Monday, June 30, 2014
Well, Barack, The excuse has gotten old, and you just don't have anymore "Trust me's".
The fact is; Everything he wants to do is contrary to the Constitutional process. E.G.; Immediately after his first election, when the Progressives took control of both Congresses, they threw away the book on the rules of Congress, and instead of following the rules of the process, illegally rushed behind locked doors to exclude the minority Republicans duly elected to Congress.
Because they had won the majority of both the House and the Senate, they excluded the minority Republicans in order to avoid the filibusters that are built into the rules to stall a runaway situation should it happen by a rogue Majority such as this one. They're stumbling blocks purposefully placed there by the Founding Fathers so the minority portion of Congress will at least have some input on the passing of Bills.
Since then, Obama has gotten so drunk on Power he is totally out of "Executive Order" control. Lrgal, sometimes but mostly illegal with his own statement of; "I have a phone, and I have a pen". It's all so bizarre now, he thinks there's no stopping him.
The more he follows his own rules, the more dangerous he becomes.
To my knowledge, the lockout may have happened in previous Gov'ts. But filibustering is there to slow the runaway process down, should they get carried away such as this one was in the midst of doing. By locking the doors to exclude the minority in order to avoid the filibuster privilege, they chose to operate outside the limits set by the Congressional system.
In that first two years while Obama and the Progressives were in total control. they finacially took this Country down
It was reckless, it was illegal and it was just plain arrogant and stupid. With all of that, it only made me more determined to expose the Progressives for the Communistic system they had in store for us in the establishment of a "New World Order".
So here we are now 5&1/2 years later, with a completely disheveled, tremendously bloated Gov't that has run so amok it can't even be recognized as a Worldly Power anymore.
There's only one reasonable answer to it, and that is to clean the Progressives right out of there, and tell them to drag a bush over their slug trail so no one will ever want a reminder they've been there. Otherwise, if they get back in control again, I don't think we'll ever get back to the American Way as it used to be. Just sayin'.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Remember when a handshake meant more than just that? When two people, both assuming each other was sincere in their verbal promise, would rely on that handshake like it was written in stone, and consider the agreement sacred until circumstances dictated otherwise? Signing the final documents and the changing of money from one hand to the other? Well,...., That's the way it worked!! But my word, how times have changed!
That habit of 'taking a man at his word' was far more prominent back then, than it is now.
I can only speak from my own experiences and the trials of others I've known over my lifetime, to speculate and analyze as to why it doesn't work anymore. But most of the time, distrust and deception will come from people who, through undisciplined morals and the thirst for personal gain, strayed from the 'straight and narrow' to devise alternative ways to win, rather than to follow the Godly based, morality guide.
We all know right from the Independent birth of this Country's Republic, the necessity of moral agreements were due to the inaccessibility of pen and paper at the time of a transaction.
Albeit because of the guy having to quit his work process only long enough to settle things and get on with the chores, and the other guy having to get himself on with his own business. A handshake backed with trust in each other was the handiest thing to do at the time. It was a moral pact dependent on faith in our fellow man.
Because of mutual trust, it worked very well.
America grew and prospered, assuming all other folks were as honest as the next. It was considered the 'American way'!
Slowly, as the population grew and people as a whole worked hand in hand through the guidance of our Founding Fathers and the 3 (Sacred to me) documents, it worked endlessly time after time, year after year, decade after decade as our Country became the greatest Nation on God's green earth.
Having been in the business of Mobile home sales, I was surprised to see however, that Alaskan people living in the last bastion of America, still don't hesitate to place trust in a financial transaction with a verbal promise. (I take my hat off to those remaining pioneer spirits,)
So what happened as we fast-forward to today?
In my estimation, along with our trust in our fellow man, came naivety, and assumption of trust became weaker.
The devious ones became more devious. Betrayal became more common-place.
Innocent ignorance caused us to keep ourselves blind to the un-Godly Society of People who, over the years had resorted to dropping the awareness of a God created Universe and found there was a line of least resistance that allowed them to feel free. Free to do a lot more if they were to follow Darwin's theory and reject the moral restrictions of the God-based, Ten Commandment Society.
Now here we are, with the reality that "Trust me" is the first indication to look out for distrust in the person that coins the phrase.
Stop for a moment and check your senses....., Does that once 'trust' philosophy work nowadays with the person who you thought was honest with you just because you were honest with them? Or are you more than likely to insist it be done in writing? (You'd be foolish not to, sadly enough!)
With the situation we have now with our current President, even as much as the Main Media attempts to hide true, negative facts about it, but through the efforts of Fox News you're hearing about it and forced to listen anyway, do you still remain dedicated to the bizarre talk from a Gov't that has a liar for a spokesman every day that you watch the Liberal Media News? Are you kidding me???
Just sayin'.
Friday, June 27, 2014
We have been intentionally misled to believe the actions of Barack Obama are the result of the sole thoughts of this man, who continues to remain Top Dog of the United States in his efforts to steer the whole world in his line of thinking.
Not so! He instead is the product of teachings that come from a very much higher Realm of professional thinkers; The International Billionaires of the World, who have pulled out all the stops on their way to achieving the goal of a Worldly Power the likes of which we would, as normal folks, have never thought was even imaginable. They are the true Advisers to this 'Front and center' puppet,
Barack Obama, along with his formidable force of 40,000 thieves who are a product of the Devious thinking that goes on behind the scenes.
Why else the unlimited arrogance with which he and his Regime who have so confidently 'seized' power over the 3 (Sacred to most of us) famous Documents that our Founding Fathers so laboriously designed to keep us safe from the very same kind of Tyranny that assails and threatens our individual freedoms as I write?
