Devilish trickery he was about to deploy on him, and apparently did! 
     I guess he didn't know that Barack Obama was raised and trained as a Radical Muslim in his earlier years while in Indonesia under the name of "Barry Soetoro". 
     Or maybe The naïve Pope was fooled because Obama knelt down and pretended to pray with him. All for the sake of the poor, who by the way, are being misled into permanent poverty by the same man.
     From what I can see, a man of a Christian God from the Vatican has to know all that.
     So for the first time in my life, I have doubts about this Pope and his real purpose of meeting with a man who also has no use for God or Christianity and actually arms Al Qaida with our taxpayer money while they still use them to slaughter Christians. Then to turn around and begin a campaign of disarming our own populace he represents.
     Barack Obama is so desperate to keep his Worldly vision of A "One Worldly Gov't" and dreams of being President of the New World Order, that he even attempted to 'Snow-job' The Catholics of this Country by his visit to the Vatican.
      It looks to me as though he came away from the Vatican armed with a "compromise" that Obama himself never contributes, but takes away from something from the "other side".
     From me being a believer in God, Why would anyone possibly want the Pope to side with a Liar who lies every time he opens his Atheist mouth to convince us that Progressive/Communism is better than what we have.
     Note; Surely you've noticed that the Democrats have changed there description from "Democrat" to "Progressive". Well, you might find it curious to know, as I've pointed out in previous blogs, that in the early 1920's the "Communist Party of America" changed their name to "Progressive Party". Doing this in hopes to bolster their failing popularity.
     True Communism is what is intended to be established today by the Obama Regime.
     I understood that 51% of Catholics ended up voting for Barack Obama in his re-election. They can't possibly be stupid enough to think he would be better for this Nation and the World than our basic freedoms we are rapidly losing under his Dictatorial Presidency.
     "Beware of the wolves in Sheep's clothing", is all I can say.
      In case the Pope doesn't know it, God does not believe in "compromising" with the Devil and his sponsored Atheism.
     It's an Oxymoron for God loving Religions of any kind to think voting for their own selfish gains is going to be successful at the end of all this. They're going to ultimately discover that the spirit that leads their morals today will not be there to rely on tomorrow. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


 This Conspiracy theory is based on a book handed to me by a friend, who had the opportunity to have a close relative on the staff of 2 different Democratic Federal Politicians from Wa. State. It was something he was aware of years before I became interested in State and Federal Politics. I read the book last year and before I got to only the 60th page or so, it was so intriguing, I couldn't wait to skip to the last few pages to read the outcome of the Agenda. To my surprise, with all of the  participants in the plan, both Democrat and Republican, and all real people including some Presidents starting from before Jimmy Carter, the ultimate goal was for a one world body called "The New World Order." I suggest to all my readers of this blog to follow up my story by reading the book. It was written and published in  1973. It's titled, "Trilaterals over Washington" and contains real names and real people, some of whom are alive today.
      You will find that, although it's 40 years old, you will be amazed at how similar it is to this very day.

