Wednesday, December 20, 2017
It has been my understanding through the admittance of the original Designers of Obamacare early on, that it was clear with the Obama Administration at the very beginning of it, the program was doomed to fail!
It was supposedly with the idea in mind, there would be little choice for us then, but to be forced into a Single-Party system similar to the one in Canada! But that information was not made apparent to the "Legal Voters of this Country!!" (Largely made up of the "Middle Class" who would not have voted for Obama had they known!)
It has been common knowledge in the past and long before Obama's time, that other Presidents were in the habit of "appropriating" money from that Fund in the form of I.O.U.'s to intentionally not be paid back later!
Since Social Security was a privately invested Fund established wholly for, and invested by, money taken out of paychecks for the purpose of an investment arrangement that, should the Worker fulfill his or her commitment until a certain retirement age, the return on their Investment would approximate 4 times the amount paid in! (Similar to a Private Investment Arrangement!) Neat huh??
Except that our Politicians continually neglected to replace those I.O.U.'s with honest to goodness cash they took from that fund, in order to stay within their General Budget they were "morally" obligated to do as promised when elected to their jobs.
Well...., If it were you or me, and as officers of a private investment Company did the same thing, Wouldn't that legally fall into the theft category, somehow??
However, President Obama far exceeded any amount previously borrowed out of the Social Sec. Fund! Billions and Billions more. I understand but may be wrong, he took loans approaching the 2/3's of a Trillion dollars (650 Billion $$) for the purpose of funding Obamacare! KNOWING up front, that the Program would fail anyway, in favor of that "One Party System!"
Now, I will apologize if I have innocently mis-stated anything here!
In the past, I understand, at a time when a man counted on his horse to get around in the old days before cars, a horse thief was automatically hanged!
Since We haven't had anything much of a raise of any kind in our Soc. Security for 8 years during Obama's reign, and since there's no horse involved, What do you do with a Left-over Horse's A$$ thief like that guy??? Just askin!
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
As each day moves forward in our Politics, it has become more and more clear that Obama's aim for this Nation was not for the benefit of the people of this Country, but for his wish to galvanize the GLOBE into two separate Identities; One 'Godless' Modern style group and one to advance the continuing ancient Ideals of an Islamic one in Which they would be able to retain their Mohamed! (A Tribal, 'before Christ' belief.)
The Islamic one, with it's overall World of one and a half billion people, would permeate the rest of the World with it's exploding migration into each Country.
Such has already happened almost beyond control of the existing Populations of other non-Muslim faiths and their own versions of whom their Supreme Being should be!
The fast-growing Muslim Communities are growing rapidly and in opposition to the Christian type regulations already established in these modern countries, they have quickly sealed off the surrounding neighborhoods from entering their areas of Muslim prominence and refuse the Police and Law-Officials of our other non-Muslim areas to enter their self-proclaimed areas of domain!
In fact the Islamists are living according to their Muslim rules and delving out their own punishments that are barred in other, normal parts of these Countries!
This has created a festering problem long-term for each of those Countries with their "Open Border" policies that allowed the Muslims to freely migrate into any Country and City they wished!
They are since, saddled with the curse that's going to hamper the normal operations of their otherwise normal Nations for a long time, now that they've allowed it to happen in the first place!
The International "Above-God" GLOBALISTS meanwhile, ( The Leaders of the "Can't fix Stupid!") followers of the LEFT, intend to Forge ahead with their idea of Creating a Godless, "ONE WORLD ORDER" for the rest of us Folks!
Aren't you thankful for our existing President Trump recognizing this planned Dilemma of the "Above-God" LEFT and taking steps in our Christian World to keep us under the protection of our Sacred Constitution to curb the influx of such a problem by closing our borders with a Wall? Just askin'??
Monday, December 18, 2017
It is the exact opposite to the way the Progressive/Communist Party is behaving right now!
YES!! There is definitely a Constitutional need for a multi-Party system! (You and I definitely know that!) But it seems the way the Principle Spokesman for the Progressives, Charles Schumer, hasn't been made aware of that yet! (Or he too is for "GLOBALIZATION" in his under-covered, shadowed way!)
I also know, the Constitutional system with its safeguards and restrictions to avoid confusion and tyranny, are quite Clearly written so that the common man will forever understand it. It was cleverly written, knowing that the common person known as the lowly "Middle Class" would be able to read and understand it!
What's not clear though, Due to the temptation of greed and the lack of common sense in anyone on the LEFT side of the aisle has, doesn't even want to abide by it!!