What's actually happening by allowing those International Financial Powers to control our destiny is, a complete circle from the time we overcame the Tyranny of England in 1776. It's almost identical to the attempt that's taking place now.
All of this being done behind the "Front" man some picture as the 'Genius' Barack Obama! Who in reality, is a Chicago trained Atheist plucked right out of the arms of the Chicago based, Saul Alinsky founded "Midwest Academy" of Atheism.
All of this with the promise to him of the reward of being eventually able to be the President of "The New World Order" should he succeed in the taking down of the only major 'stumbling block' standing in their way, the Powerful United States of America as we knew it just yesterday.
So, if you're wondering why all the downgrading of the 'American way' is taking place, you do know now.
I defy anyone reading this blog, to go back and trace the 'honest to goodness' steps of this mysterious man, before he 'actually' arrived in America circa 1983. Then you will understand that he was as unknown as 'John Doe', as described in police files for any man of no identification.
My previous blogs, which I keep printed copies of in case my Computer crashes due to 'unknown causes', have followed this man from the time he was born, tell the details of his mysterious childhood.
But it matters not now, as long as we recognize the true purpose of his being here; The real control is not from him, but from all of the people in key positions in his Administration who are actually operating under the orchestration of the real bandmaster; The International Billionaires who have already put in place, 'The trilateral Commission' that exists outside of our Country under the direction of the U.N. and the European Union. Take particular note of the very secretive, Valerie Bowman Jarrett who, the very day after his first successful election to President, was made Chief Adviser to the President by his appointment. An African/American lady born in Iran, speaks fluent Persian and also with a Chicago based background born of African/American parents and later trained by 3 Chicago Mayors. Namely, Harold Washington and the two following Daleys, all infamous in their own, Chicago style ways.
Immediately upon her rapid appointment, the White house and the Obama residency within, became totally under the strict control of Jarrett with an iron-tight security, never before experienced in the history of the Presidencies. It still goes on today! She eats, sleeps and breathes with the Obama family including their vacations.
All of his 'Regime' is in sync with the suspected, but now obvious dedicated purpose, of having to take down the United States of America to the level of a 3rd World Country, no longer in control of our own vast Natural Resources.
As Ronald Reagan once said way back when: "This is the last bastion of freedom on earth. Take it away and there's no place left to go!"
Think about it; Anything that could or would have been done in the 6 years he has been in office, such as shutting down the inexpensive 'Coal' power source so important to the financial recovery of our Nation and the nixing of the XL Pipeline that would have at least started us back on the road to recovery. Shut plum down in their tracks. Thus, making the Recession period even more serious!
"Oh, gee! It's time for me to wake fully up from my nightmare and find my way home! What on Earth did I drink??" COOL-AID!!! Oh, dear!!!
Know what I mean, Vern?? Just sayin'.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
In an explosion of interruption during his interview of (R) Congresswomen Michelle Bachman, I witnessed the most rude and loud arrogance I've ever seen towards a guest on his show, or any other Fox News Corporation interview I've been watching since it's beginning on Cable News.
In his obese, overfed manner, which in comparison, would put loud-mouth Chris Christie to shame, he became the "Expert of Experts" bar none, and kept unloading on her in a fashion unparalleled by any other talk-show host.
Over the past year, as informative as his top-notched guests usually are, including Mrs. Bachman, he has increasingly become so interruptive that he seldom allows his guests to complete the answers he poses on them. He continually cuts his guests off in disagreement by over-talking them, similar to the same ignorant method used by Bill O'Reilly on "The spin stops Here".
If I didn't know better, I'd say they adopted their habits from the Main Media, CNN and MSNBC.
Their haste to convince the viewer they are a cut-above the average TV host has become so apparently over-whelming to the point sometimes, I mute the channel and even tune to CNN or some other inferior News source! I hate having to do it!!
But today, was the worst display I've ever seen by the ever "know-it-all" Neil Cavuto and although after rudely cutting her off the air once he had his say, then apologizing mildly in her absence for the display, I think he has done a permanent damage to his once credible program.
My advice to Cavuto is this; run for Congress and show us how much better he would be, or just shut up and try to save his hog-fat ass by apologizing to the lady like any decent respectful man would do.
I know this much, until he does, I ask any good Conservative that normally watches his show to do what I'm going to do; Go to his CNN Competitor for the financial news whenever he comes on.
I swear, it appears to me as though he's making a deliberate attempt to discredit the Conservative Party as best he can before he makes his jump to the other side. I hope that isn't the case!
Just sayin'.
Monday, June 23, 2014
A Non- denominational Prayer
God bless this day, not only for me,
but all who believe in you.
God bless the meals that will grace this day,
that you have inspired us to earn and deserve.
Please grant me the strength to follow
your gracious rules you've set before us, along with your guide to positive thoughts.
Instill reason for all in your Realm to be clear,
miracles come from ability you've granted us
to help make them come true, as best we can.
Your spirit is here for us to appreciate, in all that we do to make this a better day ahead.
Last but not least, strengthen me in my hope
to believe you are not selective in your choices, and that all who believe in you are like the spokes in a great wheel in which they all are together in joining you as the Hub of Eternity. Amen.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
The Crisis we are seeing is not a nightmare we can just wake up from in the night, rub our eyes, thank God it isn't really happening, roll over and go back to peaceful sleep. (I wish it was, I really do!)
But it's not. Maybe nature has built in a self-defense system in our mind we naturally resort to, that permits us mentally to soften the blow from what is the inevitable to come. ( Kind of like, "If I put off facing it today, maybe it won't be here tomorrow!")
Well, it's time to count the money in the till at the end of the month, to see if there's any profit there for your business to be able to open it's doors in the morning of the next month. ( This of course, after you actually knew stock was continually missing every day while you witnessed the shoplifters and dishonest employees run out the front and back doors with it. Your naive trust in your fellow man tells you, they wouldn't do that!)
