Monday, October 29, 2012


     "Keep the sincere Sheeple confused, it'll mask our true agenda". (This being the ploy and strategy of the devious "Left".)
     It doesn't matter that their accusations of the "Right" are true or not, they will make them anyway. Why?? Because they believe in the strategy of  "throwing the first blow".
     There's a simple reason for this, and I'll explain why. They know their true intentions in what they're attempting to achieve, hide or cover up will be recognized and they will be brought to task for it. They also know that it will be harmful to their cause if they don't somehow compensate for it ahead of time. Although untrue on the "Right", Conservative side of the contest, they will accuse them anyway, which they hope will help to deflect, or compensate for what they have done or are intending to do next.
     Because we're sincere, trusting sheeple, we sometimes believe it, and it works!! It "softens the blow", so to speak.
     They can be caught red handed with the proof out there for everyone to see, and will still shuck themselves of blame by saying," Well, "it happens on both sides." They seldom are pressed by the Socialist Main Media to produce proof, but they've planted the seeds of confusion in the mind of the innocently, gullible Sheeple and that's all they've wanted to accomplish.
     "It happens on both sides!" True or not, and they're off the hook, at least for the time being.
     It's gotten so I get nauseous when I hear them use that remark.
     I get that way for two reasons; First, It's obviously not true, and secondly, when watching them say it,  I find myself looking at the face of an insincere person, and obviously not a God fearing one. They're Atheistically inspired and someone who is hoping to benefit for one reason or another, but with no feeling of guilt in the dishonesty of it all.
     But they're counting on you not to call them on it, because there might be embarrassment brought to bear on other present individuals involved in the conversation. So you are reluctant to "Rock the boat", and they get away with it. Just like that!!
     Consider this my friend. In order to save embarrassment for the moment, should you sacrifice your very freedom and let them put your basic rights as an American citizen at stake by letting it go unnoticed?
I sure hope not! Speak up and press them for the truth. That's what makes America great!
You see, they operate in hopes you will go by the old adage, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all!" Well that's fine for unimportant, idle conversation, but considering they're putting your basic rights at stake, and in a quiet, uninforming way as Communists do in order to hide their real agenda, you're a fool not to speak up and question their political motives.
     If they have nothing to hide, they should be forthright and give straight answers. Without lying to you, that is.
     When they respond to your demand for answers with, "It's done on both sides!", Ask them, "Since when did two wrongs make it right?" They'll stare off in the distance,smile sardonically as if they know something you don't, and say, "Let me just say this", Blah, blah, blah blah blah. But they won't answer your question, no matter what.
    Is that really what you want for another 4 years, only worse?
    Vote for Mitt Romney for Pete's sake!!  Just sayin'.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


       (Everyone reading my blogs is entitled to place tongue in cheek should they choose.)
      Isn't that sounding ridiculous to you, when you consider they are campaigning from one election to the other non stop? Sure, it may have worked 4 decades ago or even more. Simply because they didn't so badly need the money as they need it now. But it was still a problem, even back then.
      Anymore, campaigning has become so darned expensive, that the representatives are paying so much attention to fundraisers, they aren't properly getting down to business in the Congress. Yet the money is necessary to be re-elected.
      It only stands to reason they would perform better in the jobs we elect them to do if that worry was more out of the way.
      I would like to suggest that members of the House of Representatives be restricted to the amount they can spend on their election campaigns, along with extending their terms to 4 years, just as the Presidential campaigns are. Term limits would apply.
      Also, to balance the scales so that campaigns cannot be controlled by Special Interest groups and individuals with unlimited amounts of money, which we know is a rampant problem, disallow Superfunds from not revealing where their money stems from. It's clearly out of control, and because the words, "Trust me" have become a signal of deception at best, limit the amounts any candidate is allowed to spend, period. Unions involving Gov't employees of any kind would not be allowed to use membership fees to support any one candidate without written authorization from each member permitting them to do so. In that letter of consent, they would designate which candidate gets their donation.
      Along with that, No company receiving Gov't funds of any kind may donate to any campaign regardless of the Political Party. Testament to that underhandedness would be AARP, for example. (They've gotten away with it for years. They receive the grant and then donate a portion of it back to the Democratic candidates.) Neat huh???
      Some thinking and proper regulating would need to be done without a doubt, but it can be done.
      Limits need to be placed on amounts any candidate can spend on one's own campaign, eliminating the advantage to one person simply because they're more well heeled. In other words, just because one person is richer, his vote is no more important than anyone else's.
      When our Founding Fathers referred to "One man, one vote" it was intended to place every registered voter on equal ground, and that is most certainly the way it should be.
      All changes, laws and new regulations concerning elections would require initiatives voted on by registered voters, not by "appointed" officials. Appointed officials would only see to it the regulations are carried out accordingly. Particularly "appointed" judges.
     Last, but not least, until the new regulations are put into effect, all politicians completing their present terms would be required to spend 2 years in jail before receiving their pensions because we all know darn well they've done something underhanded to line their pockets while in office! LOL.  Just sayin'.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


     The following story is not true, but only because the names of the participants are false. This just happened in the U.S.
     My contention is, the Prime Minister of Canada would never have allowed it to unfold in this cowardly way. Read on with that in mind.
     Imagine if you had troops close by, drones close by, and you have the Canadian Ambassador being attacked by your enemy terrorists in an attempt to kill the Ambassador and his assistants.
    The Prime Minister is alerted at 5 P.M. (4.00 A.M. Libyan time) and it's reported to him that Military Surveillance from a drone is showing the attack take place in live time. The Ambassador has notified the Military in Ottawa. and has pleaded with the Military to send the Troops nearby to defend the Consulate compound. The Prime Minister is watching and 3 separate times tells the Commander of the troops to "Stand down".
    Two Canadian Special Forces Commandos are nearby, not attached to the Consulate but hear the pleas for help. They request permission to go to the Canadian Ambassador's aid, but are ordered also to "Stand down". They're 1 mile away, and disobeying orders to stand down, grab their battle gear and head over to the compound. The guards who are presently there can't fire back because the Prime Minister has previously ordered the ammunition be taken from the compound. 2 months before!!(No explanation given)
    The brave Canadian warriors arrive amid the attack, and battle their way into the compound to rescue the Ambassador.(All the while being watched on video by the Prime Minister, safe at home in Ottawa.)
    I could go into more morbid detail but I don't think I have to, do I?
    They are all overpowered and murdered by the attackers. Then the Terrorists set fire to the buildings in the compound and leave. Help could have saved the lives of those defenders including the Canadian Ambassador, by troops and attack helicopters within 2 hours of being notified the third time. The attack lasted 7 hours.
    What I'm telling you is true, with the exception of names being changed, as seen and heard by various witnesses. 6 weeks later, the President of the United States of America is still denying he knew it was happening, because he's running for re-election.
    The FOX NEWS channel will corroborate my story, only without the names being changed.
    Wouldn't you be angry too, as I am at the moment? Feel free to respond. Just sayin'.