     Obama thinks he has already reduced our Country to the point he can readily hand over our Independent Country to the "Ready to Govern, NEW WORLD ORDER" that has always been his ultimate goal.
     That, along with the good graces of the European Union, the United Nations and the International Billionaires including George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, JP Morgan and possibly even T. Boone Pickens, etc.. In case you haven't noticed, they have already protected their fortunes and resources from access by our Country "Of the People, By the People and For the people" or what they think is left of it.
      With their incomes already coming from an International sense, they have no reason to be compassionate or loyal to any specific Country (even their places of origin) because they have no fear of personal loss.
     Their thinking is, if the taking down of the United States as the current, most powerful independent Nation in the World can be achieved with the help of the over-rambunctious puppet Barack Obama, the rest of the weaker independent Nations would have no choice but to follow. Thus, the "New World Order" could then be finalized as the One Government, one body that would dominate the entire world, with the exception of Russia and it's surrounding seized Spoils of Communism such as the Ukraine, etc. (Do think maybe Putin might have the inside track on this, and that's why he's gathering the flock?)
     Wouldn't that explain why Russia has again renewed it's aggression?  And since the "New World Order" is intended to soon become a Godless 'pure' "Communist Government" anyway, with the International Billionaires as it's controlling body, why wouldn't Putin be allowed to have his own spoils of aggression for the time being anyway? Their philosophies would be eventually the same! Barack, on the other hand sees some loss of his total ultimate power with this happening and that would be his objection, rather than trying to save a Democratic Ukraine?  
     "Total Communism" is both their goals. It's only power they're tugging back and forth at!
     This is just a projection, I must remind you, but someone tell me why immediately after being elected and up until now, Barack Obama has had absolutely no interest in the good, well being of the U.S., it's Constitution that protects us all, the tremendously intended reduction of our Military that has protected us from Communist Aggression until now, and the huge 'lack of jobs' situation we have here? None of which would make any sense at all, unless he, along with his Atheistic, God-hating supporters  have a planned Agenda that would require the removal of God, who stands in their way. That could really be his only reason!
      Perhaps now, you will be able to connect the dots although there are many questions to be answered, and you will understand I cannot totally let go of this theory.
     It does answer the question as to why President Obama has been paying little attention to the negative affairs of this Country and/or shows little concern for the mistakes he has made and lies he has told to this point of his Presidency.
     It will give you a better understanding as to why, whenever negative events take place here, he turns his back and quickly flies overseas to where he feels more at home. He leaves it up to his Regime to handle everything and doesn't seem to return until things quiet down. "A Country in Absence of a Leader" would make a good title for his legacy.
      His only concern is for an ultimate goal that's the Presidency of  "The New World Order".
      I believe this is why it is so important for him to succeed with his dream of Obamacare and it's use in his future Role after Freedom and God become erased from the face of the modern portion of the globe. He thinks he has designed a program to be used all over the modern world if he can so desperately make it work. Why else would he be so insistent on it?
Islam will be affected little and left to exist unbothered in their own primitive way.
     Take it for what it's worth. Just sayin'.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


     I guess  abortion arguments,pro and con, will go on forever without agreeable settlement  because of the determination of opposing views.
     I'm trying to determine if and when, there will ever be a suitable answer. I can look at the Godly aspect on one side and understand the nature of it, and why it should happen.
     Being a believer in a divine being and what his possible reasons and motives are for perpetual life through birth, for the life of me, I can only agree with every positive aspect of it. After all, in a free Society, We all are masters of our own wishes ultimately.
     Even in the cases of rape, the evil that men do doesn't mean the fetus isn't going to be born with a free spirit. A spirit that if the fetus is allowed to live, will not be influenced by the misdeeds of it's father or mother. It's a fallacy for me to think otherwise.
     The ultimate conclusion I can come to is; It's part of God's Sacred plan and we should honor the consequences of conception and birth. It's reproduction at it's best in all warm-blooded animals, and at the top of the chain, the normally compassionate human being. Once the child is born, then by all means, if it's still not wanted, adoption is an acceptable choice and plenty of people are standing by to accept it.
     Unfortunately, there are exceptions to that rule, that are also born into humans who, with the desire to survive successfully, feel they need to place themselves first and foremost, regardless of the inner voice that tells them not to sometimes. 
     It's not necessarily a trait within the person to think of themselves first, but close friends and relatives including parents who feel they should guide the pregnant girl for what they think is the best thing for that individual. Often times, I'm sure they, the parents, are more obsessed with what the birth will do to change 'THEIR' plans in the future rather than what the outcome will do to the pregnant individual.
      I, like a lot of others, feel that life begins at conception. Regardless of the original intentions leading up to it, a new life and spirit is created and intended to live and grow. It's surely a miracle in every other sense of it's being.
      I personally know of a Lady who finally told her daughter years after, that she was the result of a brutal rape in which the man paid the price in prison and never to see him again. The daughter sadly said to her mother; "Why didn't you abort me?" The mother replied, "If I had, I wouldn't have beautiful you to love me back the way you do!"
      I do believe, when the mother's physical life is threatened due to the situation of the pregnancy, then by all means, consider the alternative. In those cases, the ultimate decision to abort should be up for medical discussion.
      This writer cannot agree with the Narcissistic notion that Barack Obama had when he said; "I wouldn't want my daughter to be punished with a baby!" Obviously meaning she would have to leave the decision up to him, instead of her.
      With that statement alone, it told me he was a self-centered guy from the word go, with no compassion for anyone but himself. Also indicating to me, that he follows that notion throughout his whole life, and regard for other things or people are second in the manner in which he wishes to live. It's a "me first" at all costs, and if you look at the way he has misled this Country for his own sake, you will see what I mean. (It's a "What's yours is mine and what's mine is my own" selfish perspective.)
      With him, it's a "no compromise" way of handling things. So be it with his attitude on abortion. It's as simple as that!. (Just name any time he has agreed to "compromise" on any position he has taken, and then when it's convenient for him to say it, "The Republican Congress never want's to compromise!" He, along with his Zombie-like followers and backers say it time and time again! Bent on erasing Christianity, the Ten Commandments and the Sacred Constitution we have based our Freedom on to practice whatever belief in God we have.
     Sadly, I'm not only referring this attitude to him alone, but all of his devious Ungodly backers  who would rather take the Line of Least Resistance than to put in an effort to obey their little bit of conscience they have.
     "Roe versus Wade" left no room for compromise when decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, as dubious as it was in the first place. By all rights, they should have referred it back to the Congress to decide, since they are a body who Govern in a manner intended to represent a Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the people." Not just an appointed body such as the Supreme Court. 
     As the polls show most of the time in favor of the American Way, those Polls get ignored more frequently now, and as it goes the way it went with Nazism before World War 2, we are allowing the same brainwashing of our "Young and Restless"  by our Public Schools and Colleges to eliminate the thought of the existence of God. Only his name isn't Hitler, it's Barack Hussein Obama and his carefully selected Regime.
     It'll be Barack's children rather than Hitler's.
     Wake up, North America! It's not too late to turn the tide of defeat into a Sunami of moral correctness, which I know exists in most of the hearts of Patriotic Americans are still in the vast Majority in this once proud Nation.
     It's past time to speak up and be heard, instead of taking the bait of "Remaining silent and not rocking the boat" as the Atheists and Marxists would like us to continue to do. Just sayin'.