Well, here we are folks! Right smack in the middle of a real life nightmare that this time, isn't going to go away until we make it do so. There's no rolling over and going back to sleep!
Only this time, we're talking about common sense, and Reality. And who it is that's running off with the goods that have kept us in business for 250 years.
Though they're doing their darndest to hide Reality with the substitute of Idealism, they've done a lousy job of convincing us that Idiology replaces the actual truth. Because the truth is what it is, and always comes out in the end.
So what say you?? Are you still drinking the illusive cool-aid and thinking there's a promised pot of gold at the end of their kinky rainbow?
The only "Rainbow " they believe in, is the substitute name they've chosen to distort, along with "Gay", "Alternative Normal" and "Homophobe" among others. Below is a list for you to ponder over as an indication for what they really are. It's factual and as of right this moment, they can't deny.
For you own self assurance, You'll find it all on Wikapedia and other internet sources;.
Read them, and determine for yourself;
(1) Obamacare
(2) Renewable investment failures where tens of billions of Tax-paid dollars disappeared into thin air.
E.G.; Solar Trust of America, Bright Source, LSP Energy, Energy conversion devices, Abound Solar, Sunpower, Ener-1, Beacon Power, Ecotality, Uni-solar, Azure Dynamics and Evergreen Solar.
(3) Work Participation rate, lowest in 35 years.
(4) Federal take-over of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.
(5) Bank bail-outs for those who contributed to their campaigns
(6) Cash for Clunkers
(7) Refusal to enforce the law with the take-over of polling places by the Black Panthers.
(8) The blatant issuing of Unemployment figures to enhance their figures.
(9) The "Fast and Furious" discovery of the Jsstice Dept. Trafficking Arms and Ammunition to the Warring Drug Cartels.
(10) The NSA Spying scandal
(11) The IRS targeting of Tea Party groups
(12) 70% Food stamp Increase they tried to hide.
(13) Removing the Work search requirement for Welfare Recipients
(14) The ongoing Criminal investigation into the horrendous VA scandal
(15) The pretense by Barack Obama that "Al Qaida" was dead, While all along he's been arming them with Arms and Ammunition all over the World
(16) The murderous "Benghazi " murders of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya along with the 3 gallant warriors who protected him. Their mutilated bodies were dragged through the streets amongst the cheers of Al Qaida supporters and photographers afterward.
(17) The refusal to curtail the flow of Illegal Aliens crossing our Southern Border.
Now lets see their list of accomplishments! Just sayin'.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
For Pete's sake, think about it all. First, as the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution calls for, we must elect a Gov't "Of the People, By the People, and For the People!"
Is there anything in that declaration that anybody reading this blog, isn't able to understand?? If there is, please log out now!!
Since any person who is elected, appointed or hired to serve the people of the United States, they are obligated to do one job; To act on the rules, regulations and the desire of the American people as outlined within the rules of the Constitution.
This expectation applies to all Public and Civil servants, regardless of what position they hold, including the President.
So, why should those same Gov't employees who ignore the rules and operate outside the confines of the 3 Sacred Documents be exempt from prosecution by means of pleading the Fifth Amendment in the Constitution they have been so quick to have absolutely no respect for and ignore, when it comes to protecting everybody else from their self assumed, tyrannical power??
Of course, if you haven't been watching Fox News or reading the Conservative News publications, you probably haven't really been learning the tremendous misdeeds that are being committed by Barack Obama and his gang of 40,000 thieves, now have you? Yeah! you probably haven't!
Just sayin'.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Don't you think it makes more sense, that the Military Power of this Country should belong in the hands of Congress as a whole, rather than in the Hands of the President? And particularly now that we have a situation where the President and his Administration have gone totally 'rogue' in the bizarre way they have taken to totally ignoring the will of the Constitution?
Don't you find it odd that, instead of the people having the Guard dogs to watch a Gov't that's supposed to be "Of the People, By the People and For the People" as is called for in the Constitution, they have turned the situation just the opposite to that, and are watching us instead?
Well....., at present, we are being just a # (number) to the people paid by your tax dollars watching every move you make, just in case you violate one law or another. Those laws being adjudicated by appointed officials who lately, have had no interest in wanting to know or ask for the Taxpayers' opinion either!
To them, it's your duty and obligation to pay whatever fines and comply. But of course, those laws are there for a reasonable purpose, and if not abused by them, work quite well to control offenders outside the realm of common sense. So far, so good!
Until now! You elected a single person to the highest office in the land. with laws perfectly and carefully outlined in our Sacred Constitution that he is supposedly required by Oath and Constitutional law to obey.
Little did you ever suspect that you were going to elect a mysterious man and his followers to that office who had gone to Harvard to study the Constitutional System, not to honor it, but instead, to attempt to literally tear it down from it's very foundation. Then to completely ignore the Oath of Office he promised to follow, "So help me God!"
On top of all that, with a pen in one hand and a phone in the other, he, by executive order, created his own laws to suit his personal tastes, because; "He thinks he IS the law!
All of this, While the guard dogs (Congress) bark, and the Intruder (President) robs the safe. (Treasury). Along with it all, The Supreme Court Stands idly by, unwilling to interfere due to lack of proper procedure. Besides, their schedule is full until after the 2016 Presidential election.
"Know what I mean, Vern?" Just sayin'
Monday, June 16, 2014
Having been born and raised in Canada, I was fortunate enough to have not only been schooled in Canada, but also to have been blessed by my American mother and older siblings who were born Americans before my family's migration to Canada in 1931.