Friday, October 26, 2012


    When you elect someone to a position, isn't it only right to expect that "someone" to be honest and forthright with the Electorate? Especially with the finances and security that are so vitally important to you and yours?
    So who is this guy in the most important job in the World, the U.S. Presidency, who has deliberately kept everything under wraps so that we NEVER hear the recordings of his conversations with other countries on the globe? Or in any other order of business concerning our affairs?
    I have always believed that when we elect and pay someone to do a job with our tax dollars, he or she,  is virtually owned and controlled by us, the people and the Congress,while they're in office.
    If it isn't that way, don't you think it should be?
    Well.... my friends, is that the way Mr. Alibama and his 40,000 thieves are, and have been behaving for the last 4 years? Has anything he has said while doing our official business, ever been played back to you so that you know first hand what he has said? In any meeting, anywhere, anytime?
     I'll answer that for you, NOOOOO!!!!!!
    The way I, and many other rational folks see it, Barack the "magician" has managed to turn it 180 degrees to mean the opposite. This group of well trained, "Well oiled machine" Atheists(some who parade as Christians) don't intend for you to know, because they would be revealing what their true Agenda is about, that makes them sometimes drift into dreamland with the Mysterious smile on their faces.
     Yup!! Did we elect him to handle our affairs as we wished? YES!! Did he do it? NOOOOO!!!!!! Do you think he knows he is owned and controlled by us, the People, along withe the Congress? NOOOOO!!!!! Or does it appear to you that he will ever allow us to actually hear him discussing our affairs, particularly with other nations? NOOOOO!!!!!
     Are you beginning to see something wrong with this picture?  I HOPE SO!!!
     Do you ever think he will outright admit that he refused to help the four gallant, patriotic men who died trying to defend themselves in the U.S. Consolate in Benghazi while they were being murdered by his friends, the Radical Muslims? NOOOOO!!!!!
    Are you feeling more like "Sheeple" out in a pasture somewhere, waiting for his next offering?
    Are you ready to start eating hay??
    The man is a total betrayer. Benedict Arnold was a "Saint" compared to this man!  Just Sayin'.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


     As us "In the need of medical attention" Seniors are in the middle of the planned transition from Medicare to Obamacare taking place, there are things being ignored in the assumption everything's going to be fine for all.
     The Obama Administration, in it's desperate attempt to convince the Sheeple "all is good", is also caught up in the "now coming to light" dilemma that's taking place. It's taking place directly on the backs of Doctors and their beloved patients.
     Because of the Administration overemphasizing the concentration on medical fraud, both by hospitals and doctors as if this is the problem with health care costs, they have ignored the void that is made by their insistence of getting Obamacare started.
     The biggest thing they don't want us to know is, without the knowledge or required authority of Congress, they secretly or quietly, for a better word, removed 3/4 of a trillion dollars from the Medicare fund as I pointed out in a previous blog, and placed it in the hands of Obamacare.
     To remedy the void left behind they would do one of two things, they would then replace the money that disappeared from the Medicare fund by borrowing more money from China.
     Or in lieu of not being able to borrow more, let the void in the missing money just happen, letting the loss of revenue in Medicare be compensated for by lessening the previously allowed care to patients, and cutting back on the charges paid to the doctors for the care.
     They covered their butts by emphasizing the efforts to eliminate "tremendous" fraud from the medical profession. In reality, they were cutting back on the payments normally charged that have nothing to do with fraud. Medicare is simply short by 750 billion dollars that shouldn't have been taken.
     But guess what's happening. (Sadly enough, they even knew what was going to happen)
     Since there is very little asset left in a Senior's life that would contribute towards Society anymore, and every expense would be a negative to the Federal Gov't, they decided to "Put the stitches a little further apart". Done by some "appointed" official refusing to authorize operations that would be too expensive, considering the patient's expected lifetime left.
     The "Death panel" effect is soon to be in play. (Forget the stitches!)
     Does everyone remember Barack Obama's solemn promise, one of many broken ones, that there would be no having to change doctors, no reduction in treatments and no increase in the cost to Seniors currently on Medicare when the transition takes place? Well, with "AARP"s help and to their advantage, he again wasn't thinking very well. It's a "win, win" for AARP assuredly so, since they devised the Obamacare system that penalizes Seniors who don't buy their private insurance, which they of course sell. On a further note, AARP also contributes to Obama's campaign and in return receives tax breaks and subsidies. How convenient! They had their own future profits guaranteed.
     Due to it not being financially worth it because of the reduction in payment, the Doctors who were older and wanting to remain in patient care for a few more years, are retiring from practice and the younger ones who also don't see a profit in it, are starting to refuse to take patients on Medicare.
    What does that do to the Seniors? That means the doctors that still do take Medicare, are having to place Medicare recipients at the back of the line when it comes to appointments and treatments. They're going to receive the more affordable ones on private insurance first. Reasonably so. The long wait for critical operations is about to begin.
    My wife and I, both being Seniors on limited incomes feel like we've both been left in the dark. It's a dark place that we aren't anxious to face, yet. Please vote for Mitt Romney!!  Just sayin'.


     Considering All the turmoil in the world, particularly the tremendous growth of the most dangerous people on the globe, the radical Muslims, Obama said in the debate that having a stronger military wasn't necessary.
     He remarked it wasn't the days of horses and bayonets anymore. Aircraft carriers and Drones will do. It makes you wonder where his obviously politically inclined military advisers got their strategical training from, Napoleon?
     The first problem with that isn't just contending with bayonets and horses, it's contending with camels and rocket propelled grenades. Romney isn't that far off the mark. In Barack's caustic, demeaning remarks to Romney, he desperately wants us to dismiss the fact that Islamic beliefs and intentions don't exist anymore. He obviously thinks they don't, or to be precise, wants us to have a memory lapse and "think" they don't. Ask the foot soldiers of this country if bayonets and horses don't exist anymore, particularly in Afghanistan. (Try not to step in the Camel poop while you're asking!)
     Well, it's nothing new, because for four years, he's been assuming just that! We're stupid. The more important question is, "WHERE HAS HE BEEN, in between Hollywood Celebrity parties and golf games?
     The point I wish to make though is, the purpose behind Barack Obama's intention to reduce our Military isn't because he wants us to be "powerful" with the aircraft carriers and modern weapons we have, as he so deceptively indicates, but to realistically reduce our Military might in the world in order to make our very dangerous adversaries such as Iran who presently trains Al Qaida fighters and Hezbollah, Islamic "Al Qaida" fighters themselves,and "Shariah Law" less behind in Military might to us.
      He has skillfully positioned himself so he can go either way if he gets caught in the middle. An excuse if it suits him, and a denial if it doesn't. He operates on the premise we're too stupid to recognize it.
      A "magician in deception". Now you see it, now you don't!
      I think it's quite plain that his monetary reason he gives for reducing the Military is not the reason at all, looking back at his record of spending. It's not to strengthen it, but to weaken it for whatever his devious purposes may be.
     A far cry from what Mitt Romney has in mind, which is to at least keep our Military in a position of power that would be decidedly to our benefit should a conflict occur. Obama and his Regime would like us to believe Romney is a war monger, all in defense of their "defenseless" situation. Don't go for it. Romney is proven to be nothing besides honest, sincere, capable of running the country's affairs in every sense, and can be trusted to exhibit sound judgement militarily and otherwise.
      This isn't a Chicago style poker game, at which I'm sure, Obama's an expert at, it's the financial and Military security  the un-american thinking Barack is playing with. What possible Military experience does he have?
     After having viewed the tape of the debate, since I missed it the first time, I see an offensive manner used by Obama that is typical of the Marxist/Socialist's way of debating. Whether or not they're being truthful in there accusations toward the opposition or not, their ploy is to be offensive, regardless of the sincerity of it, by overtalking, interupting and bullying their way through.
They know you aren't prepared in a debate to produce the evidence necessary in the middle of a debate to counter their false claims, thereby making them look triumphant at the time. Sadly enough though, it works. Even more sad is the idea they would be that disingenuous and guiltless to do it. But Atheists bear no guilt. Keep that in mind when you want to trust them with your loyalty and tax money.   Just sayin'.