Friday, March 21, 2014


     The State's intention to remove 300 trees for the sake of Highway camera observance and safety, is the right thing to do regardless of the dorky Tree-huggers and the rest of them.
     The saying rings true; "you can grow grass on a busy street" in the West Coast of Washington. In fact, a street can be abandoned just a short period of time, when you see it crack and come apart with weeds and miniature tree growth already taking their place in no time at all.
     Since those trees to be removed are spread over a distance of 14 Freeway miles, it only comes to 250 ft. per tree. In most places you will see probably 3 to 4 thousand trees near the highway in each mile.
     Of course, when you're dealing with folks as mentally disturbed as a tree-hugger, you must realize there's nobody home to start with when it comes to using common sense.
     If it's that important to their pot-smoking, blurry eyes to see trees, all they really need to do is get off their naturally fertilized butts and plant 300 trees where they're not going to get in the way of the highway cameras.
     Since when was there ever a shortage of trees in Western Washington anyway? I'm sure the "Spotted owl" doesn't give a darn,
     In case someone forgot to inform them, trees are considered a renewable resource anyway.
     How smart are we, to let the stupid pot smokers left over from the Woodstock era take irresponsible charge of responsible positions in our EPA the way we have?  Beats me!! Just sayin"

Sunday, March 16, 2014


     Have a good look at the President who "bullied" the American people with abuse to the Congress of the United States by closing the doors to the elected opposition in 2008 after winning the election in Nov. of 2008. Not only did they abuse and mentally kick the opposition around with disrespect, but they also have done the same to our Sacred Constitution, our flag, our Military and anyone else who objected to the way they used their "Storm trooper" tactics as they swarmed over the Capitol of Washington D.C.
     Barack Obama apologized to the rest of the World publicly and the United Nations on his first trip overseas for America's defeat of the Nazis and the Communists in all the previous World wars and Conflicts. He did it in a manner that shamed the Veterans and the Patriotic people for having fought for the freedom of Democracy on behalf of other Countries under the threat of Communism.
     He did this under the guise of being a convert from Islam to Christianity and we now know it was a flat out falsehood and misrepresentation.
     We have since discovered he was schooled at the infamous Saul Alinsky founded "Midwest Academy" in the Heart of Chicago, Illinois. An Atheist based College where many of his Administration were also schooled in Atheism, including Hillary Rodham (Clinton) prior to her marriage to "Horny Bill".
     To think this phony character with the previously adopted name of "Barry Soetoro" would be voted into the Presidency of the United States is preposterous. But he was!.
     Immediately after being elected, he and the Progressives from the Senate and House of Representatives sat down  to devise a scheme of anti-Constitutionalism never before imagined it could ever happen to a Country "Of the People, By the People and For the People".
     And after establishing a totally Secretive Pact among his supporters to promote a "New Direction" that unbeknownst to the rest of us, was a path of Anti-Constitution, anti Christian and Marxist based right to the core. Along with a totally messed up Obamacare health program that has plagued us to this very day.
     And now in continued defiance of our "American way" he has vowed to over-ride the Constitutional process by declaring; "I still have a phone, and I still have a pen!" 
     Well, Barack, Lets see you show that to Vladimir Putin and his Anti-U.N. policies right now.
     Put up or shut up!! Just sayin'.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