Because of that, We were able to understand the Politics of not only Canada, but the United States as well. No doubt in my mind, it gave us the edge in the respect of deciphering the Radio and then Television stations coming from both Countries. Eg; CFCN Calgary, CBC Vancouver along with ABC, NBC and CBS, all out of Spokane, Wa..
Even back in those days, there was always the little domestic differences and rivalries that particularly took place among nearby towns on both sides of the border.
The one thing that we all had to remind ourselves in Canada every once in a while was; Canada, despite it's larger size considerably than the States was, and still is, only one tenth the population of the United States. (To this day, when comparing economies and financial systems, we tend to forget that indisputable fact.)
As I have learned since, there will probably always be the conundrum that one Political system is better or worse than the other. But basically, under the difference in rules of Governing, we both share one freedom; the right to vote for whomever we please come election time.
In other parts of the World, no other system is overall comparable or more successful. For general reference at the moment; DEMOCRACY! It works for both Countries, in spite of the flaws we have witnessed in the past. Somehow we have managed to set our differences aside when it comes to joining together in our fight for the survival of that system, come Hell or High water! (World War 1, World War 2 and the 'Forgotten War", Korea.)
But I still have a bone to pick when it comes to the various News Organizations and how they report the News in both Countries.
It came to light for me when as a 21 year old, a friend and I decided to leave our respective jobs in B.C. and pursue a course in "radio announcing" put on by a group of seasoned radio announcers we regularly listened to on our radios. We were elated to be accepted, and moved our very young families to Calgary Alberta. For us, it was a huge move!
What we both learned there, although we weren't able to pursue the career because of the 'fickle finger of fate', (No available jobs in the industry combined with a need to continue working on our daytime jobs to survive financially) was that the Federally dominated CBC had a regulatory 'strangle hold' on what could be broadcast on all of the Independently operated Radio and New, up and coming TV stations. They set the rules, so much so, they exclusively had the right to lift the licenses of any of those independent stations. ( Most Canadians like myself, always assumed that CBC News, referred to as the 'Mother' station was the property of the Canadian Federal Gov't.)
Anyway, fast forward to these more recent years since I have moved and lived here in the United States since May 24th, 1976. (On may 24th, 2015, I will have lived in both Countries for 39 years apiece! God willing, that's been a medical battle too.)
One thing is for sure, this is no time for everyone who criticizes, mocks or out of envy wishes in the back of their hearts that America goes down to think that you, yourselves won't suffer as a result, because you will!
I warn you, this not the time to think so silly. I remind you, Canada as large as it is, is still financially only one tenth the population of the United States, and believe you me, your hopes of it happening will come back to bite you. Because whatever happens to 330,000,000 people South of the Border is going to happen to every Ally we have along with it, including you.
Keep in mind, we probably have as many Illegal Aliens in this Country as you have population up there. You can have fun, just for the sake of being that way, but that sarcastic grin will quickly show up on the other side of your face.
The News you're watching up there may be what you consider the truth, but it's not ALL of it.
As I've stressed in other blogs, The CBC News network has been, and always will be, privately owned by the Queen of England, is strictly as socially, Communistic and un-providing as she wants it to be.
My point is this; Being a privately owned concern, why was she allowed to do the regulating of all other private stations to the degree that she does? There's no doubt that CBC who heavily leans and promotes the NDP Party, picks and chooses who can broadcast in Canada, and who can't.
Eg; The U.S. Conservative Network, "FOX NEWS" is restricted from broadcasting in Canada by the Queen's choice. Which means Canadians are limited in their ability to hear both sides of the story when it comes to U.S. Political news. ( I refer to it as, 'The dumbing down of the Listeners for Political Gain'!)
After all, controlling the broadcasting airways also controls the affairs of Gov't. to a large degree. Shouldn't it be the Federal Gov't that controls CBC instead?
CBC has been 'deep sixing' politicians they disagree with for years. (You might have already noticed.)
Between the Queen and the Socially Main Media down here, with the exception of FOX News, are NOT giving them ALL the News as they should get it, although it's assumed they are.
So be considerate in your comments about this Country. but the fact to me if this Country does go down is, you'll be coming with us. Just sayin'.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
So often anymore, when one Party or the other wants to dodge an issue without answering it directly, they accuse the other of playing 'Politics'! It's the lamest dodge I've ever heard, and as far as I'm concerned, an abuse of one of the most important words that, like it or not, operates the Democratic system for better or for worse.
Let's face it! When We want a man to represent us in our Electoral District, it's proper Politics. When we select someone to be Chief of Police, it's a political process of appointment by someone we elected to a higher office like a Mayor and elected Council. It's honest politics, used in it's proper form. Our Federal, State and Local Gov'ts are all selected through the Democratic process. The proper word for all of this, is in it's purest form possible; Politics.
In their own devious way, They're abusing the word.
I first noticed the term being misused in the last 6 years or so by the same people who are hosing
this Country along with it's Republic and Democratic system, down the drain right now.
You see, in a Dictatorial Communistic State, they don't use the word Politics, because there really are none needed.
So in the current Administration, the people who abuse it in order to avoid answering a question, make it sound sleazy in the way they say; "The Right is just playing Politics" as usual. You see, what they really want is to degrade it so people will have disdain for the very word that makes our Democratic system go. It's like a virus and both sides have begun using it, now!
Yes, there's corruption in every political Society, and without proper oversight from others involved in the system, like the Administration we have now, it gets worse, simply because they want to destroy the control of the people through a Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People" so they can proceed in their intended direction of total control without due Democratic process.
Those same people in the Gov't today are protected by the word, "Tenure" , "Homosexual" groups who prefer to disguise it by disgracing the proper meaning of "Gay", and once in an appointed position to do so, changed the Homo expression to "Alternative Normal", and the Atheists who are bound and determined to do "Whatever it takes" to achieve their Dictatorial goal, are now degrading the expression, "Politics".