Monday, October 22, 2012


     Did you know there's no Federal data base for tracking votes to see if they're legitimate or not? Only 20 or so States do, but only in the respect of State elections, as I understand.
     I watched a report on the only National news that's truly Conservative and "Fair and Balanced", Fox News channel this morning. An investigative report revealed that, although the House of Representatives has tried to clear a requirement through the Federal Courts, the "appointed" Judge allocated to handle the issue has decided not to rule on it until "after" the Nov. 6th, Federal election. A "Liberal" appointed Judge at that. He said it was too close to the election date and would only create confusion and unnecessary expense that the budget doesn't allow for.
     If you're wondering why, read on.
     With a Federal Data base in place, the votes would be processed in such a manner that it would be difficult to vote twice, or even three times without it being detected and nullified on the spot.
     As it is, if you have established addresses in 3 different States, and have registered yourself in those States, it's possible to cast three votes in total as three different people. Even if there's a way of checking
 somewhere down the road, it won't matter much, because those votes are counted on Election night and the results determined from that.
     Groups like "Acorn" that Barack Obama helped establish prior to the 2008 election, gathered registrations from people on the streets, many of them homeless, and with phony addresses. The votes were then filed at voting stations on their behalf. Some were known to have registered a dozen times or more.
     Those votes were counted, but not revealed to be fraudulent because there was no computer data base in place to verify the honesty of them. Eventually, some were uncovered and, after a thorough investigation, "Acorn" was defunded amidst cries of protest by, guess who? The Socialist/Democratic Party!
    As it sits right now, about 1/2 the States require proper I.D. to register to vote. But the other half have been blocked by State Superior Court Judges(Appointed) sympathetic to the LEFT. A person could set aside any identification he or she does have, and upon demand, register to vote under an assumed name and address, then vote.
Again, without a simple data base that would need I.D., the vote gets counted. After registering the first time, they can receive a voter registration card and continue to vote under the name on that card.
     There can only be one reason the Socialists continue to press their favorite Superior Court Judges to repel the requirements that would require proper I.D., and that's because they need  to have the fraudulent votes that place them in office. "Know what I mean, Vern?"
     You need to produce I.D. for everything else you do, so why not when it comes to something as crucially important as voting?
     Now, I know what the Socialists say whenever they get caught red handed at cheating and lying. "The Republicans do it, too!" But first of all, two wrongs don't make it right. Secondly, You're only accused when you get caught, as you most certainly were. All too often!! When anyone else gets caught, they're punished accordingly. Except for the democrats of course. They are not. Just ask Barack Obama.     Just sayin'.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


     For years while living in Canada, I knew that CBC NEWS and T.V. were always sympathetic to the Socialist point of view. When broadcasting the news, they were always campaigning in their own way on behalf of the Socialist, NDP party. They heavily favored, and supported the NDP candidates whether Federal or Local. I always wondered why. In campaign times, they always pushed the views of the NDP candidates. I was always curious as to why.
      At the same time, there was also what seemed to be a resentment in their mannerisms toward the United States. I would get that feeling in a general sense quite often.
      In 1957, Myself and a friend, Wayne Hummer of Kimberley, B.C., fancied ourselves to be in the radio broadcasting business and together, traveled to the big city of Calgary, Alberta to take a course in radio announcing.
     To us, it was an opportunity to be in the News big time.
     Calgary, being the largest city near to our area had several stations, and being the favorite ones to listen to for music and local news, had some popular Disc Jockeys everyone could relate to and had advertised the course. It was the chance of a lifetime as far as we were concerned. We were really pumped up.
     The course was exciting and during our time there, we also learned that CBC was the supreme power over all Canadian broadcasting. They had profanity rules, for example, rules to not talk negatively about certain Gov't affairs or give out particular information that would be adverse to the British aisles so to speak. Should any station violate those rules, the CBC Corporation could cancel the broadcasting license of that particular station and put them out of business. As far as I know, it was not redeemable unless a fine was paid to them. CBC had, and as far as I know still has, complete control of the broadcast airways in Canada.
     This was taken in stride because at the time, the Canadian people thought the CBC was a Branch of Gov't and there needed to be control over the radio and television communications of the Country.
     It wasn't until long after I moved to the U.S., decades later in fact, I researched the CBC and was astonished to find the CBC Broadcasting Network was privately owned by no one else, but Queen Elisabeth of England and although subsidized by the Canadian Gov't., is not controlled by them.
     Now the lights came on and the dots began to connect.
     Canada, although somewhat independent from British control, has never been totally free.
     It explains the Socialist tones, the Parliamentary system that is modeled after Britain's, and the resentment towards the U.S. for the loss of the War of Independence in which they lost complete control of the Colonies in 1776. It sticks in the craw of the British to this very day. Even though Canada and the United States took up their defense in the War of Britain against the Nazis in World war 2, I believe the resentment is even there because of that as well.
     We might also understand why FOX NEWS Channel 48 down here in Puget Sound, is not desired by CBC in Canada today. I'm told it can be received by satellite.
     It also shines light on the reason the Main Media owners, both foreign and U.S. are behaving the way they are down here. It may explain why the Queen, in her latest visit to the U.S. didn't meet with any other News Broadcasting stations during her visit including FOX NEWS except the Main Media. Which of course, is Anti-religious, anti Capitalist, Pro Gay and Marxist leaning as you may observe in these upcoming elections.
     We can thank our lucky Stars and Stripes we still have our Constitution and Bill of Rights, although right now under heavy attack, in place in this country. We're fighting for our very lives for the preservation of our Free nation as we know and love it and have done so for 235 years.
     With no offense meant whatsoever, Canadian voters would be well advised to at least review their access to other means of information other than CBC News.  Just sayin'.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


     How important does she really think she is, and how dumb does she think we are that we would let her get away with it?
     It's obvious now that Hilary Clinton has allowed her narcissism to outgrow her common sense. Why? Because anyone with any sense of authority knows that an appointed officer of any Corporation or business, can only accept BLAME. But not RESPONSIBILITY. Responsibility in government as well can only be designated to an Elected Official such as a President. In this case, the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama. After that, it's blame.
     For her to think she is so important means that she has only elected herself to do it, and to be honest with her, that really doesn't count, as much as she would like to think it does.
     When the top gun in any organization is elected, only then are they entrusted with responsibility.
     The owner or owners are the ones who ultimately suffer the expense when anything goes wrong. Of course that only makes sense, when you realize the profit and loss lies directly at their footsteps.
     Too often during the Obama Administration's reign has someone attempted to take the responsibility with the saying, "The buck stops with me." But not Barack!
     No, it does not stop with her! It stops with the elected person who designated the appointed person to get the job done. Just ask any management consultant, or even better, Richard M Nixon.
     At the beginning of the Watergate scandal, he really had no knowledge of the planned break-in that ultimately resulted in his demise. It was planned and executed before he realized what they had done. This of course came to light and to his surprise in the News media.
     His mistake was, when finding out, attempting to cover it up, and he was caught doing that. A Cardinal sin when a Republican does something like that, but just an every day occurrence that is shrugged off by the slippery Liberal Media when such a thing is committed by the Socialists.
     But at least he was a good enough man to step forward at the end and assume RESPONSIBILITY for his deed. He was right in saying he had no knowledge of it happening, but was decent enough to recognize he was still responsible.
     For Barack Obama, this is where the true measure of a man comes into play. Where the honest men get separated from the devious boys, and he is not an honorable enough man to do it and resign. Even if he assumes responsibility, he doesn't have the guts to step down in shame over the murders of four honest and dedicated men he placed in danger and then abandoned in their repeated pleas for help.
     A man not loyal to the nation, not saddled with empathy, a man without guilt in what he denies, and not a man raised in this country or taught in it's Constitutional values. Shame on you, Barack Obama!!
     You Liberals who stand behind him are just as guilty as he is, including Hilary Clinton who thought she could silence the curiosity of the American People with such an obviously cheap trick as not accepting the BLAME and accepting the responsibility without consequences.
     Please vote for Mitt Romney.    Just askin'.