You see, it's very apparent and common knowledge to the 'used to be naïve' Middle Class, that the LEFT Party of "NO" has an Alternative motive behind their bizarre behavior that they didn't want us Common folks to learn about just yet; Entire GLOBLIZATION under one World Gov't. (Charles Schumer and his Legislative Cronies, Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton are all a part of it!)
If they accomplish that objective, they will totally abolish any semblance of the U.S. Constitution because the One Party, Central World governing body by the name of "THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION" based in Brussels, Belgium, won't have any desire for it! It will be a Godless, Atheistic "GLOBALIST" modern World by that time.
So beware of anybody at the present time who's consistently using the term, "GLOBAL" when pertaining to anything in a Political sense anymore!
As it is ,under the Protection of our existing Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence as written by our Founding Fathers, we were able to wrench ourselves free of the dominance, tyranny and taxes of an already "Old World" Atheistic, system in use in that World in those days!
Great Britain, Spain and France already held power over many of those Nations then, despite the ruling systems of governing in those days, they still force their will as a group over the common people despite a touch of Democracy in the mix! It was only after the 'New World' was discovered and populated with the "Undesirables" they so conveniently were able to rid themselves of , they encountered a problem by their extended taxes employed over the "Undesirables" of the New World. Why?
The common Criminals who were shipped over here weren't wanted as a burden to the Atheistic, Monarchial System and should the Dictators be truthful about it, they expected them to soon perish anyway!! BUT WE DIDN'T, DID WE??
Once the British Empire discovered that, they decided to force their taxes on us for the benefit of their own selfish sake.
Hence began the "War of Independence" rejecting their extended taxes on us "Without Representation"!!
Well,...... just let the "Left" led by people such as the "sticky fingered" left-over Barack Obama, Charles Schumer and Hilary Clinton continue to plow their absurd "GLOBALIST" agenda that would take us back 250 years, and we'll be having to fight that War all over again!
So why wait until it comes to that?? Just sayin'!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
I'm in my bed yawning, recounting my day,
I felt some hands touch me in a tenderly way,
I woke and saw Allan, peering down at me
I Surely awakened by this pleasure to see!
But gone in an instant as I swung out of bed
I couldn't believe it was a vision instead
So wide awake now, I said "Allan please wait!"
I knew that he couldn't come by heaven's gate.
How could this happen when yet not to sleep?
Surely it did though, while under God's keep
Miracles do happen, it's happened before!
To me under God's watch, right near his door!
I pray to him often, to be sure that he knows
I'm trying my darndest the way my life goes
To do things sincerely, and trying my best
I pray for my sons when I lay down to rest!
It's two that have left me, while I am still here
and I often wonder what else will appear
The Human experience is waiting to see
Will I do as I should, when counting on me!
Heaven's gate!
I felt some hands touch me in a tenderly way,
I woke and saw Allan, peering down at me
I Surely awakened by this pleasure to see!
But gone in an instant as I swung out of bed
I couldn't believe it was a vision instead
So wide awake now, I said "Allan please wait!"
I knew that he couldn't come by heaven's gate.
How could this happen when yet not to sleep?
Surely it did though, while under God's keep
Miracles do happen, it's happened before!
To me under God's watch, right near his door!
I pray to him often, to be sure that he knows
I'm trying my darndest the way my life goes
To do things sincerely, and trying my best
I pray for my sons when I lay down to rest!
It's two that have left me, while I am still here
and I often wonder what else will appear
The Human experience is waiting to see
Will I do as I should, when counting on me!
Heaven's gate!
Anybody with two eyes and a round "You know what" can see through the 'Left and Main Media's" desperate attempt to continue their push for joining International Billionaire' George Soros's idea of a One Government, Godless, "NEW WORLD ORDER"!
It appears that persons supporting this attempt can be separated into 4 separate classes;
(1st;) Certain International Billionaires led by George Soros AKA (Gyorgy Schwartz Jr.) who finances dozens of "Community Organizers" (Destructive Organized Protestors") to upset the peace of normal, hard-working Americans. Simply; they need to take our strong America down to that of a Third World Nation in order to Control the World through this small Group of "Above God" Controllers that are alive and well today in Brussels, Belgium called "THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION"!
2nd; The Atheistic FAKE NEWS MAIN MEDIA meanwhile, will administer the continuous dishonest and law-breaking deceptions and falsehoods in their delivery of tainted news and continue the march against the "American Way" we've enjoyed for two and a half Centuries! (Obama was and still is, their 'chosen man'.)