     As you watch the invasion of the Ukraine, by 'Once again' Communist controlled Russia under the "iron" fist of ex-KGB leader Vladimir Putin, and you hear the News Media broadcasting the 'Formal, as to be expected' objections of our Obama Administration and the laughable Secretary of State John Kerry, the façade is quite apparent. Although they voice their dissent, they're only doing it to appease the unaware and gullible American public.
     To me; it's simply the making of noise and rhetoric to calm the senses of the legitimate electorate to soften the blow of what's more of the same to come, but on a larger scale. For now, it's the Crimea region of the Ukraine. Tomorrow, the Ukraine in it's entirety.
     When I speak of "The New World Order", I never, ever, expected that Russia would agree to be part of that plan, and obviously they are exempt!
     In his "chummy, chummy" Palsy mood with Vladimir Putin from the time he took office, it was always my thought it was one of those; "We know something you don't" appearances every time they met, shook hands and smiled cleverly at each other. A personal 'Pact', so to speak. (Did any of you ever think that? Or did you just naively assume it was only for a matter of 'Good Leader Relationship'? Yup!! Ill bet that's just what you thought!
     It's glaringly clear that is not the case anymore. With most of the oil and natural gas (80%) flowing through The Ukraine and then being distributed to the rest of the entire European Union, Russia would never allow the fledgling Democratic Ukraine be in a position to entirely control that flow of Natural resources.
     Why? Because, with all of Europe and parts of Asia being 80% dependent on Russia for their oil and natural gas, Russia can't afford to risk losing the business to Opec and/or the North American Continent.
     Furthermore, if Barack Obama and his Cronies can hold off our capabilities of increasing our supply such as he has, and The United States becomes a part of  the "New World Order" International Billionaire Enterprise, (Including Billionaires such as Warren Buffet, T-Boone Pickens, George Soros and Bill Gates,) all of our natural resources will be there for their taking once the United States succumbs to being reduced from a 'used to be' powerful nation to a 3rd World classification and an obedient member of  "The New World Order".
     All ownership of our Natural Resources will be relinquished to them and out of our control.
     They all know it would take a full scale, bloody revolution to get it back. You can bet they would use the force of our own Military to stop us, even then. Just as Putin is using his Military to quell the uprising in the Ukraine.  Just sayin'.

Friday, March 7, 2014

PLEASE SAY A PRAYER FOR JUDA!!................A poem as a prayer.

As a steady customer at Starbucks, there's more than a dozen of us, middle aged and older who gather in the morning to exchange conversation about world, local and personal events of recent news. But it's mainly a time for us who like to think that, being together as a group, it's also a form of Community Spirit amongst a group of friends. It's done in a way that our thoughts and stories are interesting and as most of us prefer, above the belt.
     Being exceptional in this case however, a little baby boy was born, and his Grandparents being so proud of it, began bringing him in as a newborn child once or twice a week, and we all loved him and smooched him and every time, were amazed at the miracle of birth and how he grew just a little bit more each time he came in. This little, delicate, 4 year old boy's name is Juda.
     Alarmingly and sadly it was announced today that Juda has developed lymph gland cancer at it's early stages.
     I ask you all, in every faith to join me in this prayer and poem;

Dear God we need to ask of you, to bless this little fellow
I told the folks I'd pray for him and hope that you will follow.
We held him as a baby boy, and watched this child grow.
He's special to the bunch of us, in all our hearts, I know.
We saw him once a week or so, and he got hugged a lot
W always held him near our hearts, and hugs aplenty got!
No matter of what faith you are, please bow your heads in prayer
Cause God does not discriminate, when he is listening there.
He's special to the bunch of us, Christian, Jew or Budha
Try to find it in your heart, to say a prayer for Juda.
Make him better so he lives, a life of God filled grace
So all of us can hug this Lad, and see his happy face.

We love you, Juda!! Grandpa George.