Friday, October 19, 2012


     When Oprah Winfrey decided to throw her support behind an African American for President of the United States, she did so I'm sure, because it was part of her life's dream for a chance of harmony between the races. A chance that would, for not only the black race but for all races to once and for all, help them surge ahead together for one common cause. Racial peace in America.
     She endorsed Barack Obama in his bid to become the Democratic Presidential candidate over Hillary Clinton, and as a result, the rest is history.
     But as much as she wanted that wishful harmony, and as successful as she became due to all races watching her show, I don't think she expected to see what happened after.
     Whether or not she was aware of or sanctioned the "New Direction" will, at least for the time being, only be known by her and some closest friends.
     After having hit the trail to appear with Obama on several shows in his campaign quest, her ratings slipped on her show from 74 to 66%. Some viewers took offense to her choosing race as a reason rather than substance. It was obviously a personal thing for her to fulfill a dream of seeing an African American President in the White House for the first time. I understood that to be her premise but apparently others didn't. She suffered a considerable financial setback in so doing.
     After all, she achieved her success without prejudice by the viewers, regardless of race being a factor, and began her own magazine, "O. THE OPRAH MAGAZINE"
     Approximately a year and a half after, Oprah traveled to Washington D.C. with the intention of pinning down an exclusive interview for her Company. She took along Gayle King, her Editor at large and her close companion. Expecting at least a warm personal welcome by the President and the first lady, they were surprised to be greeted by absolutely no one at the D.C. International Airport when her private luxury jet arrived. Shrugging that off, they hired a limousine and traveled to the White house.
     Expecting to be greeted formally as honored guests, they were put on hold at the security gate and told they would have to wait until they were summoned. It was much the same as ordinary visitors. After a long impatient wait, they were ushered up to the Yellow room and after another prolonged wait, were joined by Michelle Obama alone.
     It turns out that Michelle Obama is extremely jealous of her husband, and with the encouragement of her live-in "Keeper of the Gate", Valerie Bowman Jarrett, entertained them with idle talk relating to the bright colors of the room, etc.
    After expressing how well the White house cooks made the best pies, Michelle didn't offer them any but instead, served them roasted almonds. Not an Oprah favorite.
    Shortly after the curt meeting, Oprah and Gayle headed for home, disappointed to say the least.
    Several months later, Oprah cast aside the ill begotten past and sent an invitation to Michelle to appear on her show. Oprah conveyed in her message she would help Michelle further her ambitions in  fighting Obesity by promoting proper foods for children. They would be watched by millions of viewers to further her cause.
    Oprah waited in vain for Michelle's response and finally received the message that, "It wouldn't fit in to the First ladies plans."
    Michelle was quoted as telling her staff; "Oprah, with her yo-yo dieting and huge girth, is a terrible roll model. Kids will look at Oprah who's rich, famous and huge, and figure it's okay to be fat."
    To quote the author, Edward Klein, in the article on this story in his book, "The Amateur", "I asked a White House insider to explain Michelle's animus toward Oprah," he said, "Michelle is furious that her husband makes latenight calls to Oprah, seeking ideas on how to improve his sinking popularity." "Michelle thinks he should turn to her, not Oprah, for that kind of advice." "What's more, Michelle suspects that at one point Oprah secretly encouraged Hillary to consider a run against Barack in the 2012 Democratic primaries." "The President laughs at Michelle's idea and so does Oprah,But Michelle still believes Oprah has been getting too close to Hillary, whom Michelle calls a "Snake."
     To date, Oprah has still not endorsed Barack for the 2012 re-election campaign and everyone in the know with Oprah isn't sure that she will.
     Does this Quality of behavior taking place in the White House by Obama and/or the First Lady look maturish and Presidential to you?? Especially when they should have the Nation's best interests in mind, rather than their own, selfish, personal desires??   Just sayin'.


Thursday, October 18, 2012


     By now, you've been hearing or reading about the mysterious Barack Obama. His life is cloaked in "intentional" mystery, a mystery because, if you were to understand the true Barack Obama too soon, He would surely fail. I see it intended this way for a number of reasons.
Reason #1:
     I think most of us know now, because of past history, that Communism can only become popular at a time of extreme crisis. It's not difficult to see that the whole world is confronted by a Socialist financial failure that's already happening in modern Europe.
    This is due to their unwanted beliefs that everyone cannot have a comfortable retirement income without 2 people taking his or her place in the private, productive work force. That of course, is in order to pay taxes earned from outside the "Gov't" sponsored work programs.
    The retired Gov't workers are from those programs where there was no retirement savings paid from their salaries in the first place, but have negotiated through their Gov't Employees Union to receive it, regardless. The Gov't foolishly agreed.
    How much more short sighted can they have been?
     It's mathematically impossible. As the Conservative thinking Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said, "Socialism works well until the Gov't runs out of money."
     We are already heading into that "Socialist" style world and, if continued as the Communist thinking backers wish it  to be, it's gonna' happen sooner than later. You simply cannot have a Gov't that pays for everything without money earned by private company wage earners paying taxes for it.
     It's a "Rob Peter to pay Paul" kind of failure taking place right now. I.E.: Sawing off the limb you're sitting on.
     The Communist inspired "Well Oiled Machine" already knows this. But they want it to happen because they also know that when the system manifests itself to the point of bankruptcy, it's the best opportune time to step up and overtake the Country with Marxist style Communism. The public system is rapidly approaching it's weakest moment right now!
     That's the ploy of the "Well Oiled Machine."  The "rich" beyond worry, who are Atheists and wish to expel the notion of a Christian God. The Ten Commandments are just a pain in the neck to them, since our Constitution is based on them.
     I hope I've explained the first reason clearly enough. I'm referring to the Non-Muslim Countries.
     Now we must rationalize the thinking of the second reason.
    Barack Obama is, as far as the Islamic world is concerned, a Muslim. He can deny it if he wants, but he is. Having been educated in a Muslim school in Indonesia into his teens and inducted into their own, Mohammed inspired design. "Once a Muslim, always one, a Muslim until death".
     So, entering the the United States almost directly into the  Atheist inspired world of "Chicago" style politics, and being a complete Narcissist by nature, he recognized early that, with the exception of the black population that was already Muslim, he still had to set that thought aside and conspire the support of the Black Christian population. He then joined the "Black Christian"" church of Jeremiah Wright.
     He needed it for his future political base, but not upset the Islamic world by claiming to be anything but Muslim. His life would be at stake if he really did convert.
     Now to keep the Islamic world behind him and not raising their Ire toward him at any time, there is a "proviso", if you will, in the Islamic faith. It allows one to commit sins in the Christian sense, be it lies, theft, betrayal and even murder as long as it does not offend the ways of Mohammed on his part, and  can contribute to being supportive at the same time of Mohammed's beliefs.
     Therefore deceiving any other religion that doesn't follow Mohammed's teachings is okay. Just don't upset Mohammed!
    Take note of how he is always supportive of "Shariah Law".
     In order to keep peace among his supporters, he has to walk softly on eggs not to upset anyone he has gathered dedicated or financial support from. Regardless of whether he is honest about it or not, he is a very convincing man, void of compassion and intent on achieving his own personal goals.
     Cleverly, he has achieved part of that. So far, so good.
     The third reason:
     For enough financial and voter support, he has to turn to the Sheeple, the ones who don't know a thing about politics, are out of a job, money, and looking for anyone they can believe in for his assurance of winning re- election.
     But even in poverty, they still, including the ten to thirty million occupants of this Country that entered it illegally, will go to the polls and vote, regardless of it being illegal.
     Enter the President of the U.S.. In order to stay President where he can fulfill his quest, he will fight tooth and nail to have those votes counted. He will  promise whatever it takes, all for the purpose of achieving money and power.
     In fact he follows the revealing statement of Atheist Billionaire backer,George Soros who, although born a Jew himself, played a large part in the anihilation of 6 million Jews during World War 2. "I did it for money. Money is Power!"
     So, Obama promises to make the Country healthy again, and at the same time, guide them in a different "direction." But he and the Well Oiled Machine" don't want them to know the real "direction" yet, because they realize how hostile and threatening the word "Communism" is at this point in time.
     Especially with the "Cold war" with Communist Russia still fresh in the memory of history books. It's extremely important that no one suspects that yet. In the meantime they dream up the "soft" word, "Progressive".
    At this point in time, it's more fitting to their hidden, shadowed cause.
     The Atheist Billionaires, Philosophers, Marxist educators and such, don't care about the Sheeple Barack Obama recruits for the time being. In fact they may even look at them as necessary "Dead weight" for the moment, but needed in their push to establish their Godless "New World Order".
     Once they achieve that power, they will proceed to shed the dead weight with whatever means is necessary. If it's deadly force, then by all means, it will be!.
    Conclusion? After the "New World Order" collapses in failure from nobody wanting to earn their way, the riots will occur, the struggle for power will re-occur and only then will the people understand that because of the hunger and greed, history will repeat itself, people will realize they have to work and produce something in exchange for a living, and Democracy will have a new beginning and last another 250 years. That is, if the Arabs don't get the Nuclear bomb that Barack is busting his butt to give them.
    Which brings me to another "bizarre" point.
    Being the President of the most powerful nation on earth and in control of all our top Military secrets including our nuclear armament, why wouldn't he leak them the way they're being leaked to a country like Iran if he truly does intend to be in charge of the "New World Order"?
     Regardless of whether he makes it in for a second term in the United States or not! If he has leaked enough information to the point they could be our Military equal and he would have control of that, then why wouldn't he?
     He could actually place himself in a position of power whereby he could be a force to be reckoned with as the # 1 adversary and enemy of the United States and the Allied nations if he should be rejected here. Maybe this is why he is so careful to not step on the toes of the Islamic world. Maybe he could be their "Exalted" Leader some day soon. Personally, either way, he would come out a winner.
    It's not too late for the North American Continent to save itself from this destiny, but I gotta' say, it ain't lookin' good so far. Go get 'em Mitt!!
    Just sayin'.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012