3rd; The teaching of 'GLOBALISM", and absence of God in our schools resulting in the 'up and coming' Millennials being victims of absent or wrong information! That has led to them being sent out of those taxpayer funded Facilities, thinking that God does not exist! ( PLOY?? Absence of "Ten Commandment" made Rules!)
GOAL? they assume no guilt in anything wrong they say or do! ( No after-life punishment!)
4th; The dumbing down of the innocent low- level working folks that there's no one else to believe but those in the MAIN MEDIA!! (In truth; They're Atheists with the same policies as well!)
Well, the time is bound to come when the people of this Country are going to rebel against the Anti-God, Anti-Trump rhetoric that goes on and take them down, hook, line and sinker! (But not without dire consequences)
Because, Barack's ideology includes requiring total manifestation, bloodshed and death to stop them! That's the Dictatorial way of Ancient rulers for thousands of Tribal years, and sadly, it works!!
But he'll of course hide away from it all in some anonymous Country like the Coward he is when we decide to rebel and once again gain control!! (Have you noticed he hasn't really stepped down in his rhetoric to take Trump down??)
You see, there is a common thread between Islam and Atheism when it comes to Obama's unique position while assaulting our "American Way" and achieving it's defeat! It goes back a long ways;
In past blogs of mine , I pointed out something about the rule of Islam that once you have become a member of the Islamic Faith, which he did as a child in Indonesia circa the age of eight, there is no leaving that faith without the suffering of death by it's Muslim Leaders.
When Obama came to this Country circa 1983, he arrived in Chicago of all places and shortly after, enrolled in the 'Saul Alinsky' founded, Atheist based MIDWEST ACADEMY in the heart of Chicago. The same Academy Hilary Rodham (Prior to meeting and marrying Bill) attended circa 10 years prior, and also graduated from with flying colors!
He was so enthralled by the teachings of Atheism, he graduated with honors and sat as the Director of it's Board for two more years prior to leaving!
After leaving there and becoming an excellent speaker on the study of the U.S. Constitution at Harvard University, he then turned to teaching it in a fashion of criticism rather than believing in it! Later, in his accomplishment of replacing the Senate seat of Ted Kennedy, he had no trouble being joined by friends whom were Atheist thinkers as well! Infamous friends whom had spent jail time or were at least charged with violent crimes in the United States; Bill Ayers, E.G.!
Consider this placed Obama in a precarious position where he didn't dare deny belief in his Islamic background for fear of certain death and at the same time, be an Atheist believing in no God at all! But the common thread I mentioned allowed him to follow it in hating Christianity by both parties.
To his Peers in Islam, if it benefits furthering Islam, he is permitted to lie, cheat, kill or steal as long as it is to be to the benefit of his Islamic Faith.
In regards to Atheism, he can do all of the same things without guilt because there's no God to punish him!
But if you don't offend Islam and their Islamic ways, you still have Mohamed's heaven to go to with 70 virgins waiting to serve you! Neat huh, Vern?? (My imaginary assistant.)
Then Barack becomes President of the United States!!! Then a group of blood thirsty, nasty Islamists pop up called ISIS around the same time. Quickly all over the un-civilized and Civilized World! NASTY People!! Be-header's of anyone believing in Religions other than Islam! Their favorite Victims?, Defenseless Women and children's heads laying all over the place!
In Europe and now the United States, Suicide bombers body parts along with their victims lying around in our streets like so much litter!!
Barack avoids calling them by name! He calls them ISIL instead! But he really avoids fighting them, even though he claims they're not Islamic! (No other Muslims fight them or openly voice against them either.) They just kinda' say they wish they wouldn't do it!! You know!
Right so far, Vern??
Now my question is to the Readers so you may be able to help me? Why are the Sanctuary Cities in America specifically allowing the Muslim language and culture to be taught in our Public School systems, create their own sections of the Cities and restrict policing of their Communities altogether so they don't have to obey our American Rules?
Can you explain that to me?? WHAT"S THE PLAN?? Why is the "LEFT" trying to unseat a good Christian abiding President Trump and keep him from correcting the horrendous mistakes of Barack Hussein Obama and his following Sheeple who "can't improve on STUPID??" Just askin'??