Don't let them continue to do it! Call out whoever uses that 'Cop-out' dodge by them saying; "You're playing Politics", instead of them answering the question by facing the God's honest truth.
"Politics" are Politics! That's what it is, it's not going to change anytime soon, and I'm lost for words to call it anything else.
Lets' not continue to make it a dirty word.
There's only one political way to correct it and bring it back to it's proper perspective; Follow the rules of the Constitution and once back in Control of our Sacred Documents, let their punishment suit their crimes. After all, Politics, as penetrable as they seem right now, is the best system we had before the introduction of "A Different Direction" they're trying to cram down our throats right now.
Just sayin'.
On this day in 1777, our U.S. Flag was born. To be loved and cherished by the honorable Citizens of this proud Nation, and dishonored and disgraced by the unworthy, small amount of dissidents who were too cowardly to defend it, but instead, burned it in defiance of the U.S. Constitution.
But beyond that ending, negative comment, I promise not to make mention of it again in this blog.
Also referred to as the American Flag, it consists of 13 horizontal red and white stripes with a blue rectangle in the Canton.(Referred to specifically as the "Union")
Originally, the Canton contained 13 stars representing the 13 Colonies that declared Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. It now contains 50 stars representing the 50 States today.
Nicknames for the flag also include; Stars and Stripes, Old Glory and the "Star spangled banner".
White stars in a blue Canton represent a "New Constellation".
Shortly before the indoctrination of the Flag, In may of 1776, Betsy Ross reported she had sewn together the first cloth version of the flag.
So whenever you honor the flag, salute it, fold it, raise or lower it, keep in mind the memory of the trouble our gallant General George Washington and his army of barefooted ragtag volunteers took up whatever arms they could muster to defeat the British Dominance over our young Nation.
The song; "Star Spangle Banner" is the official Anthem of the United States of America. It was first recognized for official use by the U.S. Navy in 1889, and then by Woodrow Wilson in 1916.
The words to the 'Star Spangled Banner' were written by Francis Scott key after the bombardment of Fort McHenry by Royal Navy Ships in Chesapeake Bay during the War of 1812. It was set to the British tune composed by John Stafford Smith for the Anacreontic Society, a men's Social club in London, England.
Another American Patriotic song, "My Country tis of Thee" was written to the identical tune of "God save the Queen" circa 1931. Just sayin'.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
The idea now is to give them a pathway they must agree to follow. One that's acceptable to everybody.
In Hillary Clinton's interview today, she is putting the emphasis on the Right wing Republicans wanting to deport them. Well, let her and her backers put the emphasis on something that's misleading, such as Obama did, and let us prove her the liar just as Obama was too.
Let them go on with this deportation thing, but while they're doing so, they need to show the justification in allowing it to happen so flagrantly as they have with no attempt to instill Patriotism or Loyalty to our Country's flag, and require them to learn and respect the Constitution that has made this Country great over 2 and a half Centuries.
That's where they have fallen down on the job entirely! Instead of using the right reasons for letting them come, it was for the Left's own selfish interest that they let it happen the way they did.The main reason is to shore up there voting base to a level that when they declare Amnesty, they would guarantee themselves most of their votes.
In so doing, they are making themselves look as though they have deep compassion for the Immigrants, when in fact, they don't give a sweet darn about them.
The Immigrants are smarter than that. They'll take what they can get, YES. So would anyone else in their fix. But they came here with a dream. a dream of being our equal and enjoying the life the rest of Legal Americans do.
Were missing the point here. They are here, they only want to be like us and that's their dream.
The smartest thing the Right can do right now, is to give them a feeling of welcome and because of that, offer them some reasonable proper channels to go through to fulfill their dream that all our ancestors had.
There's no doubt in my mind they want to be proud of becoming a legal Citizen.
Once they know it's achievable without having to live in fear or secrecy, I guarantee you they will vow to live up to the rules just like every other American does. They don't like feeling unwanted, believe you me!
Now that it's glaringly clear about the true intentions of the "Progressive" Left, they will follow the truth if we present them the opportunity to learn it.
My objection all along, has been them being processed with the feeling they have to live in hiding sometimes in fear of being discovered.
Recently I was invited to a Catholic Hispanic Ceremony to witness the first Communion of children receiving it.
I have to say, although it was all in Spanish, it brought memories to me of how serious and important living the life of their belief in God, and how proud the parents were, complete with the mariachi band.
I was proud to be standing there among them and felt very privileged to be invited.
After speaking with them the amount that I do, I'm sure they would be more than honored to swear allegiance to this Country.
Right now, they're being exploited in a manner by the Left with the feeling that they owe them and there are no other avenues for them to take.
We need to convince them it's not true. The fact is, The Obama Regime couldn't care less about loyalties to anyone, in particular the Christian Religion here or anywhere else.
Expose them to the Immigrants for the Atheists they are. Just sayin'.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
When Barack Hussein Obama first came on the scene, circa 2006, a friend of mine in the know on Local, State and Federal Gov'ts handed me a book. I had previously been discussing the weird behavior of this guy, Barack.
First off, with our Country having been at odds with the Radical Muslim Countries since the bombing attacks in 1993 on the World Trade Center by some of their Sunni Countrymen, then the bringing down of the same buildings in 2001 led by none other than Osama Bin Laden himself, I wondered why we would be doing business with the Arab Countries at all.
Clearly, with Osama Bin Laden being the billionaire son of an oil rich Arab family that's a part of the Aristocratic Saudi Arabian Empire, it was odd to think we would even consider placing a man with that name in consideration of the Presidency at all. Since we have just about all the Natural resources we need to survive very comfortably on our own, How could it possibly make sense that we let the International Energy Companies sell oil for export out of the Country, and at the same time import the same oil we need here from the Arab World?