 I agree on the Town Hall type of meetings. However, When the subject as serious as "Fast and Furious" comes up, and the matter of the murders of the heroes in Benghazi, I think a time extension on that subject that has been interrupted by a time limit should take place later on to finish the matter. It's reasonable that a moderator notify the candidates of the time limit involved, but it's important that the issue be clarified at another extended time after the regular time of the debate is completed. It's too important for it not to. Time to clarify everyone's remarks are important to the audience, in the respect their voting decision may count on it.
      There could be a panel of experts to determine the truth of the remarks of the candidates as well.
      In my mind, clarification on the honesty of the statements is of the most vital importance. After all, who wants a liar to be elected or re-elected. Particularly when there's been a liar in the past, as is the case here. If there was any question as to whether there was anybody capable of standing up to Barack Obama, there is none now.
 When Barack Obama said he was raised by a single mother, it was clearly a lie. In my research of his early years, he was raised by his Grandparents in Indonesia and was enrolled by them in an Islamic school where he was indoctrinated into the Islamic religion. For a short time after that, his mother divorced his biological father and after remarrying another man, his name was changed to Barry Soetoro. He later changed it back to Barack Hussein Obama Jr. His father was an Atheist.
      His family was never hard pressed for money and they never were. It was embarrassing to me to hear him say to the young lady who was raised by a single parent, "I understand your feelings because I was raised by a single parent who had a hard time making ends meet."
     Anyway, Mitt Romney walked away proudly for having done his job of dominating Obama.
     He made him out to be the liar he is.    Just sayin'.

Monday, October 15, 2012


      When you reflect back on the events of the past four years, and what has been revealed about the  "Well Oiled Machine" behind our current President, It has all become clear as a bell. The flood of what was considered to be "made up" and "surreal" information about a hidden agenda, just can't be denied anymore.
      The behavior of his supporters, all in lock step with one another in their well chorused statements, the  change in their promises that made the Sheeple think they were getting one thing, but instead got something else. The continual "never true" announcements of their future intentions became apparent more and more as time went on. They thought they could pull it off before the 2012 election and keep their true sinister program a secret until it would be too late to turn it around.
      They concealed the intended, radical changes to our present "Medicare system" by stuffing them into a massive 2700 page document that they knew couldn't possibly be understood in a short length of time. Thus surging on to the next move of dismantling the greatest Military in the world. Their footprint can't be mistaken now. They are massively reducing our ability to defend ourselves. As was recently apparent in the Benghazi murders recently.
      One big lie that is now becoming apparent, is a move in Medicare that's affecting your's truly as I write. Barack Obama emphatically promised that everyone presently on Medicare will not be affected by the change to Obamacare when it comes into effect. We would receive the exact same benefits as we are currently receiving, The newomers in the future would start on the new Obamacare program as they come of qualifying age. Not so!!
      Without any change in my Social Security benefits, (I'm 75 years old) I'm going to be dropped from my Medicare Part "B" qualification, and would need to find my own additional coverage. Other people my age are suffering the same thing. We now know why! We could only receive our benefits as they were intended, if the money that was appropriated in Medicare remained there. But it didn't!!!
     Without the permission of Congress, which is required, and very quietly, the Obama Regime was found to have taken the 716 billion dollars that was in the Medicare fund to help fund the new upcoming Obamacare program!
      Medicare can't possibly continue on as before, because of that. They've robbed Peter to pay Paul.
      When first confronted with it, they tried to deny it. Now it's admitted to be so. They could only have it the way they promised if they increased the deficit by $716 billion dollars to replace what they stole from Medicare. They thought we were stupid and wouldn't know the difference until it was too late. Well, it almost turned out, they were right.
      These Marxist/ Socialists were, and still are, wanting to reduce the strength and will of our country to the point of weakness that we couldn't possibly recover enough to resist. They deny that. But maybe they can explain why they wouldn't come to the aid of our 4 State Department Employees including the Ambassador to Libya. They just don't care!!! They stood back and let them be murdered. Sacrificed without any reaction from Obama who, climbed aboard his Air Force One and headed for an Election rally the very next day.
      God as we know him, was left out of the equation once again, don't you think??
      The collaboration isn't just the dreams of the Marxist/Atheists of this Country, but a gathering of all the Anti-Christian Muslims in the world who without hesitation, say they would like to kill all those who don't comply with Shariah Law. THAT'S US, FOLKS!!!
      Now you will understand their motive for picking a unique power hungry Atheist, claiming to be Muslim, at the same time claiming to be Christian. (If that makes sense?)
      This isn't just a small amount of Atheists, here. They are part of a huge subversive push by them, for this country to be taken away from the system we love, and unite us with the rest of Europe, to be controlled by the "New World Order"that Europe is currently building right now, with or without our acknowledgement. It could only be done by taking away our worldly position of power. It's Worldly, rather than North American sponsored.
     They really thought they could pull it off without the deceived, American citizen recognizing their actual intentions. With the world in a turmoil the way it is, turning hopes into fears, establishing mandates to enforce their wishes on us instead of allowing us to vote on the radical changes that will take our Constitutional rights away from us, they forged ahead with changing our life the way we know it.
     If we don't stop them in this next election, voting for what we want after that won't matter anymore.
    Barack Obama has been chosen only to represent the "Well Oiled machine" because of his ability to be one of the best skilled Orators in the World, that is, if he has his speeches written by other special speech writers who are also dedicated Atheists. He had everyone fooled on his intelligence and originality for a while, but we now know that, without his teleprompters, he has hardly any ability to produce sensible substance at all. He can't even remember the lies he has told the day before. Hence his inability to defend himself in the first debate with Mitt Romney. Without being properly "Coached" by his Cohorts, It's "Uh, you know, blah blah blah blah and blah, you know! Uh....blah blah George Bush, blah blah blah, You know,....Uh... if we can't continue in our new direction.
     Every time a crisis pops up, he hurriedly hops aboard Air Force One and heads for other parts, rather than face the problem. That's because, as revealed by the Author of "The Amateur", his wife Michelle Obama and her live-in Girl friend Valerie Jarrett, (Both Atheists) are totally controlling his movements,    with the "Well oiled Machine" coaching in the background.
     Valerie Jarrett is his connection to the outside world, especially Iran, and nobody enters their private domain without her personal permission. We wonder where the Iranians get their technology leaks from? How the large, unmanned drone, with all the latest secret technology accidentally flew into Iranian airspace and safely landed there without our military having the ability to destroy it? Give me a break!!!
     Billionaire Atheists from all over the globe are sympathetic to his Marxist/Muslim oriented cause.
     You are mistaken by his smooth tone when talking, but it's also important that you realize, he has an Agenda that's intended to help only the "Chosen Few" that support him as an end result. It's the Communist way.
     The powerful Unions, once not needed for their votes anymore will be turned on just they have already done to the rest of the dissenting opposition. Confusion and control is what the "Well Oiled machine" is ultimately after. Then it's going to be Russia and Putin all over again. They went from  a Dictatorship with a "Cold War" mentality, to a Post "Cold War" mentality, including a temporary "Democracy"" but with a hidden, Dictator behind it all named Putin watching from the shadows, to presently, a "Phony" election mode.  that due to a planned, stacked, fraudulent Election that recently put Putin back in total Dictatorial command again. Democracy my butt!!
     Atheist billionaires, with George Soros leading the way, seconded by Valerie Bowman Jarrett, an Iranian born citizen with ties and connections to the Arab nations, Barack and Michelle Obama, Muslims both, Bill and Hillary Clinton,whatever they are, Marxist Frank Marshall Davis, David Axelrod, and all of their supporters who are in hopes of "financial promises", including the Main Media. They are owned by the likes of Ted Turner and those owned and controlled by Atheists from around the world. All on the march, they're hoping ultimately to end in victory over the free North American Continent as we know it!
     Connect the dots, folks. I'd love it if you would prove me wrong. I know it's an "Unbelievable", bizarre analysis, but eerily true. That's their intention, and so far, it's been working. They're depending on you not believing those actual intentions. The Muslim world is in lockstep with them because they've been promised that their deadly, bizarre Shariah law will be honored wherever they desire, in exchange for their support.
     A grim reminder of that is the unforgivable murders of our U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the noble, loyal men who tried to protect them. Obama and his people did nothing to prevent it, refused military aid when it was pleaded for and most gruesome of all, tried to sweep it under the rug until after Nov. 6th, Election day. Also the latest news of a 15 year old Afghanistan girl deliberately shot in the head and left by the Taliban for wanting to adapt to the modern way of life. Does it make any sense at all, that you would know of this, with the knowledge Obama intends to let it slide because of the upcoming election? Would you still vote for someone who would deceive you at every turn in the road, and wait until you catch them at it in order to correct it??
     Please vote them out of office!!   Just sayin'.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