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Didn't we?? To me, it simply tells us how these actions of Barack's were to destroy a beautiful, successful Nation STEP BY STEP! as I previously pointed out in my last half dozen blogs or so. You can only agree with his past actions if you are on opposite sides of all the 'God in Heaven' related rules of our chosen guide. The guide that brought us to be the Superior Country that we are today under our presumed wishes of a Judeo/Christian God!
Problem is now, because of the dismal failure that the Democrat/Progressives(Communists) created during those 8 years, and the fact that they're changing their reference to themselves back to just 'DEMOCRAT' again with the hope of salvaging their Democratic butts, The once-Constitutional-loving Party that used to be, is a comedy act and that's all!
I just don't believe there's such a thing as a true Constitutional abiding DEMOCRAT anymore!!
Who are they trying to kid??
Well, I doubt if that's going to work so good this time, because as I've also pointed out prior to this, the "MIDDLE CLASS" has improved in Political savvy a lot, due to the recent introduction of the Internet.
We are no longer a part of the "Sheeple" whom once were so naïve in believing their Congressperson "HOOK LINE AND SINKER" as we did in the past.
It' a bitter-sweet Political Communication situation the 'American Way' is in at the moment. The news of betrayal and unethical behavior by our otherwise trusted Political Representatives, the revelations about female underlings having been abused sexually and otherwise, has the Media's full attention at the moment and probably just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sexually abused females.
I've come to believe it is part of "The Human Experience" and , right or wrong, has gone on in all walks of life and all Industries and levels of importance since the beginning of time!
Maybe there's hope with the "Changing of the Guard" and our New President taking us back to the promises and dreams we "Middle Class" Folks have been yearning for the last 8 years!
It's Worth the try, anyway and I think personally we ought to give our New Administration whatever time it takes to correct the situation and not be setting silly timelines for him to get it done before any imaginary dateline as if the World is going to end if he doesn't.
The guy needs a break, Folks! Just sayin'!
Friday, December 8, 2017
RE: I.R.S., F.B.I., C.I.A.and I.C.E.
I ask that question because I believe their behavior is clearly corrupted by the Barack Obama 'Left-overs' that he hired during the course of his 'now realized' worst Anti-Constitutional Presidency that our Country has ever witnessed! That condition will exist until President Trump purges those culprits out of the C.I.A., F.B.I. and any other Security Agency Obama has polluted with his Anti-'American Way' assault he lambasted us with from the moment he got into the Presidency in early 2009!
Enough already with these political spokespersons who say, "All of the employees I ever met were the most honest, sincere people I've ever known!" WHAT??? Give me a BREAK!!!
The real break is something the Voting Bloc and the "Middle Class" needs to be assured to them that the mess WITHIN those Agencies gets corrected, and corrected NOW!!
It matters not to the Voting Bloc or the "Middle Class", who specifically within those Agencies is a culprit and who isn't! My point is; if this was a Private business, the Directors and Stockholders would quickly identify the reasons and correct them not now, but RIGHT NOW!! The difference here is; With a private Company, it's their money! With the Gov't Agencies, it's the Taxpayer's money and not theirs!!
So, YES!! We would like to think the F.B.I. and other Security Agencies are chosen as the 'best of the best' and completely honest, but in Reality as we're learning now, political preferences are glaringly apparent and dominating their ability to be what we imagine and want them to be! So coming back into the reality that "It is, what it is!", We the Taxpayers who are footing the cost of these human weaknesses, are more honest than the ones we are depending on, or are expecting to be!
So hold onto your seats, "Middle Class"!! The TRUTH is about to rear it's confusing head!
I say again, "It is what it is"! Just sayin'!!
I ask that question because I believe their behavior is clearly corrupted by the Barack Obama 'Left-overs' that he hired during the course of his 'now realized' worst Anti-Constitutional Presidency that our Country has ever witnessed! That condition will exist until President Trump purges those culprits out of the C.I.A., F.B.I. and any other Security Agency Obama has polluted with his Anti-'American Way' assault he lambasted us with from the moment he got into the Presidency in early 2009!
Enough already with these political spokespersons who say, "All of the employees I ever met were the most honest, sincere people I've ever known!" WHAT??? Give me a BREAK!!!
The real break is something the Voting Bloc and the "Middle Class" needs to be assured to them that the mess WITHIN those Agencies gets corrected, and corrected NOW!!
It matters not to the Voting Bloc or the "Middle Class", who specifically within those Agencies is a culprit and who isn't! My point is; if this was a Private business, the Directors and Stockholders would quickly identify the reasons and correct them not now, but RIGHT NOW!! The difference here is; With a private Company, it's their money! With the Gov't Agencies, it's the Taxpayer's money and not theirs!!