I must say now, as I look back at what this friend said to me, " When you read this, You will see who and why this man is being promoted by the Progressive Left. They've been grooming him for quite a while, now".
Well I was pretty wrapped up in research of my own, and didn't actually start reading it right away. Not until at least, Obama and his rich backers surprised the Whole World by actually winning the Presidency. None of this happening could explain why this man with a Muslim name could become the President of the most powerful "Apple pie" loving, American Way Country in the World. It made no sense to me at all. But he did!
I was so taken aback and curious by it, I started research into the background of this relatively unheard of character. The more I researched, the more confusing it got.
Finally I read the book called "Trilaterals over Washington". After reading the first hundred pages, I was able to start connecting the dots.
"The World Free Trade Agreement" hosted by International Billionaire Bill Gates and other International Billionaires, "The Trilateral Commission" and "The New World Order" in which there would be need of a future President. ( Need you guess who??)
It would be the start of One small Dictatorial Board who would be in charge of the affairs of all the modern Industrial Companies of the World. The end result; "World Communism" and the complete omission of God.
The work forces of the World will then become just another number.
The biggest stumbling block in the way right now is who? Well....., you guessed it! The only major country in the world armed with the most well thought out, well constructed, Judeo/Christian based Constitution. Complete with the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights to keep it cemented together against all enemies of "The American Way".
Those Worldly thinking people would never be able to succeed in their Quest to totally control the Globe without taking the United States of America to it's knees first. It's as simple as that.
Well, they finally found just the man and supporters they needed; The mysterious, master of speaking by means of teleprompters and Community Organizing, Barack Hussein Obama. AKA; (In Africa, "Barry Soetoro".)
What better opportune time than 2009 when all the modern World Countries were diving into deep Recession. A time when people were confused and wondering where the next buck was coming from mixed with the 'Whirly top' confusion the World situation was creating.
Who would he need though, to help him complete the task through this mess?
Well all he had to do was amass all of the major Unions in the Country, the 30 million Illegal Aliens, the Education Industry and the 20 million Alternative Normals (Homosexuals) into the one common cause; The Absence of God and the promise of Tax exemptions to the right people.
Because it was with the Assistance of God, that the Founding Fathers were able to construct the one set of Documents they're now attempting to destroy; The Declaration of Independence, The U.S.Constitution and Bill of Rights.
It looks like they're doing a great job of it right now, don't ya' think?
How is it, that he can manipulate the fighting forces of the World to fight against each other, soon to be in every Continent?
Well in the sales business of training future salespeople, there are some trainers who are experts at pushing the mass confusion system to persuade a buyer, particularly in the New and Used Car business; Get the Customer's trust, stand them up and spin them around quickly like a top three times, sit them back down, hand them a pen and say; "Trust me! Sign on the dotted line!"
Well, He's done all of that! But to complete the job he still has some time to go before the "Arm and hammer comes down", so to speak. Keep in mind, it's no coincidence that through all this, he has been trying to convince us the Radical Muslim Terrorists have been defeated and are no longer a threat. You've heard him state this several times in his victory speeches while at the same time, pulling all of the U. S. Military fighting forces out of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Does it look like they've been defeated to you?
Particularly since he's been openly supplying the Taliban and Al Qaida with Shoulder fired missiles and Assault weapons for the last two years under the ploy he's aiding the Rebels in their apparently successful attempts to Over-run the same Countries of Afghanistan and Iraq. You see, those Rebels are composed of Al Qaida and the Taliban.
The same people who took down the twin Towers in the first place.
Do you think it's working for him??
Know what I mean, Vern?? Just sayin'.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The Seasons come, and Seasons go,
From Summer comes the Fall.
Before you know it, Winter's here.
And children have a ball.
Our growin' up years have come and gone
It seemed it took forever
It's memories that matter now
And gather as I'm older.
What seems like only yesterday
When Summers came in blossom
We learned to do the ABC's
And recess time was awesome
High School came and then the time
To venture on my own way
I worked and learned the facts of life
A bumpy road my highway.
Along my journey as I went
I did grow up quite well.
I learned that life was not just play
But serious as Hell
In that journey wisdom came
Along with some assistance
The path I learned to never take
The Line of Least Resistance.
George McNaughton2
Monday, June 9, 2014
Although they aren't, they can't deny they would have been happy if their "New Direction" ploy had worked!
Just remember; All of the current "Democratic" Figures involved in the Obama Administration cannot claim ignorance of the fact that Communism was, and is, the end result of this whole 'disguised' mess of Progressive (Communist) "New Direction". They CANNOT!
Now, if you're wondering why I insist on referring to the name "Progressive" as being tied to "Communism" It's because it without a doubt, IS!
When the "Communist Party of The United States of America" fell out of favor and disbanded circa 1921, It emerged under the New, more attractive name of, "The Progressive Party", only to still fade into the distance in un-popularity anyway. (To the American voter, it was garbage no matter what the name.)
But now that 'the jig is up', and being the lying deceivers that the modern day "Progressives"are, sit back and watch them try to reverse it, by swearing allegiance once again to the flag, saluting it, and all that 'phony' loyalty stuff they were so quick to abandon and did, when they thought there was no turning their attempt to wreck this Nation, around. "Leopards never change their spots!" I say.
Hillary Clinton and the same followers will talk Patriotically, salute the flag they were so readily burning before, as if they had no knowledge of it in the recent past. But don't be fooled by any of it.
A Liar is a Liar. All of the Wall Street Protestors were backed by their "Community Organizers" whom were owned lock, stock and barrel by the Obama Regime. To this day, they can't be trusted as representatives of the common man.