     If you sometimes think my blogs are over the top, guess how embarrassed I feel as I search for the truth, so I can pass it on to you. And knowing what I'm finding is unbelievable but true. Once I find it, I feel it's my job to present it to everyone who wants to listen to, or read it. But the events of the past few years have been so confusing, so unreal and so contradictory in the absence of the belief in God's existence, it's astounding. So I do my best to pass it on to you with the hope I did it properly and you don't end up thinking it's just me.
     As much as I wish it wasn't happening, and as much as I know people are justly confused by what's happening, when I connect the dots, the facts are still there. Think about it. Believe me, the past thirty years has produced so much advancement in technology that, although it has made the earth smaller and more readily communicable, it has also pulled the generations further apart in their beliefs. So much so that, it is one of the reasons I forced myself to learn the computer, because despite my engineering knowledge, my diverse occupations that range from working in the world of highway building, mining, both strip and underground, Truck driving, sales and professional handyman, I found I was losing touch with the modern world and would be left behind if I didn't!!
     I now have learned enough to enjoy the world of blogging.
     I always try to research it enough to make sure the information is authentic, as unbelievable as it is,  time after time, after time. Sometimes when I go to bed after working on a blog, I hope that I'll go to sleep and wake up later finding it was just a bad dream.
     I find our politics have grown so far out of normal behavior in accordance with the way I grew to know it and appreciate it.
     I'm sure you'll admit as well, we saw how good the Constitutional system worked up to the last ten years. Now, it's unrealistic. Especially when, in the past, a Constitutional law was violated for any reason and it was brought before the Supreme Court for clarification.
     You could always count on the Supreme Court Judges to come up with a reasonable ruling by going back to the Great Guide and interpreting what was meant by the wording of the Founding Fathers at the time and within it's framework. What did they truly mean? By researching such, they were able to connect the dots from one rule to another and throughout the total framework of it's contents. Then a sensible conclusion was reached. It always seemed acceptable.
     The great U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, written with Judeo/Christian beliefs and framed with the Ten Commandments involved, worked satisfactorily for the last 235 years.
     The Country accepted the Judges decisions along the way and once the decision was made, it was without question because of the basic trust the people had in the sincerity of the Judges esteemed positions. They were almost considered sacred. Was it really that way, or was I just more naive back then?
     But as Socialism overcame the common sense of the Democratic Party, and when they last came into power in 2008, things began to change, and the rights of individuals began to erode by way of unconstitutional mandates. Mandates, not in favor of the individual, that were established by men who were not elected to office, but appointed by questionable, sometimes crony Politicians. Politicians who didn't seem to care what the appointed workers were doing. Mandates that were decided without the peoples' good judgement and not allowed to be voted on. Hence the Socialist mess we have today.
     With all of the disruptive, unconstitutional changes that have been made, the political upheaval has not only resulted in insincerity, deception and outright lies to achieve a means. Such as we have in the Obama administration today. Also the electing of unstable Vice Presidents not suitable for the position.
     Joe Biden is living proof of what I'm saying, as demonstrated by his totally dishonest performance in the Vice Presidential debate last night with Paul Ryan. So much so, that I swear he was under some hypnotic trance that programmed him to behave in such a bizarre manner. I was embarrassed for the man! That marijuana type smile, as if he was gazing at an imagined laughing donkey.
     But through all of this, I have, as difficult as it is with watching this Marxist/Socialist insanity taking hold, managed to keep connecting the dots in order to keep my own sanity in check. I believe I've done that.
     Checking back through my blogs of the past every once in a while, tells me I've been spot on in a lot of my projections from the past. I still believe that by not following the line of least resistance as my guide, I'm still maintaining my belief in following the Constitution as I feel it was meant to be. I'm holding steadfast to my faith that someone such as Mitt Romney and the Republican Congress will straighten out the dastardly nightmare created by the Radical Islamic Terrorists and condoned by Barack Obama.
     The executive orders of Obama are definitely skirting our Constitutional requirements and threatening our very right to individual freedom for all, not just a few chosen, rich, Atheist supporters.   Just sayin'.