So, YES!! We would like to think the F.B.I. and other Security Agencies are chosen as the 'best of the best' and completely honest, but in Reality as we're learning now, political preferences are glaringly apparent and dominating their ability to be what we imagine and want them to be! So coming back into the reality that "It is, what it is!", We the Taxpayers who are footing the cost of these human weaknesses, are more honest than the ones we are depending on, or are expecting to be!
So hold onto your seats, "Middle Class"!! The TRUTH is about to rear it's confusing head!
I say again, "It is what it is"! Just sayin'!!
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Just think about it; What on earth would we come up with if we were to go back in Presidential time and vet each of the Presidents as strongly as the FAKE NEWS and MAIN MEDIA Networks have been doing to President Trump?
In so doing,they have inspired the now-Political (BARACK INDOCTRINATED) FBI to do the same stinky, politically inspired Trick!!
We must recognize that aside from the "Middle Class" people, (Who dominate the voting bloc of this Country to date!) there are still a lot of other 'dumbed down' Sheeple out there that can't convince themselves to think beyond "STUPID!" (Thank our lucky stars it's not part of the "Middle Class"!)
I thank the advancement of the Internet today for the rapid enhancement of the learning capabilities of the "Middle Class" whom I might venture to say; Have been "Kept in the Dark!" until now.
A notice from those people including me; We are learning the Ways of Gov't through the use of the Internet! These learnings in which the devious ones (Not all!) in Gov't are now being understood for what they are, and they can no longer exploit the lack of knowledge bestowed upon us intentionally by them!
Get use to it, you Representatives, because 'Like it or lump it', We finally have a unique President in Donald Trump who knows and cares about the people who are so important to the survival of the Republic and Democracy of this Country.
Thinking and talking 'like and to us' as the Common Folks, is what has made our beautiful Country what it is, was, and about to become again due to the 'It is what it is!" attitude of our President!
Due to the eight years of misguided efforts of Obama not only as our President, but the self appointed director of a hostile portion of the World, He still wanders through the Countries hostile to our way of life as though he's not finished with his 'taking down' of the most successful, Free speaking, Freedom-loving Nation in the World, yet.
There's a lot to re-establish in our strength, pride and past success that the "Above God" International Billionaires through Barack Obama, deliberately tried to take away from us for their own selfish GLOBALISTIC purposes! ( you can use for example, George Soros, based in America as a Documented Citizen who finances the well-organized Big City Rioters that get bussed all over the Bigger Cities destroying everything in sight!)
Another thing; It's humorous to me, having been schooled in Communications to hear the Political Pundits criticize Trump because they think he belittles the Presidency by using such lowly means of communications to comment on TWITTER! It's odd how the Hypocrites should know that! WELL....., They use it too!
The hypocrisy appears when one Hollywood Celebrity displayed his attitude with which they look down at Twitter, "as a Trailer Park' you could drag a hundred dollar bill through just to see what you could come up with! A bunch of lowlife types who wouldn't understand anyway"!
This is what Donald knows can be the key to success in talking to the Common man in a way they understand! Oh yes, with me being among them, They DO vote!! And by the way, Some of the smartest, nicest People I know, work for a living, pay taxes and live in Mobile Home Parks! Me too! Right, Vern???
Just sayin'!!
Monday, December 4, 2017
When he really claimed to be an American Citizen having been born in Hawaii to a White American mother? (He was automatically an American Citizen regardless of where he was born if that's the case)
So why;When circa 1982 he arrived in the United States from Indonesia, did he produce a passport under his adopted name,"Barry Soetoro" and received foreign student grants claiming he was born in Kenya?
When he graduated from The Saul Alinsky-founded Atheist based "Midwest Academy"in the heart of his adopted City of Chicago and afterwards sat as Director of the Board for 2 more years??
So why was it? That he allied himself with the felonious "Black Panther" group who wanted to destroy the American way and still does express discontent with the Sacred Constitution and Bill of Rights?? SO why was it??
When he became President and his First Lady Michelle declared, "For the first time in my life I am proud to be an American!!"??
When he hustled his Democratic Congress behind locked doors to keep the minority duly elected Republican Representatives from participating in the passing or failing of his dozens of erroneous Democratic Bills he had in store for his own intentions, legal or illegal at the beginning of his term with a Democratically controlled Congress??