Thursday, March 6, 2014


     When a debt is placed on the backs of the American taxpayer, why on earth wouldn't the Obama Regime want us to know where all that money went? Why wouldn't they give us an accurate accounting like a normal, elected Government "Of the People, by the People and for the people" would want us to know?
      We're looking for an honest Obama official to tell us. Do any of you know one? Email me if you do!! But when you try, I won't be able to give you that kind of information, because I can't divulge it!!
      Time after time, the same answers are given. "I'm not able to give that information at this point!"
Who of you, would have ever thought we would have a President's men and women enmasse, all continuing to say the same thing?
      Well...., A Conservative spokesman on Fox News this morning seemed to have it the most correctly: " I grew up in Chicago! I know how thugs in Chicago work. It's very common in that City. It's called the "Chicago Hustle". A way of making off with someone else's money before they realize it's gone."
      That statement seems to fit right in with my "Paranoid" suspicions. How about you? Particularly since the most of the Obama Administration was nurtured there before Obama "chose" them for such important positions.   Just sayin'

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


     A man schooled supposedly in the U.S. Constitution, is "elected" to the Presidency of the United States of America.(His Citizenship remains in doubt to this day)
     His status as a qualified Citizen still in doubt, his bonafide upbringing background still in doubt, (Is he surely a Muslim, or an Atheist, or a Christian?) he has claimed to be each one of those things as though he is God himself!
     In his book; "Dreams from my Father" you would think his Dad was to be admired, when in reality, his mother divorced his father when he was 8 years old. She found out that in his Muslim faith as a Sunni, Barack's Dad, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was an alcoholic and married to several women at the same time. He had multiple children to them. He eventually died when he drove his car off the road and the tree won.
     The Internet, Wikapedia, Twitter, Microsoft and History have begun to whitewash everything about this man and history is now under threat of being changed or erased on behalf of, not only Obama, but some of the major players including prominent International business owners such as George Soros, who supplied millions to his campaign and are trying to hide what ever the truth about them that might be 'shady'. (I'm being soft with that word, too.)
     Surely you all remember in his campaign about promising to have the most transparent Gov't in the history of the United States.
     Right now we have the most secretive, non-transparent Administration that by far, is the worst in the history of this Country.
     And now these Administration heads of the various top control positions, in particular the head of the IRS, who engineered the harassment scandal that hindered and plagued the Conservative Party, are all taking the fifth amendment. The Question is this; if there is nothing to hide, why are they doing it?
     To me, remaining silent to a country "Of the people, for the People, and by the People" is a contradiction of decent reasoning.
     The more this goes on, the more bizarre it becomes. These people are tearing apart anything that made sense in the Constitution, defaming anybody that is patriotic to the flag or our traditional way of life.
     On the advice of their lawyers in pleading the fifth, the lawyers themselves should not be above the law either. To the contrary! If they, of all people encourage anybody to shade themselves from prosecution, then once it is proven further down the road that they are guilty, then the lawyers involved in the encouragement should suffer the same consequences as the perjurer who has hidden behind the use of the fifth Amendment in the first place.
     What makes the lawyers so high above prosecution? If what I've suggested was possible, I'll bet there would be a lot less shenanigans going on further into the future.
     Scandal after scandal is being uncovered with these guys, yet there they are, sticking out their "Alternative Normal" perverted tongues at the process allowed for in the Constitution.
     It seems the only time they are on the right track, is when they carelessly cross it, and then they laugh in our faces anyway.
     It's similar to the driver that hit the tree. He was so drunk from liquor that the only time he was on the road, was when he crossed it for the last time.
     Barack Obama is drunk with power, and that's the only difference. The tree in this case is the sacred Constitution.  Just sayin'.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014