Friday, October 12, 2012


     I'm off on a "Bully" trip today. The reason?? It's time to set the facts straight on what kind of Marxist/Socialists are "Bullying" the United States of America.
     They're really just a small group of people who, much like the neighborhood bullies, don't like to be questioned. In other words, if there are any questions to be asked, they'll ask them. Other wise shut up! And it works!
     They control the Sheeple with money or the lack of such. It happens with Narcissists and self centered people all the time. In our case, they have a system whereby they influence someone within their own ranks to take charge of a certain program. they make stipulations and point out the direction they want you to go. They tell you you're the greatest and inform you you're fully in charge. They assure you they trust you beyond reproach. Away you go, with them operating from the shadows.
      Keep in mind, they position themselves to be illusive, and at their convenience, unreachable because of their busy schedule, visiting other countries of the world, attending parties with the Celebrity "Elite" leftists of Hollywood. Vacationing, golfing with heroes of the sports world and soliciting campaign money from the Atheist Billionaires of the world.
     Meanwhile, if everything you decide goes well, they commend you, but to the public, they take the credit. However, if there's a problem where it doesn't work out, they say they didn't talk to you about it. Even if they did, they're going to lie and say they didn't, and that you didn't inform them as you should have. If it's bad enough, you will be taken aside and, after a short pep talk about being loyal to the Party at all costs, told to resign, with a severance stipend waiting for you in the shadows somewhere.
     If you aren't loyal to the Party, YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN,JACK!!! Kind of like V.P. Biden told the teamster members who weren't intending to vote for Obama this election.
       Biden behaved like a "Bully" thug in last night's debate and is getting another pass by the Main Media in having done so.
      They move on to the next "Patsy". The "Bully" Regime continues on without interruption. The bullying reaches into the Constitution and then some. But they don't care because they're keeping themselves on the offensive, knowing that until they're challenged and put back on their heels, who's going to stop them?
       By the way, If you're wondering who's really running the White House, read the book "The Amateur" and you'll find that it's Michelle Obama and her devoted boss and girlfriend, Valerie Bowman Jarrett. Devoted Communists both! READ THE BOOK!! Don't let them peddle you the Christian stuff!
      Is this starting to look familiar now?? How dare they circumvent the Constitution and Bill of rights??
      But they do, and until the Congress muscles up, rather than wailing along with the American Sheeple saying, "Please don't do that?", They will. Until the Congress and the "pussy whipped" Supreme Court  steps up to the plate and makes them responsible for their actions, which they really are, look for more of the same. Just sayin'.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


      There they go again! In previous blogs I mentioned that hypnotically invoked grin and laugh as though there was something they knew that every other "dumb" american viewer didn't. The same thing with Joe Biden's behavior tonight. Sometimes a grin, sometimes a laugh and overtalking Paul Ryan to the point of absurdity and embarrassment. The rudeness to the Republican candidate had to be apparent to every viewer. The laughing wouldn't be apparent on NPR radio, however, that every dedicated Liberal listens to. The question is, has the normal listener and viewer allowed this kind of stuff to slip past them without notice? I truly hope not, and they should be turned off by the rudeness of it. When the subject came up of Iran, the Terrorist training Arab nation of the Mid East, getting near to having a Nuclear bomb,  Paul Ryan explained how dangerous it is to Israel. Joe Biden laughed at him hysterically, declaring, there was no danger because Iran isn't even close to having a missile able to deliver it. Did he miss the news showing them successfully firing a missile capable of delivering one?
      Where has this man been lately? Having a nuclear bomb is bad enough. Apparently he's never heard of suitcase bombs, either. How Stupid! How could he possibly have the audacity to play down such a danger and laugh about it besides? His daffiness is beyond the pale!
      Paul Ryan on the other hand, never let himself be affected by it and came forth with more facts and clarified intentions in this debate, than Obama did in his whole campaign of 2008, or in the 4 years since.
     I wasn't happy with the moderator in that I don't feel a time controller in a debate should be allowed to intervene with his or her obvious support for one candidate or the other with stickler questions pointedly on their own behalf. Neutrality should be the theme, regardless of the moderator's own political views. Of course, you're always going to see that on the Socialist side of the Aisle. It's ingrained into their typical way of doing "Distasteful" business, but it works.
     The moderator in this debate unfortunately, did just that. So be it! However, with all Biden's diversive efforts and phony laughing, he only succeeded in revealing himself for the failure his ideas were in the past, but didn't give any changes to those ideas.. He was aggressively disrespectful toward his younger, smarter adversary who, on the other hand, remained respectful and spoke with self assurance and the promise to involve Congress in deciding future issues that are so important to the American people.
     Remind yourself of one thing in this financial mess, The only humor to be had right now is the thought of bill collectors thinking they're gonna' be paid! Doe Biden think that's funny?? Just sayin'.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


     When I came to this country in 1976, I was looking for the one thing in my dream, the pursuit of freedom and the Constitutional right to claim it. In doing so, I left behind a secure income with the thought that I wanted to be near my older Siblings and also enjoy my new found knowledge that I was an American from the day I was born, and didn't know it until just a year before my departure from Canada.
     Don't get me wrong, I was born and brought up in a good country, and proud to this day of having done so. The Canadians say I'm a Canadian, and Americans say I'm American. I'm prouder than hell of being both!
     I'd had my taste of British influence, which was, and is still there. Some liked it and like me, some didn't. So to each his own. I still have friends, family and acquaintances there that maintain their own points of  view, I love them all and always will.
     But I'm here now. I found the Constitution and Bill of rights that, in black and white, tells me what I can and can't do according to a Judeo/Christian base that is guided by "The Ten Commandments".
     That God inspired work has succeeded for 235 years and is unequaled by any other modern world system that exists today. As far as I'm concerned, Karl Marx and Mohammed don't fit into the mix when it comes to Worldly decisions that involve the United States. Which brings me to my reason in comparison to the motive Barack Obama came to this Great Country with.
     I believe he arrived here, not for the purpose of living our american way of life, nor with the intention of studying the Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to live by them, but to join the people of our nation who despise equal control, which is what the Constitution has. In other words, he came here bruising for a fight he was hoping to win. He studied the naive sincerity of it, (The Constitution) to detect it's weaknesses. He thinks he found some, and all in a negative sense.
    But also what he is finding doesn't fit into his program as readily as he and his Cohorts have wished.
    He has "Awakened the sleeping Giant", so to speak.
    The citizens of this country, not unlike Canada and Australia, were born of races originating from all four corners of the earth, who took up the meager and crude instruments of survival, and a lot of them in their bare feet, joined together to struggle against the tyranny of "Taxation without representation". Hearty, exceptional people from all over the world, mind you! A lot of them outcasts from countries such as Britain, France, Spain and a mixed host of other countries who considered them "undesirables" in their home nations. But whether lawful or unlawful, they had one thing for sure in common, they were "tough", and throughout the 235 years, whether fighting against each other or for each other, they survived to see tattered, burned flags replaced with new ones. New ones with colors of hope, "the red, white and blue." So Barack, as much as you and your backers stand in the shadows watching the enemies of this nation attack us, remember this one patriotic saying, "These colors don't run!".
     You sir, are in for a fight on Nov. 6th, 2012.
     Go get em', Mitt and Paul!!   Just sayin'.