When Obama let slip during his debate with Romney the comment that; "AARP sat down with me when we designed ObamaCare!!"?? (Would you hire the Fox to build the Chicken Coop??)
When Obama's Chief designer admitted on FOX NEWS that they designed ObamaCare to intentionally fail with the intent to follow it with a single-payer system similar to Canada's failed system?? ( Me coming from Canada, Why in heck would I want a proven failed system here??)
When Obama set a limit on Insurance Co's to profit not more than 10% of their costs of administering ObamaCare? Even though the Insurance Co.'s prior to that were satisfied with their profits of 3% to 5% prior to that? Entitling Health Ins. Co's to reap a further profit of 5% to 7% more than they were happy with prior to his devastating program? (Doesn't it tell you they were in on the planned failure?)
When infamous Anti-American International Billionaire George Soros (AKA Gyorgy Schwartz) Jr. suddenly became owner of "PROGRESSIVE" INS. that is so Prominent in Vehicle and Motorcycle insurance today? (Do the Military Veteran Motorcycle Organizations know THAT when purchasing Insurance coverage??)
When AARP also shot to the top of the heap by conglomerating dozens of Insurance Co's into one group to increase their profits even more by narrowing down the Market competition. Whereby controlling the Market?
When Obama created ACORN (A.ssociation of C.ommunity O.rganizations for R.eform N.ow )Internationally and in America that was a collection of Community-based Organizations that (supposedly) advocated for low and moderate income families by working on neighborhood safety, voter registration, healthcare, affordable housing and other Social gathering functions. Budget 25 million dollars and 10% Federal funding... (Sounds great, huh?? E.G. Chicago today) .....Failed miserably because of bad money management.
Acorn was defunct in less than 2 years (2010). Where did the money go??
When he transferred the same miserable bad employees from ACORN with no pay loss, over to recruit and manage the failing ObamaCare debacle that only got worse from there?
When he said; "If you want to keep your Doctor. you can keep your Doctor!!" ??
When he bypassed Congress and instituted through Att. Gen. Eric Holder the "Fast and Furious" undercover and darkness 'gun running' affair to the two main Mexican competing Drug Cartels who were smuggling and selling drugs across our border? The same weapons used to gun down Border Guard Brian Terry? Then he denied knowledge of it?
When it was discovered he had allied himself with the "Black Panthers" who were openly expressing discontent with our Constitution and American Way.? Felons all!
When he began bypassing the Constitutional process of Congressional Approval and started using his 'Power of the Pen' by signing one Executive Order after another against the will or permission of the U.S. Congress?
When he required his International Representatives such as former Secretaries of State John Kerry and Hilary Clinton to report their overseas visits to the "Globalized" "TRILATERAL COMMISSION" established in Brussels, Belgium, even before returning home to report the outcome of their frequent visits to the U.S. Congress? (Was "GLOBALISM" already in mind??)
When he appointed 13 "Muslim Brotherhood" cabinet members to his staff to run part of our supposedly "Democratic" Gov't??
When he approved of the way Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State handled the slaughter of 4 gallant people from our Country in Benghazi? They both claimed lack of knowledge and absenteeism from it all until it was too late and then lied about the reason it happened?
When he corrupted the C.I.A., and the F.B.I. into an irretrievable mess we're having to deal with today!??
Please, PLEASE! Tell me when and why you people thought this Atheist, Seudo-Islamic Fool would be a suitable President of the United States of America, would you??
Please don't close Guantanamo Bay Prison just yet, President Trump!! Just pleading is all!!
I like to look at it that way, because I've proven it to be true!
My lifetime began in a small coal mining town in Canada before the 2nd world War. My family was one of many poor large families back in those days and because of the Great depression, suffered longer than larger towns and Cities in respect to recovering from the effects of the poorer times the Depression created. Something like 10 years behind!
Surviving from the hard times was even more difficult with larger families such as ours; 11 children and our mother having to bear the responsibility of raising 8 boys and 3 girls virtually by herself due to a husband who never mentally recovered from being a wounded soldier who fought in the 1st world War as a Canadian machine gunner. It was trench warfare against the German onslaught taking place at the time. In other words, He was 100% PTSD, couldn't support a family but was good at producing the worthwhile brood that I'm proud to say my Mother spent two thirds of her lifetime raising.
It would take a book to explain my beautiful Mother's life story, but that's for another time!!