What is 'Trust"? ;
I had the honor of knowing a very financially successful man whom I had much adoration for; My oldest brother Stanley McNaughton.
In one of the visits I made to him while he was at the top of his very successful career, he told me something he usually would have kept to himself. It was a way to find out who his friends were, particularly in Local Politics.
While going out to dinner with them, which he did on a daily or weekly basis, he always paid the bill. In so doing, knowing he knew they all had expense accounts, mostly concerned with Federal, State or Local Politics, it took only a simple gesture, to say the least; When receiving the receipt, he would push the slip towards them, excuse himself and go to the restroom. Upon returning to the table, he took notice of whether the receipt was still there or not. Lo and behold, a lot of times, it was not.
Being a Lobbyist on behalf of his own business, he knew who he could trust, and who he shouldn't. It was just that easy!
Therefore, I ask you; Do you know anyone like this?? Try it and see!! Just sayin'.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
It's clearer now, that the current Administration is in full exposure as to what their real intentions have been, and what those intentions will do to us as the recipients of their consequences.
Having been the strongest Nation in the World for over two Centuries now, those of us who saw the door open to being able to go to work, exercise our religious beliefs and new Freedoms from the bonds of Tyranny, can fully appreciate what we have achieved for doing so.
Unlike the World Conquerers preceding us, we simply were satisfied to know and learn the several things from it that made us better.; Those are the very facts that kept us united all of those years, and separated from the rest of the Globe.
To the previous winners of those ancient battles went the spoils of war. They plundered and took anything they could lay their hands on and left behind nothing of value, except for the helpless victims who remained with nothing.
The material things that were missing from their homes and lives, they gathered once again over the years and continued the lifestyle they were living prior to the plundering. But they weren't really missing anything they had before as a result. They just gave into what could or would happen again in the ongoing future with no one to defend them.
That's where the difference between them and us appears.; They had never, generation after generation, experienced the feeling of true Freedom and still haven't. They just cling to the coat-tails of whomever says to them, "Hi! I'm Your new Boss!!" in hopes of getting a few crumbs.
We, on the other hand, have fought for every freedom and right that our Founding Fathers so laboriously designed for us..
To my knowledge, This Country has never fought a foreign Group or Nation with the first thought in mind being the "spoils of war."
Our noble warriors past and present, have experienced and enjoyed feelings granted to ourselves as a Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People"., and only wished that others could share the same experience.
In our past wars, our soldiers went to war to defend other Countries who didn't have a Constitution made up by the people themselves, now only to be looked at in envy of the fact we went to the bother of having maintained our own Sacred documents that protect us. They are still wanting to have something we have, but they don't want to work or fight for it themselves.
As I've said before in other blogs,; A famous retired General asked, "I wonder who hates us the most, the ones where we kicked their asses, or the ones where we saved them??"
So on the Celebration of various Wars our beautiful Soldiers and Accompanying Allies fought and died for back then, just to be spurned by those who never had the guts to in the first place, please ignore the Cowards in the Administration we have now, and look forward to the day we can get retribution for the misdeeds we are suffering today at their soiled hands.
May God bless our military and keep them safe from the hands of Barack Obama's "Muslim Brotherhood"!! Just sayin'.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
I believe , up until now, Barack Obama has been so narcissistically drunk on his record of never losing one, that his totally self serving habit is to ; Not "Compromise" EVER!!.
I also believe it was his goal to take down this Country piece by piece, until there was nothing left to resist him with. But it's not his ploy alone. Not by any means. First of all, he definitely doesn't have the behavior of a man who was raised in this Nation. Secondly, he has the demeanor of someone who, due to his mother's lifestyle, grew up being a son of someone who didn't agree with the 'American way to start with.
From the time he was born, he was raised on the outside looking in. Constantly hearing the criticisms of an 'inconsistently at home' mother and reared by Grandparents who were the ones raising him while they didn't really care for the 'American Way' either.
Right from the start, he was enrolled in an Islamic school where he was tutored into the Muslim Religion way back then. Whatever the case, he grew up as a child from the perspective of one who heard nothing good about the United States, except to think everyone in the rest of the world deserved to have, what we had here, but not by having to work productively to do it.
At the same time, he noticed after he arrived in Chicago, the Chicago Political thuggery in City politics there was right for him.
As odd as it may seem to us, he took to Saul Alinsky's Atheist based College; "The Midwest Academy" that eventually found him sitting as a member of the Board.
With his magnificent talent in Public Speaking, he ran into the 'true' Rich International Billionaires of the World, and the tutoring of this man went into full gear at that time.
The Trilateral Commission and dreams of a "New World Order" began.
If you would only read a book I read that was written in 1973 called "Trilaterals over Washington", you would fully understand why this man has behaved, totally from the start, the mysterious way he has. You will also understand why he wanders around almost aimlessly from being a Muslim, (His original faith) to Saul Alinsky based Atheism, and sometimes when need be; Christianity.
You will together with that, suddenly realize there are more International Billionaires far, far more financially powerful than he'll ever be, that are backing this man, and have a plan to change this World to suit their own greedy means. An example of this may be a story, originally in history on the Internet and believed to be true by many historians concerning one of those principle Billionaires, the infamous "George Soros".:
George Soros was originally born in Hungary to the birth-name of "Gyorgy Schwartz", the son of a Non-practicing Jew by the same name. He was a young teenager circa 1934 and they lived in Budapest in a large Jewish Community that had been over-run and occupied by the Nazis prior to WW-2.
During the occupation, he and his father collaborated with the Nazis by naming the surrounding Jewish families to the Nazis, and delivering eviction notices to them in the process of gathering them up for transportation. When asked the reason why they did this, his reply was said to have been, "For money! Money is power!"