Monday, October 8, 2012


     Why am I pointing this out? BECAUSE IT'S ILLEGAL, that's why!! A watchdog group with no political ties, has yesterday discovered this. If you doubt this, just watch FOX NEWS. Where you get all of the news, not just some of it.
     I can hardly wait for Obama to be confronted with this in the next debate. You see, whether or not he is going for broke in this campaign, the European Union thinks he's a "second coming" of  Karl Marx, and their cohorts the Muslims, think he's the "Second coming" of Mohammad. There seems to be no serious conflict in their beliefs that would keep them from joining forces in defeating the beliefs in the American way.
     It doesn't matter which, they have one thing in common, the taking down of the United States of America. as the most powerful country in the world as we know it.
     You say, "how can they do that?" Well, it's a sort of "money laundering" in the respect that Super Pacs ( a conglomerate of donation collectors who aren't required to reveal their source of donors.) can claim that all of their donations were $200.00 or less. It's easily done by a large company giving the names of all it's employees as having donated 200 dollars to Obama. But they're doing it totally without the knowledge of the employees, much less taking it away from the employees.
     Both sides do it, but the difference is, it's not supposed to come from outside the country except  through the military.
     Obama's people are apparently receiving money from countries where we have no military. (43%) But make no mistake, the billionaire Atheists who have their money safe and sound, and above the fray, are throwing plenty of subversive money in there too, expecting to get it back when he wins.
     That's just my way of seeing it of course, with the help of Fox News.  Just sayin'.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


      Some time back, I mentioned that AARP was donating money to the Democratic campaign, and at the same time receiving Federal Grants every year. I believe that to be a fact. I also mentioned AARP was aggressively selling insurance clearly on the premise of the new Obamacare plan going into effect on the 1st of Jan., 2013. They started advertising for this approx. 1 year before it was to be enacted into law. This at a time when there were many questions and doubts about the authenticity of Obamacare and it was still being challenged in the Courts. For all intents and purposes at the time, it was believed to be illegal the way it stood and waiting for a Supreme Court decision.
      Now, remember I pointed out that AARP is a type of brokerage firm who doesn't own an Insurance company per se, but represents other insurance Co.'s as a conglomerate and by doing so can sell more product at a supposedly cheaper rate than just an Independent broker. Like "bundling" or something similar to that! They make a profit off the top. So far so good.
      The fact is, AARP has been investigated for their shadowy contributions before, but inevitably the story faded into the distance, to not be brought up by the Main Media again. Just another one of those Liberal/Socialist mysteries, maybe.
      Anyway, in the debate last night Barack Obama came out in defense of Obamacare and in so mentioning, offered the knowledge that together with AARP, they sat down and drew up the plans for how the Insurance Co.'s would play a roll in the implementing of such a plan. This done specifically, I gather, with AARP alone. Not along with watchdog groups or anything like that which would protect the rights of the individuals it would affect. In other words, he skirted around the Constitutional process once again. I'm guessing that tens of millions of policies were sold with the assurance that it would definitely come into effect. That put AARP way ahead of the other Independent Insurance Co'.s who may not have contributed to Obama's campaign, and weren't invited to offer input. They may not have offered it, simply with the fear it might not take effect.
      I'm guessing that, had it not been approved by the Supreme Court the strange way that it was, AARP would have probably faced a tremendous lawsuit by the purchasers for having led them to believe something that didn't actually happen. Quite a chance AARP was taking wouldn't you think? Or were they? Was someone made an offer they couldn't refuse? Was the fox helping to build the hen house?
      Don't you think there's something fishy here from start to finish?  Just askin'.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


      He did it well. Why? Because he knew what he was talking about from beginning to end. He knew the issues, and he told the truth. There was no questioning his honesty and style. He simply laid it out the way it is. On the other hand, Obama was still in Limbo, believing his own B.S. that I think he is starting to doubt himself.
     But how can he argue on behalf of himself when there is really nothing there to argue for? He tried to defend his past actions which have been no compromise whatsoever at any time, anyplace or anywhere. When confronted with that, he claimed he did try to compromise, but only on his terms. Do you call that compromise?
     Obama then complained that Romney won't reveal the intricacies of his plans if he was elected. Well, do you remember as clearly as me the time when Obama got elected and immediately summoned the Democratic portion of Congress in behind closed doors, unanimously passed a 2700 page Obamacare bill with absolutely no Republicans present because they were locked out from attending the session. The fact is, they hijacked the control of passing the bill, eliminating any chance of filibustering by the opposition. The real shame is though, They themselves couldn't tell anyone after the session what was in the bill. Nancy Pelosi, Socialist Speaker of the House was so blatant and rude as to joke,"We had to pass the Bill so the people could learn what's in it." The trouble is, it only drew a few embarrassed snickers.
      The gall of the President to insist and complain about Romney not wanting to elaborate on his plan , is almost embarrassing beyond comprehension.
      Good for you, Mitt Romney!! Hip Hip Hooray!!     Just sayin'.


                                                   Read my blogs   http/
How many times have you heard the cop-out "It happens on both sides"? Well, I've heard it on the Obama Sheeple side so much that it makes me want to throw up!! Yes, once in a while it no doubt does happen on both sides, but when it did happen on the Republican side, it was supposed to be corrected when the Marxist/Socialists took office. It was one of their election winning points!! The trouble is, when they totally ignore the purpose of them being placed in power TO correct what they complained about in the first place, and commit the same or sometimes more serious offenses 100 times over, they say,"It happens on both sides"!! Go figure, would ya'!!
     When George H. W. Bush said, "Read my lips, no more taxes!" and then, promptly did, he was voted out of office. the Clinton Sheeple and the Socialist Press jumped on it like "ugly on an ape"!! We still hear echoes of it in the halls of the Liberal Main Media and the Marxist/Socialists today.
     They all, with the help of the carefully placed Marxist/Socialist Judges from top to bottom in the U.S. Court system, made President George H. Bush pay politically and emotinally in one way or another. Even now, when they are in the middle of countless worldly and nationally created scandals, such as this Great Country has never seen before in it's history, they are still saying, "It happens on both sides!" and the Marxist/Socialist Main Media, are giving them a free pass. No one can honestly deny that Obama and Biden do it on a daily basis, for goodness sake!
     As I pointed out before, when confronted with a falsehood, they only have to place that sardonic smile on their face, muse off into the distance as if they know something we don't, and say, "It happens on both sides!" and all is forgiven.  Just sayin'.


     He's a man who stands in the shadows and watches the Devil's advocates at work at his bequest.
     He tells everyone he's behind them if they'll only vote for him. Well, he is behind them! A long, long way behind.  You're far better than him, and look at it this way today. He doesn't even belong on the same stage with a Conservative contender when it comes to honest, financial success. Plant yourself in front of his so-called expertise and talk down to him like the phony that he is. Instead of it being the other way around.
     He's dishonored the Presidency and the Patriotic American people who listened to his rhetoric in 2008 just to find out he was deceiving them all along. You're honest, financially successful people who, if given the chance, can make all of America that way again.
     He's a coward and man to man, no one to fear. Talk down to him. Forget about respect for a Presidency he's never earned. Take no prisoners with this guy. I ask you to do this because I know he's gonna' try it again with you. It's simple. You tell the truth about him. He lies about everything. The American people are looking for the truth. Face him down for the Devil's work that he does.
     When he brings up George W. Bush, for the hundredth time say, "There you go again." "But now, I'm not going to use your misuse of the taxpayer's dollars against you. I don't need to!! They've already suffered from the results."
     When he tries to run from that, ask him to tell the American people and other viewers where the missing billions did disappear to that, so far, he ignores to acknowledge. It's your call!!  Just sayin'.


Monday, October 1, 2012


      "DHIMMITUDE". It's on page 107 of Obama's new Obamacare bill. What does it mean? You'll find it on Google Search. LOOK IT UP!!!
Dhimmitude is the name for the Muslim system of controlling the non Muslim populations conquered through "Jihad". Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence and as a coersive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.
     Obamacare allows the establishment of "DHIMMITUDE" and Shariah Muslim "diktat" in the United States. (Dictatorship) This exempts Muslims from the new mandate requiring health Insurance and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Muslims consider insurance to be "gambling", "Risk taking" and "Usury" and is banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on that premise.So the rest of us will face IRS liens on all our assets including Real estate, cattle, accounts receivable and possibly hard prison time if we refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax.
     Louis Farrakhan will pay no such penalty and will have 100% of his health needs paid for by the "Defacto Gov't." insurance.
     Non-Muslims will be paying tax to a tax-free Muslim entity. This is "DHIMMITUDE", Folks. How do you like it so far??  DHIMMITUDE AND SHARIAH LAW!!!  Boy! Won't you freedom lovin', honky tonkin' american women love your "Equality for Women" rights then??   Just sayin'.