Anyway, as a child and living in the poor condition our family was in for all of our growing years, we were the poorest of the Poor making it by on the small Welfare and 'Child Allowance' checks that seemed like forever to come each month! (Throw in a huge backyard garden every year)
I have to say, we were never discriminated against by the more affluent families of the town in any way except to say, food was quite often harder to come by for us at times.
Everything we had was 'hand me downs' stuff and we grew up that way.
We saw our Mother sometimes sit separate from us at the dinner table and gaze outside at people moving up and down the street. One of us would remark to her, "Mom, aren't you going to eat something?" She'd often reply, "I'm not hungry!" But we all knew that if she did, there wouldn't be enough to go around!
Often times she would break down and start crying with her head down in her arms!
How desperate she must have felt at those times!
Together with all of that, We had 4 older Brothers in the U.S. and Canadian Military for her to also worry about mixed in with those times! They all saw battle and with her prayers, they all came home!
So anyway, I'm writing this blog so whomever reads it, understands that the expression; "White Privilege" doesn't always apply and isn't fair to my Race as a General sense, or the way other Races so readily apply the expression to us. From what I observe, It's Leaders with desired, alternative lifestyles who wish to divide our culture for their own selfish means such as Universal "Globalism"!
Due to our Mother's prompting, every one of us felt that as poor as we were, we could still look at others and remind ourselves of this thought in mind; "I'm just as good as you are! No better, no worse!"
I believe it was with that in mind, that we grew up that way and we did, still feeling that way to this day!
So now as in the past, I don't look at any race with disdain because with the help of my belief in God, We ARE all created EQUAL!
But there is a problem though, that doesn't lie in the Races themselves such as you and me who say "HI!" without conviction when passing each other in our casual everyday life.
Regardless of Race, Color or Creed!
It's the so-called Leaders who for their own sake and Greed and self preservation, that spur us weaker ones on, to divide and place the blame on others for our lack of success in our personal lives.
THOSE are the ones who benefit from creating and maintaining the divide between Races and really don't care about the Welfare of the People they're claiming to represent!
For those People, Greed overcomes common sense!
So reject that notion, take my advice and do this; Smile and say hello to anyone you want to choose to communicate with or meet going into the store or places of business!
9 times out of 10 you will get a surprised smile back! Throw Race out the window as you do it, and you're sure to make someone's day!
You'll prove to yourself just what I'm claiming, We need NEW Leaders to encourage this, regardless of RACE COLOR OR CREED and with Representative TERM LIMITS FOR ALL!
We're all just as good as each other and we can prove it! Just sayin'!!
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Why?? I believe for several reasons; The phony "Blame Trump" investigation soon has to come to an end and Mueller will be out of his "last ditch" "STOP TRUMP" way! Trump will finally rid his Gov't of Obama "Leftovers" who are currently in key positions and blocking his advancement on every movement he currently makes!
That's when President Trump will finally be able to dump those Obama Leftovers and refill their positions with other more honest individuals who are willing to help him fulfill his pledges he made while still President Elect!
With that being done, His Attorney General will then begin his true investigation into what skullduggery TRULY went on during the Obama Administration and Barack will then be investigated and charged appropriately if need be!
That could mean a lifetime of imprisonment for a lot of Obama followers, Obama, Hilary and many others who have been involved in selling this Country down the Islamic and Atheist river! To avoid that, Obama is still clinging to his dream that he can someday still be President of the "NEW WORLD ORDER" in which some of the "Above-God' International Billionaires are trying to make happen!
So his "Out of the Country" affair has a two prong objective; if all else fails he can make a run into any adversary Country in the World he has already hidden money in, with the billions that are still missing from the U.S. coffers and unexplained!
In my thinking, He has already tipped his method of money transfer when he secretly sent the unmarked Transport airplane loads of money by the billions into Iran during his love affair with them and we accidently found out about!
There's no doubt in my mind that he took care of himself financially as well with the same method!!
The flood gates of Hell are soon about to be opened for that gang of thieves who were all involved in the rape of our once-beautiful United States of America.
But we'll soon find out, won't we?? Just sayin'!
According to Breitbart News; A reputable Reporting Agency; RE: JUDGE ROY MOORE
The woman behind that accusation, Fay Gary, has openly declared that Moore is a Bigot and a Racist! But it turns out that she was repeating her own 'feelings' and not facts!
It appears the MAINSTREAM MEDIA completely glossed over the fact that Moore was the Prosecutor who sent Faye Gary's criminal brother to jail 35 years ago!