When the Nazi's abandoned the neighborhood as they were losing the war, they changed their Jewish names to George Soros, both father and son, and fled to another allied country.
Then George was known to plunder the monetary systems of several 3rd World Countries before fleering them in a string of bankruptcies that followed after.
Along with owning other International Co.'s, George Soros now resides in the U.S. and is a major donor to Barack Obama's cause now.
George Soros owns the controlling interest in several 'politically connected' Companies in the US. including "Progressive Insurance" who ironically, specializes in Motorcycle Insurance. A company that many unknowing Veterans of the U.S. buy their insurance from. (I wish they wouldn't!)
But back to my main point; Their purpose of "Universally controlled" Gov'ts.
The International Corporations, in their greed for power and the never ending lust for money that generates that power, realize that the whole Continents of North and South America are still a young and full source of everything it takes to exist as a totally Independent, freedom loving, bountiful Continent.
Even in a time of our Liberties being threatened from outside sources, we have had all the resources required to hold those threats at bay from the outside.
The rest of the World is many 'Centuries' old in comparison to ours when it comes to keeping up to the pace of modern technology. But in their Centuries old thinking, did not, hoping for the day we would have to share it anyway. Well....., they think that day has come!
But we, as a nation of Immigrants, built the North American economy to satisfy a hunger that exists in all immigrants, and that is to have the chance to give ourselves a better life if we can be allowed to pursue the work wherever that may be. That's why most of us migrated here in the first place. To make something for a buck that, when resold, became worth two. (The productive dollar )
Remember the Western movies of the trials and tribulations the Pioneers went through to accomplish that? Before and after the War of Independence?
That's also why the 'Declaration of Independence' contains it as their motto :
"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
It's something unique we have in common that, although we may grow up, each living the lives we choose, selecting the friends we choose, driving the cars we choose, and marrying and raising the children the way we choose, is because we are all glued together by the same desires and beliefs that aren't present in just anyone, but were in our people of any Race, Color or Creed.
The desire is what makes us willing to work for and earn the productive dollars that propel a "Free" Society to survive within itself, without the interference of someone else who would tax and impede us from accomplishing those goals.
The people of the world who didn't or don't possess that desire, stayed where they were, content to be led around by the noses until something better they dreamed of would someday come along without working for it.
We're a unique Continent of International Immigrants and their Descendants, folks!
Some others may be similar to us, but with a lot of wishful thinking to spur them on instead of our one and only "Declaration of Independence", that our Forefathers and their children, went to War for in their bare feet in 1776 to save themselves and us from the Tyranny of "Taxation without Representation". Those Tyrannical Countries we separated ourselves from were England and France.
But it was the gluing desire to work, be free and still be able to pursue happiness, that keeps us unique to this day, including the mass immigration from Mexico by people only wanting to pursue the same dream. Only this time, it's not from England, but our Corrupted neighbor of Mexico. Corrupted by the Gov't, not the poor citizens who are leaving.
They still have the same yearning desire to do what we already did, live in the land of the free.
I know what it's like to grow up poor, and to want to be the same as the people who dreamed of living in a true Republic and achieved it, by coming here.
We needn't blame the Hispanics for working here. The jobs that were here for the people of the Tea Party and unemployed, evaporated here by the International Companies I referred to that didn't care about our Continent in the first place, except to continue extracting our natural resources needed to be used overseas in other Countries they moved the work to. They created "The World Free Trade Agreement".
There-in lies our weakness, that if handled right by proper regulation would be our greatest strength. and that's where we will lose if we allow the "Outsiders" who pay no taxes to this Country, but know where our natural resources are, with the exploited cheap labor somewhere else in the World, succeeding in establishing their goal of a "New World Order".
I believe it is Barack Obama's backers (The International Billionaires including Bill Gates and Warren Buffet) who would like to see control of our Natural resources taken out of this Country and placed in the hands of the
'Trilateral Commission" that does actually exist as we speak! As far as I know, those same International Corporations pay little or no taxes at all to this Country. Yet they want the right to seize control of our Natural Resources.
Proper regulation on behalf of the Consumers instead of the Corporations is simply needed here.
It's only by the taking down of this great, self sufficient Country that everyone of us as immigrants can still truthfully lay claim to, that will allow them to accomplish the task.
A New Constitutional abiding Gov't can stop them from doing so. And we CAN!!! With "Whatever it takes". Just sayin'.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Maybe it's just me! I don't know for sure, but I've noticed it a lot, lately.: People talking on interviews too fast for me, the average Joe.
My point being, they're all talking so rapidly, they aren't allowing enough time for their reason to be there, to sink in.
Now, I'm sure they have to abide by time limits, but I believe the Directors are wanting so much information to be conveyed, there's not adequate time allowed for the listener to comprehend what's being conveyed before moving on to the next person.
I swear, in watching "Sunday morning futures W/Maria" All three of them were talking so "spitfire rapidly", I only got about 10% of the gist of what the subjects were wanting us to here and understand.
In a seminar as part of my work with Kaiser Resources, I took a short course in letter-writing and Public Speaking where we were instructed to only send the message as fast as the people being taught, could receive it. Or, only write a message in simple language understandable enough to learn it.
In a practice session between two sets of groups, We tried both ways. ; In the group that conveyed their messages plain, and simple, Everyone passed the written tests afterward by 85% retention. In the other group there was only 10% retention.
If we were to apply,categorize and compare these tests to the General Public, I'm sure the results would be strikingly similar.
You see, if you talk in a manner that suits the listener, rather than the speaker, or write it in a similar fashion, the listener or reader will soon become apparent the speaker knows what he's talking about.
On the other hand, it's not doing the listener any good if there are too-frequent interruptions while you wait for the Camera people to wipe the spit off the lens of the camera. Just sayin'.
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