     So often the entry mat gets left behind; "GOD BLESS THIS HOME!" One of the things so often left behind when I used to repair abandoned repossessed homes for the Banks and Mortgage Companies.
     The footprints, the little finger smears, the left over signs of occupants also left behind. Children and often times broken families, gone but leaving signs behind of being there, but not anymore. The spirits seem to remain but the family is gone. The most touching are the scenes of discarded, forgotten toys left behind, that you know some child once held dear and would have been treasured memories while continuing to grow up if taken with them. But now, not to be!
     Sometimes the left over remains of the Christmas tree with icicles carelessly disheveled on it. (I've always felt that the warm glow of a lighted, decorated tree was so comforting, but dark and missing the spirit when it's quiet and unlit.) A reminder that, at least, there was a happy, peaceful moment enjoyed by all.
     There was sometimes furniture abandoned, when folks know that because of financial shortages for one reason or another, they've encroaching on the allowed time the lenders have given them to vacate. Hastening out when the final eviction notice is starkly taped silently to the door. Disappearing quickly, when it says they are no longer owners of what they once referred to as theirs. They naturally believe they aren't wanted or needed anymore. The nasty part of Capitalism is telling them to vamoose!
     And then there's the children, not comprehending or understanding what's going on and the feeling of insecurity that comes along with it. (How do they explain it to the other kids at school that they're often times required to say goodbye to??) The loss of a Parent, although loved by both, they're losing one due to a 'too often' marriage break-up.
     You can see it all in the debris left behind, and it hits you in the heart to think of it. (When I got out of the business, I was relieved in the sense I didn't have to see it anymore.)
     At times, I tried to contact the family to let them know it was okay to come back and get the rest of their belongings without fear of consequence, but failed most of the time due to the shame of having been forced to leave. For monetary reasons, they don't wish to be found. They also had the fear of being looked at as someone inferior to the friends and neighbors they knew and sometimes loved.
     It was one sad scene after the other, I guess for the financier as well, but in a much less emotional sense. Although it's not over for either one, for the family, it's an emotional rollercoaster and another mountain ahead for them to climb for all of them. God bless the end result on their behalf! Just sayin'.


Monday, March 3, 2014


     We should know better by now! Obama has been loving up to Putin for 5 years now.
     You can't deny you didn't know it, because even through the Main, extreme "Left Media", they've been loving up to the guy as well. Right up 'til now, when they thought there was no reversing the issue. Obama has spent a third of his time not only with Putin, but the whole Anti-American European Union and the U.N.
     So don't let any of the supporters of Obama tell you any different. As usual, they'll be lying to cover their perverted asses, now that things are going awry for Russia and it's planned partnership with Obama in turning this Country over to the rest of the world. "The New World Order".
      They refer to any exposure of their plans as "Right wing" Propaganda, when it's them who have been keeping us in the dark all along.
      The revolt in the Ukraine is not exactly what you might think. All of Russia's oil and gas supply to the rest of Europe and Asia goes through the Ukraine. When you see a map of the pipelines that run through it, you are looking at virtually a cobweb of pipelines all from Russia and then through the Crimea to a lot of satellite countries that used to be part of the now defunct Soviet Block.
    Putin and Obama don't give a darn about the welfare or control of the Ukrainian people or their newfound fight for Democracy. You see, of the oil and gas that supplies those other countries including the European Union from Russia, it amounts to 80% of their demand. They wouldn't "think" of allowing the Ukraine to tale control of the pipelines. They will kill every Ukrainian they can, to stop them.
     Threats from Barack Obama are only token gestures.
     All of this, Barack Obama has known all along. The Ukrainian people have known it all along too.
But Russia, instead of paying royalties for the use of Crimean land, would prefer not to.
     Barack Obama has been in cahoots with Russia from the very start, and if he can get away with it, He will keep on tying up the U.S. oil and natural gas reserves, and intends it for use by the International Billionaire Corporations in the future, once he takes this Country down to bare bones.
     After all, the International Billionaires, including Microsoft and Warren Buffet, were the biggest contributors to his two successful campaigns. You can only imagine how much of that, along with the taxpayer's money has been deposited in other parts of the World.
     His plans for the future are not to save this Country, but to ravage it for use overseas through "The New World Order". Other natural minerals and macerals such as coal, included.
     Scoff at that if you like, but if we don't do something fairly soon, it will be quicker than you think.
     Just sayin'.


Sunday, March 2, 2014


You  have causes for your lateness, no excuses just to lie.
There'll be reason for your sickness,  no excuses not to die.
You have causes for your poorness, no excuses not to glean
There are reasons for your anger, no excuses to be mean.

You have cause to bear false witness, no excuses to mislead.
There'll be reason to dislike one, no excuses to make bleed
May have cause to steal something, no excuses for the shame. 
May be reason for injustice, no excuses to pass blame.

You may have cause to cheat another, no excuses to deceive
There may be reason to kill others, no excuses not to grieve.
You may have cause to cheat your lover,there is no excuse to try.
May have reason not for kindness, tho' no need to make them cry.

Don't exchange excuse for reason,   two of them just aren't at par
Excuses aren't for honest people, but good reasons surely are.
Reasons might convince your Maker, but your lame excuses don't.
If excuse is all you're making, convincing our God you won't.

So my advice to all friends heeding, it's the most important take.  Ten Commandments are worth reading, but not only for Gods sake
For the thoughtfulness of others, and all of the friends you know.
God's the one who's gonna' guide you, on the way you wish to go.

George McNaughton2