The News Media failed to vet Gary with numerous articles and the MSNBC interview not mentioning that Moore was the Prosecutor in a 1982 high profile case that sent her brother, Jimmy Wright to prison on charges of "Possession of a Controlled substance".
Speaking in a Breitbart News interview on Wednesday, Gary falsely claimed that "Moore wanted to keep segregation in the South!" stated Aaron Klein who personal talked to Faye Gary. She then claimed that Moore, "Hates Jews! He hates Blacks! He hates Muslims! He hates Gays!" continues the Breitbart Journalist.
Where is the evidence this is true?? There ISN'T ANY!! When questioned about this, She admitted it was her own "personal feeling"!
What a mighty Air-tight case that is; A woman who's criminal brother who was put in prison by Roy Moore says the former Judge is a Racist and a Bigot simply because that's her feeling!!
And the same woman's claim that she was told to keep Moore away from Cheerleaders almost 4 decades ago? She admits it's all completely based on a rumor and not even one that involved anything illegal!
On being asked as to who gave the instructions to stop Moore from being around the Cheerleaders,, Gary said they got this mostly from the rumors which spread around the City!", reported the INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES.
The MAINSTREAM MEDIA is running with "Feelings and Rumors"
Not a single one of these allegations would hold up in Court! And every new accusation seems even more far fetched than the last!
No one can say with certainty if these accusations against Moore are true or not. What IS increasingly clear is that hearsay has replaced facts. and that should alarm anybody who values TRUTH and clarity over one-sided Witch hunts.
This Blogger's question to his Readers is; Would you rather have Judge Moore or another Progressive who helped screw up this Country for 8 Obama years of shadowed Tyranny?
Just sayin'!
Saturday, December 2, 2017
In conversation with my friends concerning the state of affairs and direction a certain faction of disrupting Anti-Constitutionalists are attempting to take this Country these days, I was completely taken aback by one of the participants in the Conversation concerning the amount of planning and execution in the methodical way the Rioters and American flag burners were terrorizing the Nation as a whole, right now!!
You would think by now, that anyone with an ounce of common sense would not atone the vicious way they are going about destroying our freedom-loving way of life that we have come to love our Country by following! Particularly tracing back in history to the times we as a defending Nation, took up arms against the various Aggressors in the past that would have otherwise thwarted the lesser countries from enjoying the TRUE Democracy they were wishing to follow in our footsteps.
Most of those defensive actions we took and lives we lost on their behalf, were fruitful to a positive degree! Examples of the Dictatorial Aggressors of the past wars were the British Empire of the early 1700's and rejected by our War of Independence, then Germany, the Spanish War, Germany again, Japan, defense of South Korea and Vietnam! Lets not forget China in their unified Aggression alongside North Korea against South Korea, either!
A lot of them went on to be Democratic Nations to this day!
Now having been born at night but not LAST night, I have come to recognize the behavior of how people behave when attacking or defending an issue, whether it be Sports or Politics or any other form of competition between human beings. We all have our self-serving desires as to how the outcome of the discussion ends the way we would like it to.
But sadly enough, Brainwashing is alive and well today for some of the dedicated Sheeple taken in by today's Global "Above-God" Aggressors!
In today's friendly group discussion, I brought up the pandemonium being caused by the past eight years of Barack Obama's behavior just to be told; "YES! But it has all been brought on by that Donald Trump! He divided this Country into what it is!! Now look at the mess he's caused!"
In shock from that remark, it re-awoke the realization in me that it's going to be impossible to ever fix STUPID!! So on to my following point; The original Dictatorial Aggressors in every case in the past were always so completely radicalized and their followers brainwashed in their intent to DIVIDE AND CONQUER, there had to be total manifestation and bloodshed to defeat the stubborn efforts of the Aggressors by the common-sense People before they would surrender!
I don't believe it's going to be any different now, except on a much larger scale; There is a group of International Billionaires in the World today who have an 'Above God' Atheistic view of how they believe the "GLOBAL" World should be run and they like many other Dictatorial Conquerors past and present, will use every successful tool used in the past or present, in defeating their Foe! US!
I believe that just as in the past, the time for us has come, to soundly defeat that notion now, before they spread any more bloodshed and destruction and bring total manifestation to our Sacred Freedom as a result. BETTER THEY GO THAN US!!
There can be no more compromising our Freedom to the point we don't have it anymore!!
It's apparent it has come to that and now it's time to act on it! Just as the North Koreans are a nightmare to us on the outside,These Atheists are the Enemy within!! Just sayin'!
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